Chapter 40 - Konoha Crush

From the distance Ren could feel the loud hissing sounds together with the sound of the crumbling wall of the village, meanwhile he saw on top the roof of the central building the 4 Oto Ninja, Sakon and Ukon, Jirobo, Kidomaru and Tayuya using the Shishienjin (Four Violet Flames Formation),

Erecting a solid barrier between them, the barrier is made of purple flames, which will instantly engulf those who come into contact with it, thus preventing anyone from entering or leaving the area.

And to protect themself, the members of the Oto Four extend secondary barriers around themselves, making bringing down the barrier more difficult.

Then Ren still had time to look around 'There are about 5 Konoha jonin in this building including, Kakashi and Guy, some chunin that were able to release the genjutsu and Shikamaru who is faking and Sakura are the only genin awake, meanwhile Gaara and his siblings went away, while Baki remained behind, and Emo-boy followed after them, and just now Orochimort reveled himself'

Soon two dozen of Oto ninja came in the building and two soon tried to attack Sakura but were intercepted and killed by Kakashi who than assign Sakura the mission to wake up Naruto and Shikamaru and then follow after Sasuke, then he summon his ninken Pakkun,a small, pug-like dog with brown fur and a dark brown snout and ears, who will follow Sasuke's scent.

Just as Kakashi finished explaining the mission, and Sakura woke up Naruto and Shikamaru, everyone hear a calm voice that said "Chire (Scatter), Senbonzakura" and soon all they could see was thousand of cherry blossom petal storming around the building, but what made them wary was that whenever the petals passed by an Oto ninja he was cut in multiple piece.

Then Kakashi and the others heard footstep behind them and soon they saw the figure of a short man wearing a black kimono with a scary horned porcelain full mask, waving a bladeless hilt around like a music conductor while the scream of the dying Oto ninja were heard around.

Soon the screaming of the enemy ninja was over and this building was clear, then still wary Kakashi asked "Who are you?", the masked Ren did not say anything but moved his hilt and the petal-like blades formed the kanji for the word "Friend" then he point his index finger behind the still confused Naruto and in a low voice that only Sakura that was near could hear he said "Hadō #4. Byakurai (Pale Lightning)", and generates a concentrated bolt of lightning the hit a another Oto ninja that came from the outside, that penetrated his heart and smashed the wall behind, while Sakura in disbelief looked at him.

Then Kakashi compose himself and once again retold Sakura, Naruto and Shikamaru their mission, who soon rushed out by the hole that Ren made, then Kakashi once again turn to Ren and says "So you say you are on our side? And you are here to help?" to which Ren just nodded, then noticing that now a swarm of Oto and Suna ninja was coming closer said "Then can you take care of this building while we take care of the other zones?" and once again the masked figure of Ren nodded.

And so Kakashi send a signal to the others Konoha ninja and Guy to move on, and as they went away Ren again started his massacre while trying his best to not puke 'Shit, this is more brutal than my training, full power Senbonzakura is a gore sight, if I hit someone with all thousands of blades all that is left is a miced mess, like that first poor Oto ninja, Better spread them a little more, I am now somewhat okay with killing but that was too much'

After some time no more enemies came near his zone so he decided to move to one of the mains battlefield, the arena, and as he was moving he was checking the situation on the various zones 'In the VIP zone Kakashi, Guy , Kurenai and various chunin are keeping the enemy at bay while still protecting everyone there, the other building is now also free of fighting, on the roof of the VIP, Hiruzen with his summon Enma his fighting with the 1st and 2nd Hokages and Pedo-sennin....while the fucking ANBU is outside the barrier doing nothing just looking and sometime commenting on the fight, now they need only popcorn and beer and they will be even more useless, and from the sound I hear outside Ero-sennin is also here now, and in the arena the still masked as a ANBU Kabuto and Baki together with Oto and Suna ninja and in the middle... For the love of the Bunny Goddess, Hayate-sensei...did she curse every good father figure to fucking die in this world?'

Noticing his sensei precarious situation, as he was about to be cut down by Baki again, and neither him nor Senbonzakura would reach it in time to save him, Ren pointed his index at Hayate-sensei figure and said "Hadō #1. Shō (Thrust)" and a small amount of energy is dispelled from the tip of the index finger with enough force to thrust a considerable amount of kinetic force at a target, which is pushed Hayate-sensei out of harm's way

Ren then let out a sigh of relief and just as he was about to go into the arena he felt a shudder coming from his soul and he even felt the hilt of Senbonzakura shaking in his grip emitting a great amount of blood lust, then is gaze moved on his own and what he saw scare the shit out of him

He saw behind the 3rd Hokage figure a translucent, gaunt spectre with a demonic visage. It is much larger than an average human, possessing long, shaggy, white hair, from which two red horns protrude, as well as purple-coloured skin and yellow eyes, it is draped in a large white kimono and carries a set of prayer beads and with a tanto in its mouth

'The Shiki Fūjin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal) but that is not a Shinigami.... no that is a fucking Hollow and not even a common one but a motherfucking Vasto Lorde that naturally became an Arrancarr, how is this possible? luckily that one is only a residual image summoned by the sealing jutsu, if it was the real one, only Juuby Jinchuriki Madara and Kaguya can deal with it'

And as Ren was about to compose himself, he felt another immense dreadful chakra coming from the distance 'When it rains, it pours, that is for sure the Shukaku chakra, better going there, but let's help Hayate-sensei with culling the numbers a little'

Then Ren reseal Senbonzakura and put in the sheath and jump while pointing his palm at the greatest concentration of enemy and chanted "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle! Hadō #63. Raikōhō (Thunder Roar Sear)", generating an orb of yellow lightning above the palm of his hand, Ren fires the built-up energy at his target as a massive concentration of energy which resembles a lightning strike.

The effect has devastatingly destructive results as a big crater of scorched earth appeared in the middle of the enemy's line and all the bodies inside are vaporized, 'Kirin is just for show, this is a real lighting strike' thought Ren and then he went in the direction of the Shukaku following his chakra signal.