Chapter 59 - Against Yagura

As Ren was about to release Senbonzakura he noticed that Yagura still in his Tailed Beast form, curls himself into a ball and bounces, allowing himself to crash down toward them, so Ren warm his teammates "Disperse!" and then use a Shunpo to get away from the zone of impact.

As Yagura crash down the already devastated zone is even more razed to the ground, fortunately every one was able to evade, but now they are separated, and Yagura still curled into a ball once again bounce out of the huge crater he created.

And now he is falling towards Ao, who it was the slowest of the team, and Ren who noticed that he won't be able to evade the blow points at him with his index finger, and chant "Hadō #1. Shō (Thrust)" a big amount of energy is dispelled from the tip of the index finger with enough force to thrust a considerable amount of kinetic force at Ao, which is pushed to the side far from the impact point.

But Yagura doesn't stop and once again bounce up in the air, this time his falling point is the zone where Dosu is located, but just as he started falling down tree voices could be heard that said """Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)""" and three big water dragon, move from the same direction toward the curled form of Yagura, then they join together into a water dragon as big as Yagura in his Bijuu (Tailed Beast) Form, and soon hit him, Sending him out of his course.

As soon as Yagura fall on the ground he uncurl himself and look at the new comers, they were Zabuza with one arm, Haku and Chojuro who now has Hiramekarei on his back, and now joined with Mei, Ao, Dosu and Ren, all together to fight against him.

Seeing that in his loud voice he said "Others traitors, it seem that even Mangetsu failed me, but that doesn't matter, I'll still win", then curled himself into a ball once again and started spinning and then rolling towards them, making full use of his many spiky protrusions.

Seeing that juggernaut spiked ball coming toward them, obliterating everything in his path Mei told everyone her plan "Now he is coming to us, so he wont be able to evade, let's hit him with a big one, Haku, Ao, Zabuza, Chojuro and Me will do the combination jutsu, Ren-kun use your strongest lightning Kido, Dosu you too your strongest one!" in the meantime Yagura was getting close so she said "NOW!"

And so Mei, Zabuza, Ao; Haku and Chojuro did the same hand seals at the same speed, and once done they yelled """""Suiton Renkeijutsu: Katamari Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release Combination: Mass Water Dragon Bullet Technique)""""" and as the five water dragon join together and merge in a cluster of spiraling water dragon that move towards the still spinning Yagura akin a drill, meanwhile Dosu sends his strongest Kyōmeionpa (Resonating Echo Wave) that join together with the cluster of water dragons and who Ren just finished his chant and pointed his palm towards the combinate technique "Hadō #63. Raikōhō (Thunder Roar Sear)" generating an orb of yellow lightning above the palm of his hand, Ren fires the built-up energy at his target as a massive concentration of energy which resembles a lightning strike, that join the other jutsu resulting in rumbling drill of water dragons with lighting all around their bodies.

Soon their combinate technique clash with the still rolling Yagura, but he was very close now and the resulting explosion was so strong that affected also Ren and the others, the loud sound, amplified even more by Dosu jutsu, was the first thing that came, and was so strong that everyone was bleeding from their ear, then the blast itself send everyone flying together with many big piece of earth, stone, and all the tree near were directly obliterated.

Ren was the first to get his bearing and the first thing he did was check on the others with his spiritual sense, Haku one of the lightest was, 50 meter behind him, he had a broken leg and arm but he was awake, Chojuro and Ao were on his left, they were both bleeding from a wound on their head and were unconscious, Dosu was alive but also unconscious and had a big piece of stone struck in his stomach, and Mei and Zabuza were hit the worst, as they were in front of everyone, both were awake but Zabuza had almost every bone broken by the upturned earth and can't move anymore, and Mei had broken ribs and a leg turned in another direction.

Then Ren checked himself and noticed that his left arm was broken, he also had some problem breathing, so one of his lugs was damaged, for the rest he was fine, but his mask was broken.

And at that moment he heard Yagura scream "You bastard you'll pay for this!" and saw the Bijuu form of Yagura heavily wounded, bleeding from various point, with missing left arm and 2 tails, and scorched mark all around his body, coming out of the huge crater.

Then as soon as he got out he says "Time to really end this!" and from his mouth red and blue chakra started gathering in the form of a purple ball, he was preparing the famous Bijudama (Tailed Beast Ball) their strongest jutsu.

Ren who didn't want to take that on chose to gather all his chakra and use his strongest trump card, he closes his eyes and says "Shunko (Instant War Cry)!" soon after the damaged upper clothes is ripped apart and some blue fire, from the back starts enveloping his arms and legs, the ground, under him started burning and then with the sound of a small explosion he totally disappeared, and appeared right under Yagura who was still gathering chakra for the Bijudama that was still growing bigger, the he chanted "Chire (Scatter), Senbonzakura" and the blade of his Zanpakuto scattered in thousands of small blades but after taking the usual pink appearance for a second then they started burning in pale blue flames.

The Ren trust the hilt in a corkscrew motion and the burning petal-like blades launch themself at the target in the form of a spinning flame drill, so fast the even when Yagura notice that something was off he wasn't able to do anything, and in the next instant, the burning drill hit Yagura right in the center of his chest, and penetrate right through him, then Ren did a swing motion the burning petal-like blade followed and cut Yagura in half, but resulting cut was like he was cut by a lightsaber, there was no blood and the cut part was still glowing.

Then Ren cut off his Shunko, and reseal Senbonzakura and in next second falls on his knees totally spend, and at the same time the two half of Yagura falls, and then with another explosion of smoke, Yagura is once again in his human form, near Ren and just before dying he says in a low voice "It's....all.....that.....masked bastard's.....fault.....with his" and then no more.

Yagura Karatachi, fourth Mizukage of Kiri, is dead and so is the Sanbi Isobu, at least until he reform itself once again.