CHAPTER 4: I'm Draco?

My big hands are trembling at the sight of the person's face reflecting on the mirror.

It can't be... This is impossible!

Still holding the mirror, I pinched my cheek hoping it to be just another dumb dream but the pain is proving it otherwise.

'No no no, this can't be happening' I thought as I dropped the hand mirror.

I cupped the area where I pinched my cheek, it's still throbbing from pain. So it's real? I'm inside of Draco's body. How can this happen? I grasped my hair, still not believing this situation. What will happen to my body? If I'm here, does it mean Draco's in my body!?

"Mr. Pierce, are you okay? Is your head in pain?" Another male doctor asked as they noticed my sudden action.

Okay Emma, let's calm down and be rational. Being paranoid will only make me look like a crazy person in front of these people. I released my hands from my hair and composed myself showing them an innocent smile.

"No, I'm fine" I calmly informed them even though I'm panicking inside.

This happened after the accident so it must be related to that incident. First of all, I have to know where my body is and its current condition.

"Ahem.. so how's Drac- I mean my company in the car?"

"She is still unconscious. Thankfully the impact is not that strong; your car's airbag practically saved both of your lives from sustaining serious injuries. For now, she seems to be in a stable condition."

Thank God. I thought something bad happened to him...I meant my body. Why would I be worried about him? I already planned to break off our engagement with him. Regardless, that is not important at the moment. For now, I have to find an answer to this body switch thing.


The doctors informed me that I have to stay until tomorrow to make sure that there won't be any complications. For now, I can only stay in my room and watch tv. It would be nice if my phone is here. Thankfully, Draco's bag is here. I got off of the hospital bed and wore my slippers. I still can't adapt to being in this body, it feels odd, especially the thing in between my legs.

'God Emma! Have some patience' I said feeling embarrassed by my thoughts.

When I reached the white sectional sofa, I grabbed his worn-out bag and rummaged through his stuff. When I found his phone I immediately opened it. Thank God his phone didn't break from the accident. Still standing, I tried to access his phone but it required a password. I tried his birthday but it didn't work. I also tried his age and other important dates that might unlock his phone but nothing worked.

Half an hour later while sitting on the couch, I'm pressing the random numbers but still nothing. After I entered too many wrong passwords, the phone locked me out again for 5 mins. Getting frustrated by the never-ending cycle, I pressed the phone aggressively to release my annoyance. I was hoping to research this body-swapping situation but it seems like luck is not on my side. Still pressing hard on the phone's screen, all of the sudden I heard a crack. My eyes widened as I stopped my finger mid air. It's coming from the phone.

'It broke..'

Suddenly, someone then knocked on the door. I instantly shoved the broken phone back to Draco's bag. A brown-haired man walked in showing a big smile after he saw me.

"Hey man, I'm glad you're awake"

`It's just Asher Stoll Grayson' I thought

Grayson is Draco's closest friend. Even though Draco dislikes his carefree and cheerful personality, Grayson keeps on annoying and sticking to Draco because according to him, he finds Draco to be 'amusing'. Unlike others, he can tolerate Draco's personality.

"Good thing you're not seriously injured. I was really worried when I heard your name on the news" he said as he sat on the opposite side of the couch while crossing his legs.

"How long was I out?" I asked him. I was overwhelmed earlier to ask the doctors

"It has been four days. Anyway, I also passed by Emma's room earlier, there are guards outside her room. They won't let anyone enter unless it is her parents"

Wait, what? Then how am I supposed to check my body if it's okay? I didn't respond, instead, I frowned as I stared into the ground thinking.

"You know, the crazy bastard who crashed on your car was arrested. They said the cause of the accident was drunk driving. Seriously how reckless could humans be." he said, trying to change the topic. Is he thinking that Draco's feeling guilty because of the accident?

"I just want to get out of here Asher," I sighed. I curled my left hand into a fist and rested my chin on it. I closed my eyes while thinking of possible solutions. As I was in my own world, I didn't notice Asher's deep staring.

"There's something off about you" He suddenly said copying my action as if also thinking.

"W-what are you talking about" Shit, I'm too careless. Did I just get discovered?

"It's like you've become calmer and less aggressive than you usually are" he added giving me a suspicious look

Trying to come up with an excuse. I crossed my arms and leaned back, "Stop spouting nonsense Grayson" I said sternly.

After I said that, he stopped for a second and laughed as if I was telling him a joke.

'Did it work?'

"Now that's more like you, for a moment I thought you hit your head hard on the accident" he commented after laughing.

He then checked his watch, "Anyway, I have to go. Visiting is almost over" he got up from his seat and headed toward the door.

"Get well soon" he added as he smiled before he completely closed the door.

"Ahh being Draco is freaking hard.." I said as I slowly slid down the couch. How long will I be able to pull through this?