Chapter 20 - Second Test Part 1

Anko is an average-sized, young woman who was of slender frame. She has light brown, pupil-less eyes. Her violet hair is styled in a short, spiky, fanned-out ponytail, She usually wears a custom-made outfit that is crafted of thin metal mesh to fit the lines of her body, that covers her from neck to thigh. Over this, she typically wears a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each side, a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin guards. In addition to the typical forehead protector, she also wears a small pendant that looks like a snake fang and a wristwatch.

After her entrance she put her fist in the air and yell "Follow me" but is met with silence, and from behind the cloth Ibiki says "Bad timing" where she counter "81? Ibiki you left 27 team!?, the test was too easy this time" and as Ibiki was explaining she continues "Bah, that is fine, I'll at least cut them in half in the second test, I'll explain everything once we change place, follow me!"

So Ren and the rest followed Anko in silence outside the academy and into the training grounds area, until they stops in front of a forest with giant trees surrounded by hight metal fences, Anko turn to the examined and says "Welcome to the stage of the second test, the training ground #44 also know as 'The Forest of Death'!"

And with a grin continues "You'll soon find out why is called forest of death" and before she could explain she is interrupted by Naruto saying that he wasn't scared.

With a smile Anko " are spirited" and then she throws a kunai near Naruto face leaving a cut and soon after appears behind him saying while licking the blood on his face "Kids like you are quickly killed, spreading that red blood that i love..." then she takes out another kunai and point it at another guy who appeared behind her with the kunai she threw before pointed before Anko's face with its long tongue.

While Anko and long tongued guy had a "friendly" exchange Ren thought 'Really Anko licking his blood ... do people in this world do not care about possible disease ... and why the hell can't she notice that the Kusagakure(Grass Village) is her ex-sensei Orochimaru...come on how many guys do you know with a tongue so long that he can lick his own ass'

Then like nothing happened Anko says "Now before we start the second test, there is something that I have to give you, it is an agreement forms, there will be death in this test and if you do not sign it will be my responsibility hehe, I'm going to explain the second test then you can sign it afterwards and then each team will check in at that booth behind me"

And starts "Now I'll explain the second test, simply put you will attend the ultimate survival" and Ren thought 'Yeah "Ultimate" with Pedo-Sennin and a sleep deprived Jinchuriki on a killing spree even a Kage will have to get serious to survive' meanwhile Anko shows a map and continues "First I'll explain the area in which it will take place, around training ground #44 are 44 locked gates, forest, river and a tower in the center, from the gates to the towers is about 10km."

Then putting out the map and taking 2 scrolls one white the other black "During the survival in here, you will be asked to complete certain task, using your many weapon and jutsu you will compete in a no rules scrolls battle, yes you will fight over these two scrolls the "Heaven" and "Earth" scrolls"

Then Anko takes out some sticks "Once inside the booth as for the other one half will get an earth scroll and the other the heaven ones, to pass this test a team must make it to the tower with both scroll, now as there are 81 people here meaning 27 teams one "lucky" team will get both scrolls and all he has to do is survive and reach the tower alive that team will be randomly chosen"

And with both hand in her pockets finishes "There is a time limit this test will last 120 hours, 5 days where you will have to find your own food, defend yourself from, enemies, man-eating beast and poisonous plant and insect and as the days pass you will sleep less as the nearer you are to the tower the nearer you are to your enemies"

And as if remembering something "Oh and now about what will disqualify you, first, those that do not make it to the towers with both scroll within the time limit, second, those who lose a teammate or those who have a teammate killed, third, there is no quitting in the middle you will stay in the forest for all 5 days and last rule you will not open the scrolls until you reach the tower, and a last word of advice, do not die!"

While the various team start going to the booth to take their scroll Jiro turn to Ren and ask "So what will be our plan?" Ren thought about it for a few moment and says "it depend on our luck but in general if we got only one scrolls I will go forward and scout for an opposite team and then we came out with a plan to take them out and after we got both scroll we will evade the other team but will go after my sister one if that is okay with you as I'm worried for her".

Jiro and Taro look at each other and nod then said at the same time "No problem" then suddenly remembering something he said "Now another important thing for when we separate ourself is a code word for making sure that we are not an impostor....let's see got it do you remember the names that I gave to other people...let use that as a code as soon as we meet one say the real names and the other respond with my changed ones what do you think?" hearing that both says that is ok.

After that they went into the booth, unluckily took their earth scroll and went in the direction of the gate #36 and waited for the signal to start and after a while entered into the Forest of Death.