CHAPTER 3: The Unfortunate Accident

It was happening so fast. I could hear faint sirens and people shouting as I tried to open my eyes. Everything in my body hurts, especially my head. I tried to move my body but I couldn't. The airbag is restricting my movements.

"Help us…please.." I faintly asked for help as my vision and hearing started to blurry out. Before I could even talk again, everything went black.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a strange place, uninjured and strangely fine.

'Wait, am I dead?'

Is this how I'm gonna die? In a car crash? If I knew this was gonna happen, I should have waited for my driver instead of going with Draco…

'Wait if I'm dead, is this the afterlife?'

I looked around to what looked like an entrance to an old medieval castle. The whole area around the castle is surrounded by a thick forest. I decided to go inside the fortress, the doors are open anyway. It is also midnight and if I'm gonna be here longer, then I'd rather spend the night in what looked like an isolated place than in the dense forest.

As I went inside, I was astonished by its interior. The insides looked well maintained, the curtain wall and decorations were appropriately placed. The candles on the tables were lit as well as their two-tier candle chandelier. This place is amazing. It's like I traveled back in time. Now thinking about it, why am I the only one here?

Don't tell me I'm the only one who died. After having my heart break earlier then I suddenly died in an accident? What kind of shitty life is this supposed to be?

After I wandered around the entrance, I then walked up to the stairs leading to the long hallway. The hallway has big arch top windows while on the opposite side, it has big potted plants next to the old wooden doors of the rooms .

The moon's brightness shines through the window to the stone tiled floor. As I strode further, I noticed a white long-haired man wearing a white robe and flat. Looking outside by the window, he looks like a handsome male lead straight out of a novel as the light hits his face. But looking closely, his ethereal beauty is showing some sadness as he is spacing out. Even with that, I'm still mesmerized by his beauty. Without thinking, I walked toward him. Noticing my presence he looked at me with a questioning look on his face with brows furrowed.

"How did you get here?"

"Who are you?" I asked back

"I believe I asked first" he said as he gave me a warm smile

I hesitated for a moment. "I don't know, I just got here. Isn't this the afterlife?"

After I said that, he then put his right hand on his chin as if thinking as he stared at me. He stepped in closer and leaned in to, examining my face. I looked at him weirdly. Is there something wrong with my face?

"W-what?" I stuttered as I slowly took a step back, perplexed by his actions.

"I see" he then stopped as he straightened up after checking me out.

"Now can you answer my question?" I asked again.

"I can't tell you"

"Then can you at least tell me where I am?"

"No, but I know you shouldn't be here," he responded. Can he stop being mysterious? I'm a dead man anyway, it's not like I'm gonna tell anybody.

"You should go"

"Excuse me?" Then a pang of pain suddenly hit my head. I Instantly leaned at the wall as my vision started to fade.

"What's... happening to me?" I faintly muttered. I planted my hand on the ground and wall to stop myself from fainting.

"Don't worry. You're gonna be fine" he said as he stared down at me.


As I opened my eyes, a white ceiling greeted my sight. My vision was still blurry so I closed my eyes a couple of times.

'Where am I?'

So it's all a dream? That scared me, I thought that I was definitely dead. But that was a weird dream though.

'Wait, what was it again?'

I started recalling who that guy was in my dream. All I can remember is the place, his white long hair and what he's wearing but I can't remember his face anymore. What are we talking about earlier? My head started to hurt as I tried to remember those events. I decided not to dig down further, it's just a dumb dream anyway.

When I turned my head to the left, a nurse walked in through the door. As soon as she saw me awake, her eyes widened

"Oh! You're finally awake!"

She immediately went back out. I can hear her calling a doctor and after that there are some noises outside. A few seconds later, a couple of doctors went into the room. Good thing this room is very spacious. I'm clearly in a VIP room. I can hear them talking and asking me questions, then they do an examination to check my vitals.

'Am I in the hospital?' I asked after they calmed down. The old doctor wearing glasses beside me responds. He must be the head doctor.

"Yes you are, do you remember what happened to you?"

"My memory is still hazy but I know I got into a car accident" I responded as I put my hand in my head.

Wait...why is my hand so big and rough looking? Baffled, I checked my other hand.

'Huh? That's weird' I thought.

My chest also feels weirdly light, so I grabbed my left chest.

"What the hell" My bosoms are gone!?

"Excuse me?" the same doctor asked

I then looked at the same nurse earlier and asked "Nurse, Can you give me a mirror?''

"Of course" she went to the nightstand and opened the top drawer. I slowly dragged myself up to sit properly. After she grabbed the hand mirror and handed it to me. I looked myself at the mirror. When I saw my face I was utterly dumbfounded.

'Holy shit!'

"Draco Pierce!?"

Why am I in the body of Draco!?