Chapter 54 - The Planning Phase

But this time instead of Mei, it is Ao to answer "Because from your last attempt 7 year ago, the things here have gotten even worse, corruption plaguing those in charge and the pursuit of power becoming paramount for many! Defection became widespread amongst Kiri's ranks, with several members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist and even the Rokubi's Jinchūriki, Utakata, abandoning the village, Kekkei Genkai ninja are beginning persecuted and hunted to the point that murder of anyone with a Kekkei Genkai is common, and let not talk about all the problem that the caste system is generating and that under Yagura have gotten even worse."

And Mei continues "As for the betrayal problem, there won't be one as the only one taking action will be the five of us, if you join us, and we can trust Ao and Chojuro. Please help us end this and save our village" and she then bow to Zabuza who kept on looking straight at Mei for a few second.

Then Zabuza said "Okay I'll help you, but how do you plan to deal with Yagura with only us 5?" and it is Chojuro who replies "Our plan is relative simple in a month Yagura with his elite will have to move out of the village to meet with the Water Daimyo to discuss the village's annual budget, so he will be away from the village with a minimal escort, a perfect occasion to strike, while also limiting the damage to the civilians, then we just have to free Yagura from the genjutsu or put him down for good"

At this point Haku interrupt and ask "Yeah but do you know how many will be his escort and who will be in it?" and this time Ao says "That is one of the problem, there will be a squad of two dozen ANBU, me included, all peak jonin level, Mangetsu Hozuki the last Seven Swordsman who is at the Quasi-Kage level with Hiramekarei, and of course the Mizukage himself Yagura Karatachi who was already the strongest in the village before becoming the Sanbi's Jinchuriki, and from our information he has a perfect control over it".

Then Mei says "Our original plan was that Ao had to take care of the ANBU from within, Chojirou's job was to distract Mangetsu and then with Ao deal with him, and my job was to deal with Yagura, but then we received the information that you were still alive and chose to contact you and ask for your help, after all we have the same objective."

Annoyed Zabuza then says "With that plan, you need a miracle to succeed, even with mine and Haku help this will be akin to a suicide, but this way at least the chance of begin betrayed are less, and luckily Haku asked for help..."

Hearing that Mei and Chojuro took a defensive and alert stance while Ao used the ram hand seal, to unseal the Byakugan and check his surroundings, but then he says "There is nothing around us in 500 meter"

And just as they were about to lower their guard and ask for some explanations, Ao felt someone tap his shoulder then he heard a voice that said "He is talking about us..." causing Chojuro's "manly" scream,

Meanwhile as Mei and Ao were about to turns around and retaliate Ren points his index and middle fingers at them and said while swiping "Bakudō # 1. Sai (Restrain)" causing the targets arms to lock behind their back, then he said "Do not worry we are not your enemies, we are the reinforcement called by Haku, as he was worried that this was a trap, and even if it wasn't he was sure that they needed help"

Then Ao asked "What the hell is this jutsu? Why I can't move my arms?" while still struggling to move his arms from his back, then both heard Ren voice that said "Kai (Release)" and they could move once again and finally saw who was behind them and Ao stunned by their age said "Wha... some kids?"

What he saw was Dosu and Ren in his Shinigami attire, without mask and with Peri on his head in his pet mode,hearing Ao Ren replies with "Hey he is 15 like Haku and only a year younger than Chojuro over there, and while I'm 13, I was able to appear behind you unnoticed"

Then Haku to defuse the situation said "They are our reinforcement, we met during one of our mercenaries work, and then kept in contact, while they are young they both are strong enough to deal with a jonin and the youngest can even defeat Zabuza-san"

Mei, Chojuro and Ao hearing that info and noticing that Zabuza didn't negate the affirmations and the earlier display they started taking the pair of Ren and Dosu more seriously and Mei took the lead and asked "And so what do they gain from helping us? I doubt that they do this only for helping us"

And Ren once again take the lead "Well you see Mei-san, first if we succeed, we gain the friendship with the next Mizukage and from what you said and what I saw I think you are one of the most likely do become one, after all if as you have planned before to fight Yagura alone it mean that you are already so strong that you can at least take on a Kage level Jinchuriki and that is saying something, and the second is that Zabuza and Haku will join my group"

And Ao then asked "And this group goal is?" this time is Dosu that says "In a few words an hypocritical group that will deal with the trash of the various countries, like evil missining-nin, underworld gangs, the one who is manipulating the Mizukage all because this guy want to make this world a better place, i joined him because he saved my life and on his hit list is my enemy"

Then Ren said "But we are digressing, now first we didn't introduce ourself, so this mummy like guy is Dosu he is a ninja at the level of an entry jonin, more or less, and my name is Ren, now I think that with our addition your plans need some changes isn't it?"

And so they spent the rest of the afternoon planning then they went their separate way to prepare for the upcoming fight, but not before begin given the Jigokucho scroll by Ren to contact him.