Chapter 21 - Second Test Part 2

After a while of walking in the forest, Ren and his team were soon ambushed by a pack of wolf as big as a human begin, but Taro was able to scare them by using Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu(Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique), after thinking about it then Ren said "You know what Taro? I think its time that you learn another jutsu you can't be a one trick pony at least not if you want to become stronger"

But Taro counter "Look who's talking you can only cut with your sword..." but Ren interrupt "And cooking, scouting enemies and traps and also communicate with allies with my summon, and let's not talk about the fact that I'm so handsome that make the team look better just with my presence" but Ren's comment is met with the twins dead stare 'What the hell... are you related to Yamato'

So Ren decide to change subject "You know,this seem like a safe place, I'll go scouting you guys hunt some games so we'll talk about what I found while having lunch" and so he jumped on a tree and then went in a random direction.

After he put a good distance from his teammates Ren used his spiritual sense to check if he was really alone, then he takes from his pocket a bag of black powder 'It's is a pain to go search all the forest they say when in doubt.....cheat'

So while chanting in low voice Ren start drawing a circle, with the appropriate symbols set apart in four quadrants upon the ground, using the black powder, then says "Bakudō #58. Kakushitsuijaku (Footprint-Attentive Pursuing-Sparrows)" placing his palms down under the circle to activate the spell, the circle glows with a blue light as the symbols within the circle are animated, causing various numbers to appear within until the specific set is found. The number set correlates to longitude and latitude.

Kakushitsuijaku heightens the user's senses and awareness to seize a target, it is the ultimate hunting kido of course it his not unlimited after all relies on the senses of the user but the stronger the user the stronger the effect and in Ren's case he can track everything in the forest with this spell.

While looking at the glowing circle 'Let's see...the nearest heaven scrolls is from a Sunagakure team that came from gate #35, that spy Kabuto is also relative near as he got gate #38 but as right now we are on the "same side" it shouldn't be a problem after all only I know he is a spy and will try to be casual maybe even thank him for "helping" Sakura and her team before the first test....Gaara already killed the team from Amegakure and is going in the tower direction hoping to kill more...and Pedomaru is already stalking Emo-boy so I do not have much time before Sakura is attacked by the 3 from Oto...gotta hurry'

Ren then deactivate the kido and destroy the circle and went back to his teammates, who were already cooking a giant lizard, as soon as the saw Ren they put up their guard and say at the same time "Sasuke?" and Ren replies "Emo-boy" and so Taro and Jiro lowers their guard and Jiro ask "Did you find anything?"

And so while eating Ren report on his finding about Sunagakure team that has the heaven scroll and the nearby teams then they decided on a plan and soon went after the Suna team.

After an hour of insect, beast and plants attack Ren and his team was finally able to find the Suna team so they hide and looks at them then Ren says in a low voice "It seem that this team I made up of a puppeteer, a poison/wind user, and a sword user, but be careful of not begin hit as Suna is famous for it poison it wont be strange if all of them have some poison on them" then turn to Jiro "Jiro you are on support but use more Futon then shuriken as we do not know if they have a colorless gas poison" then to Taro "And you Taro as soon as i kill the puppet user, throw a Katon to the other two and make them separate, then with Jiro gang up on one of them" then ask "Are you ready" and receiving a nod from both they wait for the perfect moment to strike.

The time soon comes and as soon as they were distracted by the jumping leaches Ren used shunpo and flashed behind the puppeteer user and soon pierce his heart with Senbonzakura after making sure the he really killed the puppeteer and not hit the puppet by mistake Ren retreated with another shunpo and just in time as a stream of fire was about to hit.

Unfortunately Taro jutsu do not hit anyone but was able to divide the remaining Suna genin and soon from the corpse of the puppeteer a violet gas starts spreading but Jiro, as fast as possible make the ram hand sign a says "Fūton: Toppa(Wind Release: Breakthrough)", after gathering chakra in his stomach, Jiro expels it as a gust of wind. This technique is powerful enough to blow away the gas in the immediate vicinity.

After that Jiro throw a dozen of shurikens at the sword user that while defending himself he does not notice Taro behind him "Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu(Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)", and Taro spits a stream of fire at close distance, too close and the sword user was hit full force and soon stars rolling on the ground screaming for a few seconds and then stop, dead.

Meanwhile Ren shunpoed behind the reaming Suna genin while he was distracted by his teammates scream and with a clean slash cut his head off.

After sheathing Senbonzakura, before Taro could say anything Ren points at him and yell "Do not dare to say that this was easy, that is a really bad flag, when someone say that shit always happen", but then Jiro say "But that was easy...." 'Et tu Jiro, I thought that you were the calm and collected one' thought Ren.

As soon as Jiro finished speaking a small Senkaimon open and a Jigokucho come out with a scroll that say "Ren come please, we were attacked by some guy named Orochimaru and both Naruto and Sasuke are knocked out.....",Ren then closes the scroll in hurry take the heaven one from the corpse of the headless one then told to the twins "I told you so, now hurry and follow me Sakura is in danger" then Ren and the twins went in the direction of the coordinates Sakura left on the scroll.