CHAPTER 6: The Unexpected Eavesdropper

He looked at me with a baffled look on his face.

"You can't be serious" he reacted while eying me from my head to my toes. I decided to approach him which made him shift in wary.

I sat on his bed, "Look, I know this all sounds crazy right now. I was bewildered too; when I woke up I was in your body and right now you're in mine" I said while giving exaggerated hand gestures. God, is it that hard to comprehend? I mean come on, his body is right in front of him.

After I explained to him, he then looked at his hands —which were originally my hands. He then spaced out while checking himself. I scooched closer and placed both of my hands on his shoulder.

"Drakie you have to listen to me, this is not a dream. This is the real thing!" I then realized what I just said.

'Emma! Always remember, even though you're in this unusual situation right now you decided to break up and cut ties with him. So enough with the cute nickname'

"What the he-"

"Miss Emma! I'm glad that you're finally conscious" he was interrupted as suddenly a group of doctors opened the door and walked in. This is a familiar scene. Out of nowhere, someone grabbed my arm once again

"Mr. Pierce, you should go back to your room ward" It was the other older bodyguard, he looked at me sharply. He only gripped my arms tightly as I tried to pull away.

"Fine," I said in defeat. I can't talk to him properly anyway, there are too many people here.

As the guy dragged me away, I looked back to Draco once again, "Draco let's talk next time. How about after lunch tomorrow?" I saw the doctors look at me in confusion as I called him Draco. I should remember to avoid calling him by his real name especially if there are other people present around.

Before he could say anything, I was already pulled away from the room. The bodyguard then let go of me after he closed the door, the bald guy is also outside. After letting me go, he stood in front of the door and put his hands behind his back as he stared at me.

"Mr. Pierce, I know you are betrothed to Miss Emma but please refrain from sneaking into her room," he said in a polite but assertive manner.

"I understand. I apologize for the trouble" I replied in a calm and collected manner. I then took off the janitor's uniform including the hat and handed it to the bald guy.


I was supposed to be discharged today after the chaos yesterday. Thankfully, the hospital only warned me about my unsuccessful maneuver and only decided to keep an eye on me. They only took it lightly because everyone knows that Pierce's family and the Cromwell's are going to be a family in the future —well that was the plan.

But since I decided to break the engagement with Draco, I don't think they will take this lightly in the future. Anyway, my father owns this hospital so it's all good. After lunch, I decided to spend the rest of my time in the garden. There are also patients here who are taking a walk, nurses who are taking their breaks, and children admiring the fishes in a pond nearby. I took a vacant seat on a bench near the tree where there is a good shade from sunlight. When was the last time I ever came to a hospital? As I lean and throw my head back staring at the leaves above me, I notice someone's presence sitting beside me.

"I thought you're not gonna come," I said still gazing at the sky

"Your bodyguards are very persistent at their job" he sighed as he crossed his arm and he stared straight ahead.

I looked at him, seeing myself in front of me and not in a mirror still amaze me, "So what are we supposed to do now?"

"Isn't it obvious, you idiot? We have to find a way to solve this nonsense"

"Right, and how are we supposed to do that smartass?" I grumbled

He then looked at me, "The most logical way is to ask the experts"

"You mean the doctors?" I clarified. Is he mad? That's the last thing I wanna do

"If we tell them then they are only gonna think that we lost our minds because of the accident. I bet they would send us to a mental hospital as soon as we told them. Aren't you supposed to be smart?" I sneered, he then glared at me.

"Oh so I suppose you have a better idea since you are so clever"

I put my hand above my lips as I thought, "Hmm.."

"How about asking help from a psychic?" I suggested which made his face turn sour.

'Are you out of your fvcking mind? Those people are a con artist" he nagged

"You think I didn't know that? I heard that there was a person in downtown who is famous for his authentic readings"

"You really believed that? How is that any better than a doctor?" he scoffed as he looks away from me

"Okay how about this, we should go and see the psychic first and see if it's real. If it's not, then we can go with your suggestion." I persuaded as he looked back and stared right at me.

"You're only wasting our time" he rebutted again

"Do you think our parents would be happy if they heard about this? No! Switching bodies is unexplainable. Do you think doctors will be able to solve this immediately?" That's when his face soften, he then let out a big sigh as he

"Fine," he said frustratedly. I then gave out a satisfying smile.

"You.. switched bodies?"

Suddenly a familiar voice asked, we both froze and turned our heads to that person.
