Chapter 58 - Mei vs Yagura

Mei soon arrived in front of Yagura, a rather short man with short, messy, grey hair, which fell over the right side of his face and spiked up on the left, he also has pupilless pink eyes and what seemed to be a stitch-like scar running from under his left eye, all the way down his cheek, his attire included a grey, sleeveless shirt with the Kiri forehead protector attached to the front, as well as a short-sleeved mesh armour, which he wore a green poncho, he also wore a turquoise sash around his waist, paired with a matching green apron over his pants and a pair of brown boots, along with it, he would carry a club with uneven sized hooks, which bared a green flower on the larger end.

Yagura was able to steady himself and started to counterattack, and Mei that noticed that they were still near the others battlefield decided against using her Futton (Boil) Kekkei Genkai and choose to use the Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Bullet Technique) and send a strong jet of water toward Yagura, who in turn does the same, and so their jutsu clash and cancel each other.

Then Yagura says "So you are betraying me this time, well it isn't a problem as you will fail like the others" and Yagura once again rush toward Mei but as he was about to hit her with his club, Mei used the Yōton: Yōkai no Jutsu (Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique)

She changes chakra inside her body into a powerful acidic fluid that will melt anything and spits out the viscous fluid from her mouth, and Yagura knowing that he couldn't take this jutsu head on choose to retreat further back and once he was out of harm, he countered the still coming stream of acidic fluid with the Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique) and spits a water dragon from his mouth that overpower Mei's jutsu.

Then Mei once again check the distance and noticed that they now were far enough from the other battlefield so she choose to use one of her more lethal jutsu, she does the horse hand seal and say "It's time for the blood mist era to end, Futton: Kōmu no Jutsu (Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique)".

Mei creates a cloud of mist which they release from their mouth. This mist is highly acidic in nature, capable of melting bodies, and even chakra-based defences and barriers, nullifying them, the technique has an inherent disadvantage in that its effects are indiscriminate, limiting its usage to areas that do not contain allies.

Yagura soon notice the coming threat so before he is engulfed by the fast coming acidic mist, he use the Fūton: Taifūikka (Wind Release: Passing Typhoon) creates a gust of wind that blows away all weather conditions, so Mei jutsu and all the natural mist around them was blow away.

Annoyed Yagura says "It is time to end this!" and then Yagura starts tapping into his beast's chakra, and begins his initial transformation, he is surrounded by a layer of red, wispy chakra and forms a tail on his lower back, granting him enhanced strength, speed and healing, this is the

Version 1 of the Jinchuriki transformation, but that is not enough and soon another 2 tails come out and Yagura starts to enter in the Version 2.

Using the Jinchūriki's body as a sort of endoskeleton, a dark red, nearly black layer of chakra envelops them. The physical manifestations of the corresponding beast that are vaguely present in Version 1 states become far clearer in Version 2, in a way fully reproducing the beast in miniature: muscle mass increases and beast-specific attributes such as shells become clearly defined.

Entering Version 2 creates a great deal of energy, producing craters beneath Yagura, strength, speed, and chakra are once again increased beyond the levels of the previous forms, the shroud remains a reliable defence against attacks, right now he is like a miniature Sanbi.

With his increased speed and strength Yagura take Mei by surprise and appear behind her hitting her in the back with Sangoshō (Coral Palm) blowing her away and causing a large formation of coral to quickly grow from the initial point of contact, her back, this then rapidly solidifies and restricts Mei's mobility, as the substance continues to grow, Yagura once again chase after her to finish her off.

But before that happens Mei once again use the Futton: Kōmu no Jutsu only this time just enough to cover herself and as she is immune to her own acidic mist the only thing that it corrode are the coral that restrict her movement.

And as soon as she could freely move again she steadies herself and turn toward the coming Yagura who was in mid-air about to hit her with his whole body, and use the Yōton: Yōkai no Jutsu once again, spitting the acidic fluid in a wide arc, right in front of Yagura, who was too late to evade.

Or so she thought as Yagura extended, two of his tails towards a tree to pull himself of Mei's jutsu range, but a roar of pain tell us that he was still hit by some.

As Mei turn to see the result of her attack she hear the voice of Yagura that says "This is enough! No more holding back!" and while holding his shoulder were some sizzling noise, and with a big smoke explosion, he transform once again.

As the smoke clears what greeted Mei sight was the full form of the Sanbi Isobu, that primarily resembles a large turtle, but with a crab-like shell, spikes all over its body, and three shrimp-like tails, under its shell, it has red, muscle-like tissue, it has a pair of human-like arms and hands, but no hind-legs, his face is concealed between a large forehead and lower jaw, both of which have spikes, its eyes are red and have crimson pupils, but its right eye is constantly closed.

As soon as his full Tailed Beast form is reveled Yagura let's out a loud roar and then once again focus on Mei and use the Suiton: Daikaisuidan (Water Release: Great Water Mass Bullet) where Yagura releases large and powerful water balls, and Mei that has no place to evade counter with the Yōton: Rakuseiha (Lava Release: Planet-Branding Blast) where she expel acid from her mouth as a projectile, but her jutsu his overwhelmed by Yagura one, and as she was about to be hit, Ren, Ao and Dosu appeared in front of her,

First Ao used the Suiton: Suishōha (Water Release: Water Colliding Wave) to defend against Yagura's jutsu, but even if weakened by Mei before, Yagura's one once again surpass the defence but at that moment Ren finished his chant and said "Bakudō #81. Dankū (Splitting Void)" creating a translucent barrier in the form of a large rectangular wall, that block the powerful jutsu of Yagura, like an impenetrable wall, the water ball splash against Ren's barrier and destroy all the area around them but Ren and the other behind the barrier are unharmed and then Ren says "It seem that wa have come just in time isn't it Mei-san?".

And Mei smile and says "Be careful Ren-kun with entrances like this and as handsome as you are going to make many girls fall for you..." and Ren counter with flair "That is why I use this mask, sometimes begin too handsome is burden..." but Ao as serious as ever interrupt the banter and says "Stop joking we still have a big problem in front of us" and Mei turn serious and says "That is true, at the beginning I was able to touch him and send some chakra to try to disrupt the genjutsu but it is useless the genjutsu is too strong"

And Dosu says "Then what do we do? A jonin I can deal with it but that thing is too much for me right now" and it is Mei that says "Now we attack till he is down, then we see, you and Ao just focus on support, while me and Ren-kun deal with it, is everybody ready?"

In the end Ren draw Senbonzakura and says "Let's start round 2"