Chapter 31 - Preliminary Part 6

Soon Hinata and Neji face each other, and seeing her Neji says in a calm tone "I never thought I'd be facing you, Hinata-sama" and the only things that Hinata replies is "Neji-niisan"

Neji has fair skin and long dark brown hair, he has featureless white eyes, Neji wear a beige-coloured shirt, a dull blue shirt beneath that, and mesh armour beneath that, he wear dark brown shorts, blue shinobi sandals, and wrapped bandages around his right arm, chest, and right leg.

He tied his hair back in a loose ponytail tied a few inches above the end,and he wear a black forehead protector, under which was a smaller headband with two straps that frame the sides of his face.

At the referee signal the fight start, but before taking a fighting pose Neji says "Before we begin the fight, I'd like to say something, Hinata-sama, you don't make a good ninja forfeit now!"

And then he explain "You are too kind, you wish for harmony and avoid conflict, you agree with others, never resisting, and you have no confidence in yourself, I always feel your sense of inferiority, that's why I thought it would be best for you to remain a genin"

And keep going "But the chunin exam can only be taken as a team of 3, you couldn't turn down your teammates request and unwillingly entered this reality am I wrong?"

And Hinata stutter "N...No...I...I just wanted to it....myself" and Neji keep going "Hinata-sama as I thought you are a spoiled brat of the main house, people cannot change themselves"

'For the tits of Kaguya how much more he want to talk? Does he like the sound of his voice so much? I like him as a character but I forgot that before the Talkotomy he received from Naruto he would basically enunciate "The Divine Comedy" before, during and after a fight' thought an almost exasperated Ren.

Meanwhile Neji keep going on "Loser are loser,their personality and strength will not change, because people cannot change difference are born, expression like elite and loser are created, look, brain,ability,size,personality.. all people judge and are judged in these values, based on these unchangeable factor, people discriminate and are discriminated, and they suffer within their own means"

"Just like the fact that I am from a branch house and you are from the main house cannot be changed, I have seen through many thing with this Byakugan..." at that moment his speech is interrupted by a yell coming from the upper level "Pervert!!!".

Neji stop his speech and look up and what he saw was Ren that was covering with his body his sister and with his hands his lower parts.

Everyone was looking silently at Ren for a few seconds and feeling everyone eyes on him he explains "What? He just now said that he saw through many things, that mean he also saw through clothes..." Ino and Sakura realized the meaning of his word and start screaming and covering themself with their hands while the Hokage and few jonin of Konoha let out a sigh.

Neji gave a cold look at Ren then continue talking to Hinata like nothing happen, veins emerges around his eyes, a sign that he activated the Byakugan, and he keep explaining and pressuring Hinata about how people cannot change until an annoyed Naruto intervenes "You can!!! Stop deciding things about people! Idiot! Hinata stand up for yourself! this is hard to watch!"

Then Hinata pull herself together, activate the Byakugan and take the Jūken(Gentle Fist) fighting pose and says "Neji-niisan, we fight", Neji does the same and say "Fine"

And they finally start fighting, they rush at each other and starts exchanging fast moves it seem like Hinata is on the offensive as she keep attacking Neji while he only defend.

Hinata soon notice and opening and hit Neji in the stomach with an open palm but Neji was easily able to fend off the strike and when Hinata was about to strike him again, Neji counter and hit her in the chest with an open palm making her spit blood.

But Hinata doesn't give up and was about to strike Neji again but he defend and counter hitting her arm with his finger and showing her that while he was defending from her attack he was also hitting her tenketsu then throw her to the ground with a palm strike.

And again starts talking "Hinata-sama, this is the difference in talent that can never change, the difference that divide an elite from a loser, this is the reality that cannot be changed, forfeit"

But while getting up she say "I...don't...go back...on my word that is also my ninja way" then Hinata again spit some blood then Naruto cheer "You can do it Hinata!!"

And the fight start again with an exchange of open palm attack but soon Neji create an opening by pushing Hinata left arm to the right and hit her right in the jaw with an open palm and then again with a blow to the heart making Hinata spit blood and then fall into the ground.

Seeing the situation Genma says "Since counting is impossible I dec...." but was interrupted by Naruto "Don't stop it!" as he saw Hinata getting up and Neji again speak "Acting though is useless, you can barely stand, I can see that, from the time of your birth the responsibility of the Hyuga Main House has been forced upon you, you alway hated yourself for your weakness, but people cannot change, that is destiny, there is no need to suffer anymore let it go!"

At this dramatic moment Ren has a Vietnam flashback 'Let it go, Let it go ,can't hold it back anymore, Let it go, let it go, turn away and STOP....i passed it was another life and it can't follow you back here' and with a cold sweat he concentrate again on the action in the arena.

In the meantime Hinata replies "That's not true Neji-niisan because I can see it, it's not me at all the person lost and suffering within the destiny of main and branch house, it is you"

Hit in a sore spot an angry Neji decide to finish off Hinata but is soon stopped by Genma,Kakashi,Gai and Kurenai with Genma declaring "The match is over Neji-kun"

In the end Hinata spit blood for the last time and fall over then Naruto and Kurenai rush in to check on her and Neji say "Hey...the loser over there, I'd like to tell you 2 things, if you are a shinobi then cut out the pathetic cheering of others, and one more, in the end a loser is a loser they cannot change"