Chapter 25 - Second Test End(Edited)

While Ren and his team was moving in the direction of the central tower they still met with various attack from the lifeforms of the forest but they were solved easily.

As they were jumping from branch to branch Ren asks "Guys just for curiosity but how well is your chakra nature training going?" and the first to replies is Taro who answer "I think it is pretty good I'm almost able to burn the whole leaf" and the other twin continue "I'm the same, almost cut the leaf in half"

"So we got still 3 days till the end of the test what do you think if we find some place and train for the rest of the afternoon, then we keep moving in the direction of the tower"

And so Ren and his team finds a somewhat hidden place and starts practicing, the twins kept on doing chakra nature training with the leaf while Ren was doing some Zanjutsu and Hakuda exercise.

While Ren was training in Hakuda 'Should I try develop Shunko? it should have an effect similar to the Raikage lighting armor but the only problem is that Senbonzakura can't teach me that, so I have to start from the beginning and fumble around with it...if i remember well Shunko is the highest form of Hakuda technique, it is an ultra-powerful technique in which one drives Kido spell into one's arms and legs, the Kido itself can be controlled and fired at opponents from the body'.

Then Ren looks at the sky, and says to the twins "Guys I think it's enough for today let's find a place to rest and early tomorrow we'll move again towards the tower" and so they stopped training and went to sleep while they took turns to stay at lookout.

The next day on the journey to the tower Ren's team met a really big obstacle 'What the fuck is this thing doing here?' in front of them is a monster 8 meter tall with turquoise colored fur and ursine body structure.

It has a ridge of erect hair aligned with its nose. Its back is made of a tough hide, somewhat characteristic of a carapace. Hair runs from its cheeks, connecting to its back, where it forms a trim along the sides of the back.

The claws have elongated, red nails. Each claw has a tough brace encasing and protecting the wrist and forearm, and has large, bulky legs connected to much smaller feet and a short, wide tail, it is similar to the Arzuros of the Monster Hunter franchise.

As soon as it saw Ren's team it starts to slash at them with his big claws, Ren and the twins separate themself and surround the beast in a triangle formation.

As he gets away Jiro throws a dozen of shurinkens at the beast but those bounce off the bear-like monster tough hide and are totally ineffective so he tries to use the Fūton: Toppa(Wind Release: Breakthrough) but the expelled gust of wind was only able to move its furs,

On the other side Taro finished doing the hand seal and used the Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu(Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique) and while the stream of fire was able to hurt it and make it step back the damage was not so high to kill it or at least scare it away, no it seem that only made it angrier and started moving even faster.

Meanwhile Ren seeing the result of the twin's attacks decide to use one the Zanjutsu technique he just mastered, he takes the still sheathed Senbonzakura and with great strength make a thrust, aiming where he thinks the bear-like monster heart is while yelling "Onibi(Oni Fire)".

The result is instantaneous as a large, gaping, cylindrical hole is created in the targeted area, making he bear stumble for a few second before falling dead on the ground.

The twins then look at Ren with wide open eyes and mouth, then Taro is the first to recover and ask "Ren, what the hell was that!? I thought that you could not use ninjutsu..." and Ren explains "That was not ninjutsu, but is a pure kenjutsu techniques it is called Onibi where the practitioner performs a powerful thrust with a blunt weapon, creating a large hole in a target, it is good when you do not have the time to draw your sword".

As they were chatting Ren hear some noise from the bushes near the bear corpse, so Ren signaled to his team to keep their guards up, but soon out of the bushes come out a wounded girl she has crimson eyes, fair skin, and red hair, she wears brown narrow glasses, a mesh shirt and stockings, a purple skirt, a light brown short sleeved jacket with an orange stripe going across the chest, and black sandals, she also had the Kusagakure forehead protector on her forehead.

Ren soon check with his for other people nearby, but finds none so he take another look at the scare girl finding her looks familiar 'Where I have seen her before?red eyes, red hair, glasses...bite marks on the arms?.....for the love of Kaguya she is Kairin, why the hell she is here?', soon after Kairin faint and Jiro ask "What do we do with her?" and Taro suggest "Let's just leave her here" then both look at Ren and after thinking for a while he says "There is no need to hurt her, she is alone maybe her teammate were killed by that bear, that also means she is disqualified, but I do not well good at leaving her like that, so we'll give her some first-aid and some spare food and hide her in some hollow tree then we go"

And after they took care of Kairin, they went on with their journey and when it came the afternoon, they again started training then after two hours they decided that it was time to end this test and rushed to the now closer tower.

It was almost night hen they finally reached the tower, while Taro and Jiro had some bruise and cuts that were already bandaged and healing, Ren was only a little dirty but uninjured, without waiting any longer they went inside the tower and what greeted their sight was an empty room with only message pinned on the wall that says "If lacking Heaven, seek wisdom. Be prepared.If lacking Earth, run in the fields. Seek advantages.With both Heaven and Earth, danger become safety.These are the principles that guide a *****."

Seeing the message Taro asks "What does that mean?and what about the missing word?" and Ren replies "It is just what the Hokage want from his chunin I think it can be paraphrased in, if you lack knowledge, seek it and if you lack a strong body , train it, that with a strong body and mind every mission will be easier." and Jiro continue "And about the missing world maybe it is in the scrolls".

And so they open the scrolls where from it was summoned a random chunin examiners that explained the meaning the phrase on the wall and told that the missing word was "human" then he escorted Ren's team in one of the waiting room where they could rest and wait to the test to end and also told them that they will be called, at the end of the test, in the main room of the tower where the Hokage and the jonin sensei of the remaining team will explain the meaning of the chunin exam and then the third test.