Chapter 32 - Preliminary Part 7

Hearing that Naruto was about to attack Neji but was stopped by Rock Lee that said "Naruto-kun I understand your feeling so much that it hurts, but the fighting should occur only in the matches, and whether a loser can defeat an elite through the power of hard work, that is something to look forward to in the main test, though his opponent might be me." in the end Naruto listen to Rock Lee and relent.

Meanwhile Hinata once again spit some blood and a worried Kurenai calls for the medic team while glaring at Neji where she is moved to the emergency medical room, then Naruto looks at the unconscious Hinata, moves his finger in Hinata's blood and then point his fist at Neji while saying "I'll beat you!!!"

Then while waiting for the next pairing Ren was looking at the remaining opponents 'There is still that Dosu guy and while he is one trick pony his trick is very versatile if I remember well is called Kyōmeisen(Resonating Echo Drill) where thanks to that gauntlet he can in some way generate and direct sound, then there is Rock Lee and with the first 3 gates he is as fast as my best Shunpo but that will still be a problem as Shunpo is only a burst of speed while his is constant, to defeat him I have to release Senbonzakura, Gaara he also is somewhat problematic, more for the fact that when I'll wound him, he'll go psycho mode and almost release Shukaku and then there is Choji who is the weakest he can only partially control the Baika no Jutsu(Multi-Size Technique) and can only do the Nikudan Sensha(Human Bullet Tank) both are easy to evade who will be my opponent'

And soon Scoreboard-kun showed the next pairing and one of them was already in the arena waiting, Gaara while Ren could hear Choji scream "ORYAAAAA....SAFE!!!".

Gaara vs. Rock Lee

Then when both stand in front of each other Genma says "Now 10th match, begin!"

So the fight started with Rock Lee on the offense as he kick Gaara with a Konoha Senpū(Leaf Whirlwind) but soon sands come out of Gaara's gourd and block Rock Lee's blow and then the sands then tries to catch Rock Lee from behind but is able to rapidly retreat.

Then he tries again to hit Gaara with punch and kick but the sand shield is able to defend all the attacks and soon the sands tries again to grab Rock Lee and he retreat on top of the arena statue.

Meanwhile Guy is explaining to Kakashi, Ren and Sakura why Rock Lee only use Taijutsu and then yell to him "Lee! Take them off".

Rock Lee hearing his sensei replies "But Guy-sensei, that's only for a time when I must protect many precious people isn't it?" and Guy with a thumb up and a smile that can power a solar panel "It's alright! I'll allow it!"

Then Rock Lee take off his legs weight a let them fall into the ground where with a loud noise their impact shatter the ground and rise a lot of dust.

Meanwhile with an incredible speed Rock Lee appear behind Gaara and punch him in the face, but the sands again is able to defend the blows even if barely this time and then Rock Lee keep hitting in various position until the sands can't keep up anymore and he is able to hit Gaara in the face with a jumping heel kick.

Then using his speed Rock Lee feint a blow on Gaara back and from the front before the sands can gather he punch Gaara right in the face, but he soon notice that he was only able to crack Gaara sand armor and he himself is unscathed.

Soon Gaara sand armor reform itself and Rock Lee decide to use the Omote Renge(Front Lotus) so he unwrap his bandage and delivers an upward kick to Gaara, sending him high into the air and follow after him but before warping Gaara, Rock Lee stops for a second feeling the strain of using this move again so soon but the next instant he is able to complete the move and send Gaara right into the ground.

But Rock Lee soon notice that it was only the sand armor without Gaara in the pit, and in the next instant Gaara rise from a mound of sand behind Lee and with a wave of sand hit him into the wall.

Now all the exhausted Rock Lee is able to do is to defend from the sand attack that Gaara is sending his way.

Meanwhile Ren was listening to Guy and Kakashi explaining to Sakura the Hachimon(Eight Gates) and how Guy should not have taught that technique to Rock Lee as it was too dangerous while thinking 'Yup no way I'd learn this jutsu while it is possible as it isn't a ninjutsu and I can heal the damage with Kaido it isn't in my true fighting that I think about it with Senbonzakura release my fighting style is similar to Gaara at least for now and without Kido only were he crush, I cut'

As Ren was lost in thought Rock Lee opened his second gate to re-energize himself and he is about to open the third one.

Rock Lee's skin turn red and the pupils disappear, his hair are standing on end, and bulging veins appear all over his body, then he open the fourth gate and his nose starts bleeding then with an almost untraceable speed he rushes to Gaara who unable to react is hit in the air and then Lee continually strikes him from multiple direction.

And when his muscle snap he open the Fifth Gate and use the Ura Renge(Reverse Lotus), As Lee attacks Gaara, he gradually wraps Gaara with the bandages he wears, allowing him to better manoeuvre Gaara to deliver a finishing blow that sends him crashing back to the ground.

Unfortunately Gaara turns his gourd into sand and use it to cushion his fall and save himself then he use the Sabaku Kyū(Sand Binding Coffin) to catch and crush Rock Lee's left arm and leg and when he was about to finish him off, Guy come and defend Rock Lee and Gaara return to the upper level while the referee says "Winner, Gaara"