CHAPTER 7: Finding the Psychic

A few feet ahead at Draco's side was where Rosette was standing while holding a bundle of flowers. She stared at us with a confused look on her face. Did she hear our conversation earlier?

She walked toward us, stopping in front of the bench. I nervously turned my head to Draco, eyes shaking. I looked at him intently but instead of helping me to explain, Draco crossed his arms and looked away from me.

'Aish this guy is no help! What am I supposed to say?'

I turned my head back at Rosette who had been staring at us the entire time, "What do you mean that you switched bodies?" she asked again

"Switch bodies?" I asked playing dumb while looking away from her. Her face turned

"No no, you misheard us! We were talking about an afternoon drama we just watched earlier" I explained as I waved my hands in denial

She then placed her hands on her hips, "Oh yeah? Then why are you talking about it here secretly?" she asked, raising a brow while tilting her head slightly.

"Secretly? Haha, we are just talking here" I laughed awkwardly, sweat dripping on my hands and temple.

Draco then sighed loudly beside me which made us look at him, "Just tell her already. She can obviously tell us apart" he blurted out.

'What is he saying!?'

I grabbed his sleeve and leaned into his ear. "Draco! We're supposed to keep this a secret"

"You are the one giving us away by awkwardly denying it. If you're gonna act like me, then at least do it better than that" he sneered, pulling his sleeve away.

Upon hearing this, I glared at him "Hey I can act like you! All I have to do is just be rude and curse at people then they won't suspect a thing" I mocked as his face turned at me

"You should be worrying about yourself. Knowing your personality, you will be the one that will give our secret away" he replied with his usually stern face

"Oh my God, you are both not kidding" Rosette then exclaimed as he sat next to me with widened eyes from disbelief.

"Is it because of the accident?" she questioningly added

"We think so too, I mean that's where it both started exchanging bodies"

"Right, so what's your plan," she asked with a concerned look on her face

I smiled at her reassuringly, "We have to go to find the famous psychic, maybe she can help us"

"Let's not waste our time. We should start looking for that psychic tomorrow" Draco said

I then heard Rosette mumble something but it's too low for me to hear. I turned my attention to her, she was looking down as she continued muttering something. I can't see her face as her short hair is covering her face.

"Rose, did you say something?"

Startled by my question, she then abruptly shot her head up "Ah no, It's just... still can't believe it, This is too unreal"

"Anyway. Both of you should work on your acting, especially Draco. Emma is pretty popular in school. You have to stop being rude or you'll ruin her image"

"Don't fvcking tell me what to do" he cursed with his usual grim expression

"That! You should stop doing that or my parents will pass out when they hear me curse" I scowled which made him roll his eyes upward.

"Tch" he stood up and walked away.

I guess he's going back to his room. Seriously, that guy is so rude. He didn't even say goodbye and just left. Looking at him made me think how did I even tolerate his behavior before? I sighted still looking at his figure

'Maybe it's because love is blind'


After two days, Draco and I were able to go back to school. We spent the time in the hospital using our connections to find that psychic. From what I know, that person is very private and doesn't just take any client so it was pretty hard locating him.

After talking things out to Draco about how we should act and talk to people when we are not around each other, we decided to always meet up after school to which we refer to our parents as a 'date' to investigate. I am currently in one of Draco's afternoon classes pretending as if I'm listening.

On the other hand, Draco is with Rosette who is in a different class.

Rosette's POV

"Hey. don't you think Emma is acting a little weird? Is it because of the accident?" One of our male classmates asked me while looking at Draco who is in Emma's body that is currently sitting on his seat with an unpleasant look on his face.

I sighed before answering, "Looks like it, I mean being in an accident is pretty traumatizing"

"Aww, poor Emma" He then commented giving a pitiful look at Draco.

'If he only knew that's not Emma"

"We should give her some time to cope up" I added then went and took a seat next to Draco

"Draco, didn't I advise you to work on your acting being Emma? That is the 8th time I have to explain to someone for your strange behavior"

"Why are they being fvcking nosey with Emma? Can't they mind their own goddamn business" Is that a hint of jealousness I can see?

"So damn annoying"

Naaah, knowing this person can't be that case.

"Please.. give me patience for this guy"


Emma's POV

After class, I immediately walked to the parking lot looking for my car as we were supposed to meet there. When I found my black car, I immediately opened the front passenger seat. Draco is immediately there, glancing at me as I step in.

"So how is it? Did you get into any trouble? Did anyone suspect anything?" I bombarded him with questions after I closed the door as I stared at him expectantly. I bet he had a hard time in school.

"Ugh, can you shut up? And no, nobody suspected anything" he groaned as he started to revive the car with an annoyed look on his face.

My expression turned from anticipation to disappointment because of his response, "Wait really?" I asked

"Thank that friend of yours. She is mostly the one talking to other people for me" he replied with a blank expression on his face while steering the wheels.

"I knew it! Anyway, I already tracked and communicated with the psychic's assistant. He said we could meet him at this address" I informed him as I showed him my phone.

After looking at my phone, he stepped on the pedal driving a bit faster. I turned and stared at the beautiful sunset as the birds were flying across the orange sky.

Looking at the scenery outside made me wonder, what kind of person is this psychic? Well there's only one way to find out