Chapter 23 - Second Test Part 4

It was almost night and Ren and his team were still rushing to Sakura's position while still trying to evade the various hazard of the forest and enemy ninja 'Shit we are still so far away, I won't make it in time' thought Ren, then he checked on Taro and Jiro 'And if we continue at this pace they won't be able to keep up, the battle before and this run took too much chakra from them'

So Ren decide to search for a place to hide and rest, and with his spiritual sense soon finds a hole big enough to rest and hide in one of the huge tree, so with a hand sign he tell his team to move in that direction and to be carefull.

Soon they find the hole, hide inside, and to be sure covers the hole with leaves and vines to conceal it, once inside Jiro finally ask in low voice "So what has happened to Sakura that you are in such a rush?".

Ren replies "Sakura and her team were attacked by someone outside of the test... but while I'm worried, I know that Sakura it isn't in real danger, that is because of who attacked them, as his name is Orochimaru and if he is the one i think it is then he was just playing with them".

Then while Jiro is shocked, Taro ask "Who is this Orochimaru guy?" then is Jiro who says "Come on brother! Does it hurt you to read a book once in a while? Or even just checking the bingo book to know about the most dangerous ninja in case you meet one? Anyway Orochimaru is an S-Rank missing-nin from our village, what the hell is he doing here? And why attack a genin team?"

It is Ren who answer "About what he is doing here I have no idea but for sure it is nothing good, maybe to be on the safe side as soon as you can you can warn your friend and families that a dangerous enemy of the village was seen near and so during this period they have to be ready to go to the refuges at any times, as to why attack Sakura's team I can only think that is all Emo-boy fault"

And the twins ask at the same time "Why it is his fault?" and he replies by saying "Think about it Naruto is an orphan, Sakura is a child from a civilian ninja family, And Sasuke is the "last" living Uchiha with the cheat knows as Sharingan, so he is the only reason I can think of, after all as soon as he knocked out Sasuke and Naruto who i'm sure he recklessly rushed at him he left Sakura alone".

After that they kept exchanging ideas but then Ren decide to go out and find something to eat then tell the twins to keep resting and recover chakra.

Once outside the hole Ren distance himself then looks around and use Bakudō #26. Kyokkō (Bent Light) to hide himself and his chakra signature 'Better be on the safe side as there is a pedo-snake around and I do not like the chance that he takes a liking of my handsome body and want to use it as a spare replacement'

And so hidden Ren starts hunting for something that they can eat without the use of fire as that is a good way to die in a forest full of enemy searching for you.

While picking some fruit Ren finds something he totally forgot about, technology, what he found was a hidden camera that was for sure used by the examiners to check on the test.

'I still do not understand some things about this world and I'm living in it for almost 13 years, why the hell there is radio, television, fridge, ovens, and most important electricity but some house are still made of wood and other are lit with candles, shit even the Hokage office is candle-lit sometimes I forget that technology even exist in this world'

And after reminding himself to always check for technological surveillance from now on, he pick up the last fruits on the tree and put all in a sealing scroll then he went back in the direction of his hideout.

But on the way back he is met with the last scene he wanted to see.

On a huge tree branch he can see the figure of two people one was a woman with violet hair and a tan over coat and has one hand pinned together with the other person hand by a kunai,she is Anko, the other one made Ren so scared that he almost lost control of his kido and revealed himself.

The other was a man he has a half melted face mask but the other half reveled a very pale skin, golden eyes with slitted pupils, purple markings around his eyes and fang-like teeth, straight waist-length black hair with some locks covering and framing his face or to his shoulders.

He wears plain grey garbs with a black polo and pants underneath, a thick purple rope belt tied in a large knot behind his back, blue tomoe-shaped earrings, and shinobi sandals with bandages around his calve, he is no other than the Pedo-Sennin Orochimaru.

As Anko was about to use a jutsu, the pinned Orochimaru become a puff of smoke and the real one appear behind Anko on another branch and he ripped the face mask reveling his full face and says "We haven't seen each other for so long, yet you are so cold Anko".

Then Anko ask if he came here to assassinate the hokage, but Orochimaru replies that he is here to recruit some outstanding kid and then he talk about how he left a cursed seal on Sasuke on how he is a talented and beautiful kid,the "perfect vessel" to be his successor, while activating the one on Anko giving her pain and almost making her lose conscience.

Then he finished by saying that they should not stop the test and that if they do so he will attack then he left leaving a weakened Anko.

Ren keep staying still for a while then he check and made sure he really left, after that he went back to his hideout were he found his teammate sleeping so he keeps his guard up and at midnight he wake Jiro to take his place and he to rest.

And the next morning they kept going until when the sun was at his highest he receives another message from Sakura that says that the danger passed and that they should met directly in front of the tower, so Ren and his team changed direction and went toward the test destination while still keeping up their guard.