Chapter 39 - Operation Start!

When Ren finally returned to the stadium and into the waiting area the fight between Neji and Naruto reached its climax, as soon as Ren entered the waiting area what greeted his sight was Neji hitting Naruto with his Hakke Rokujūyon Shō (Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms).

This is a secret taijutsu of the Hyūga clan's main house, traditionally only known by the head of the clan and the clan's heir, Neji was able to learn this technique through mere observation, a testament to his genius.

Using his Byakugan's near-360° field of vision, Neji envisions himself within the centre of an Eight Trigrams symbol, then delivers a series of attacks to a target that is within the symbol's perimeter, striking sixty-four of their tenketsu.

Those sixty-four tenketsu are subsequently blocked, stopping the flow of chakra within the target's body and making it difficult for them to move.

After Naruto stood up, Neji showed his cursed seal and again started is monologue 'Come on keep fighting we do not want to hear your history and why the hell are you narrating your clan's secrets in a loud voice in front of everyone here, for the bunny ears of Kaguya you are a ninja do not give exploitable information away like this'

And after Naruto rebutted him, he used the ram hand seal and started focusing, and soon after a red chakra started enveloping Naruto's body.

Meanwhile with his spiritual sense Ren felt Kabuto healing Hinata that had an injury relapse, and knocking out Kiba and thought 'Kabuto still has some kidness in him after all, but it is all clouded by his own ambition' and continued scanning around 'Hmm...I do not feel other enemies beside the disguised as Kazekage Orochimaru around us, maybe they are still outside of my spiritual sense range'

As Ren was occupied a keeping track of what is going on around, the fight grew heated as the now Kyuby's chakra powered Naruto is stronger and faster than before and as he jumps around Neji throwing shuriken, force Neji to use once again the Hakkeshō Kaiten (Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven)

The jutsu consist in Neji is emitting chakra from all of his body's tenketsu to block and attack, then spin rapidly, repelling the attack (and anything else in the vicinity) away and creating a protective shield for as long as they continue to spin, the greater the force of an attack, the greater the force with which its repelled.

Then Naruto and Neji clash one last time, and after the cloud of dust is blow away by the wind all we can see is Neji that with some difficulties starts to get up and the figure of Naruto lying on the ground, but as soon as Neji was talking to the now "unconscious" Naruto, another one jump up from the ground and punch Neji in to the jaw with a jumping uppercut in which Naruto spins upwards with some horizontal movement as well, knocking the Neji into the ground.

'Oh my Goddess, that is the fucking Shoryuken what is next? Hinata starts spamming Hadoken?'

Meanwhile Naruto was declared the winner of the match, and while the spectators were clapping and cheering on him Neji was took away by the medic team.

And after a while it was time for the next match but as Sasuke still didn't come it was decided to go with Kankuro vs Shino, but Kankuro knowing the plan decide to give up to save is strength and so Temari open her fan and use the wind to glide into the arena, while Naruto help Shikamaru making his cool entrance by pushing him over the rails and making him fall into the arena.

As the crowd was making noise Ren did another check with his spiritual sense and sensed more and more foreign presence making their ways into the arena 'I think it's about time for the attack, better go change my attire, It's Shinigami time'

And so as everybody was focusing on the tactical match between Temari and Shikamaru, Ren went in one of the bathroom and changed his attire from the classic of red sleeveless shirt and black 3/4 pants with boots, untied his hair and put on the Shihakusho-like attire, put on his Hollow-like horned mask, making sure that every strand of hair was covered by the mask, and to appear less suspicious and more ANBU-like he also donned a black cloak.

Then he went out of the bathroom, and went to the stand in a place near Sakura, as soon he notice 3 things, first Shikamaru's match ended, 2 Rock Lee finally came and now was talking to Sakura, and 3 Sasuke's match with Gaara is about to start.

Soon Sakura, Ino, Rock Lee and Guy are joined by Kakashi and when Sakura asked about the mark he replied to no worry something that calm Sakura as she was still worried about it.

And finally the match starts with Sasuke throwing shurikens at Gaara, who defend himself with a sand clone, and then Sasuke imitate Rock Lee and by moving at fast speed appear behind Gaara and punch him in the face but was only ale to crack the sand armor, and then before Gaara can recover he was able to hit him with a few kicks and just as he was about to punch him again Gaara surround himself in a ball of sand and as Sasuke hit his defense he makes some spike come out from shield trying to impale the rushing Sasuke.

At that moment Ren hear the voice of Naruto that yell "Kakashi-sensei, stop this fight right now" and he starts explaining his reasons, but Kakashi replies to not worry.

Meanwhile Sasuke distanced himself from Gaara and went up one of the wall of the arena hand starts doing the famous hand seals Monkey, Dragon, Rat, Bird, Ox, Snake, Dog, Tiger and Monkey and the lighting nature chakra gather in his right hand, causing the iconic sound, then he starts running down the wall as his hand leaves a trench in it, soon he reach the ground and keep going towards Gaara direction, until his hand covered in lighting chakra break trough Gaara's defense and hit him in the shoulder while Sasuke yell "Chidori!"

But as Sasuke was gloating, he felt his arm grabbed by something and pull himself out reveling a monstrous arm, then the arm was pulled back into the sand shield and soon Gaara dismiss the shield revealing his wounded self.

And just at that moment Ren saw a multitude of feathers falling from the sky, sign of a wide scale genjutsu that caused most of the spectator to fall asleep while a smoke bomb exploded in the VIP zone where the Hokage was located.

Seeing all this Ren easily dismissed the genjutsu, put his hand on his Zanpakuto ready to draw at any moment and in a low voice said "It's started..."