Chapter 53 - Trap and Meeting

After the fight, Ren healed everyone's injuries and then said "Sorry for the sword, I didn't know that one of the legendary seven swords could be destroyed so easily" but Zabuza replies "Do not worry as long as it drink blood, Kubikiribōchō will repair it self no matter the damage it had"then Ren said "That is a relief, now, what do we do?" and Zabuza replies "Now, we wait for the people of this rebellion, in their message they said that they want our help to attack the Mizukage as from what they said, he is controlled by some kind of genjutsu, but they didn't explain it in the message but they said that they want to meet us on this island on the 15 of this month so 2 days from now".

Then Zabuza and Haku led Ren, Dosu and Peri, who is once again on top of Ren's head, to their hideout, on their way Ren finally remember something and ask "But how did they found you out, if I remember well, we faked your death so that you guy could live without begin always hunted by Kiri's hunter-nin?"

Hearing that instead of Zabuza it is Haku who answer "Well that is Zabuza-san fault, 2 month after our first meeting, Zabuza-san could no longer hold himself still and started once again taking mercenary mission only this time, they were more like protecting a village from bandits or going after some gangs or underworld bosses, and then the words about us spread once again, so it is like the rumor of our death could not even reach Kiri before, the ones of our new activities spread".

Then they kept moving until they reached their hideout, It is a sea cave found on the coast of the island, this cave is unique for its brilliant blue glow which comes from two sources, the entrance to the cave, a small opening where only one person can enter at times and a bigger hole beneath the entrance.

When viewed from inside the cave, the entrance appears as a brilliant white light just above the waterline, while the underwater hole, which is the larger source of light, provides a blue glow.

To enter the cave they had to walk on the water and once inside, they reached the small shore, where Zabuza and Haku put up their tent and belonging, seeing the spectacle in front of him Ren say "Well, this is some nice place, well hidden and with a good view, nice job finding this Haku".

But Haku replies "It was Zabuza-san that found this place not me..." but in a exaggerated tone Ren "No way! it is impossible that a brute like him could find a place like this...jokes aside can your sword repair itself with any kind of blood?" and Zabuza that ignored the jab replies "Yes as long as it has iron inside, it can be any kind of blood"

Then Ren turn to Dosu and says "Then can you hunt some big fish or something, in this enviroment you have the most advantage hunting them", and Dosu did not say anything but went outside the cave to hunt.

And so Ren and company spent the 2 day , sparring, hunting and Ren did add a new photo for the wall of shame, let just say that he also thought that Haku was a girl and the beginning when he removed his mask, and when he found out he was guy, during a bathroom break he was shocked to see a certain surprise, then for the next hour he was hiding in a corner drawing circle with a depressed hair and he kept murmuring the words "Trap" and "Bigger".

Finally like this the days pass and it is finally time for the meeting with the rebels at the center of the island, in a clearing in the middle of the forest, the plans was for Zabuza and Haku to meet with them while Ren, Peri and Dosu stay hidden under the Bakudō #26. Kyokkō (Bent Light) ready for supporting them when needed.

Soon 3 figure appeared before Zabuza and Haku, they were a middle-aged man, a young woman and a male teen, the middle-aged one has blue hair which is styled in a moused-up manner, his left eye was blue and his right eye was covered with an eye-patch, he wear a talisman in each ear with the kanji for a humble form of "to hear" written on them twice on each side, he also wear the standard striped, grey suit, with a green haori that had white trimmings that stop halfway down, over them, he is Ao the ANBU of Kiri's hunter-nin corp.

The teen has short, tufty blue hair, and dark eyes. He also has pointed, shark-like teeth, he wears square, black-rimmed glasses connected to ear protectors, a blue pin-striped shirt and camouflage pattern pants, and has a pair of sword on his back, he is Chojuro. (Hiramekarei is still with Mangetsu Hozuki who is still alive and works for Yagura)

And last, a tall, slender woman with fair skin, she has green eyes, and ankle-length, auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band, and with four bangs at the front, two bangs are short, with one covering her right eye, and two are long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin, she wears a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that falls just below the knees.

Underneath, she wears a mesh armour that covers slightly more of her upper body than her dress, she also wears a skirt in the same colour as her dress and, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over her knees, around her waist, she wears a belt with a pouch attached to the back on the left along with high-heeled sandals, shin-guards reaching up over her knees, dark blue nail polish on her fingers and toes, and is usually shown with purple lipstick, she is none other than Terumi Mei.

And so the meeting start with Mei saying "Thanks for responding to our request even if, from your point of view, this could be a trap, first of all, presentation, My name is Terumi Mei jonin of Kiri, and with me are Chojuro, the apprentice of Mangetsu Hozuki wielder of Hiramekarei, and Ao and ANBU of the hunter-nin corp and the one who found out about our Mizukage begin controlled by a genjutsu" and Zabuza withou any cerimonies says "You already know who I'm and he is Haku, so why did you want to meet with us?"

And Mei "As said in the scroll we want to ask your help in this fight against the Mizukage and his most loyal men, to finally end the era of the village of the blood mist, we are moving didn't gather many supporter, our numbers are less, and our fighting power is below our enemies, they have more elite members and the Mizukage himself that while he is under genjutsu he is still the Jinchuriki of the Sanbii, of course your help won't be for free,if we win, we will remove your status as a missing-nin and if you want you can return to the village once this is over, what do you say?"

And Zabuza replies "How can I be sure this doesn't end like my last coup d'etat against the Mizukage where I was betrayed by one of my own follower and forced to fled , or even die this time?"