Chapter 82 - Dosu vs. Orochimaru

Dosu under Karin directions took the left turn, and started running, while using short burst of the Hankyoutei (Echolocation) Jutsu to search the various room.

If some room had people inside he would just knock'em down using only Taijutsu to conserve as much Chakra as possible.

After he cleared another room he thought 'This place is huge, I'm following Karin direction, but I still can't find Orochimaru...I still can't believe that after waiting almost 3 years I can finally have my vengeance, and this is all thanks to Ren, at first I admit that I wanted only to use him but...after seeing all the people we have helped these years, all those we have saved from slavery, monsters we have killed to keep others safe, and the times where we just had fun together, I'm glad I choose to join the Baransa that fateful day, and after today I'll finally feel free...after we kill Orochimaru'.

Soon Dosu reached a room with only one person inside so without hesitation he kick open the door and then jump to the right to evade the dozen of snakes that came out from the room trying to catch the intruder.

Then Dosu heard Orochimaru saying "Ohh...It seem that you aren't a total pushover...good job evading that" then from the room Orochimaru in person came out and when he saw Dosu he said "You seem familiar...Oh if it isn't the lost test subject ...Dosu right?...So you are the one behind the attacks on my hideouts...".

Dosu didn't wait for Orochimaru to finish, and started attacking but just as he was about to use the Kyōmeisen(Resonating Echo Drill), without using any seal Orochimaru gather some Chakra in his stomach than expels it as a gust of wind, blowing away Dosu, then he said with a sneer "Did you really think that I forget about your technique, I was the one who taught it to you".

Once Dosu braced himself he looks at Orochimaru and replies "Yes but you didn't taught me everything" then he forcefully claps his hands "Kyōmeionpa (Resonating Echo Wave)" generating a strong sound wave that crushed anything in its path.

But Orochimaru counter with another gust of wind but this time he uses more Chakra and the gust transform in a hurricane that clash against the sound wave generating an explosion of wind and sound that destroy everything around them raising a huge cloud of dust.

Seeing Dosu new attack Orochimaru says "Oh...that was some new application of that jutsu, quite powerful too...not bad" but as Orochimaru was talking Dosu charged at him from the cloud and from his gauntlet two long blades came out and soon a buzzing sound came from them "Kyōmeiha (Resonating Echo Blade)".

And Orochimaru once again attack Dosu this time he use the Sen'ei Jashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands), and summons several snakes from under his sleeve, deploying them against Dosu, who in turn easily cut them with his blades, but when he was distracted from the snakes, he didn't notice that Orochimaru got closer and was kicked in the stomach by him and send tumbling on the floor.

This time in almost surprised tone he says "Oh! Another variation, this one use the sound's vibration to enhance the blade cutting power...good job! Any other surprise?" then he wait for Dosu to attack once again.

Dosu get up from the floor and starts channeling a lot of Chakra in his right arm, and soon from it a rumbling sound could be heard, once ready Dosu charge at Orochimaru once again, and once close enough, he punch the air in front of him "Gekishin" that then seem almost shatter before a huge shockwave is generated that hit Orochimaru and the surroundings area, and while Orochimaru was blow away like a ragdoll, the area around started furiously shaking, then an earthquake was generated that shook all the hideout, while the ceiling and surrounding wall crumbled, revealing the blue sky above.

The aftermath of Dosu's jutsu was devastating as he now find himself in what is practically a huge, spherical hole in the ground, with rubble all around him.

Dosu remembering Ren's advice decide to not lower his guard and he keeps checking Orochimaru's mangled body, and soon his wariness is justified, as from Orochimaru's mouth, another Orochimaru came out, totally uninjured.

Orochimaru then looked at Dosu and with his patented creepy smile said "How splendid! You used your control over sound to generate a strong shockwave, a very powerful and difficult to avoid jutsu, and something I have never thought of...".

Just as Orochimaru was talking, roots came out from the ground trying to entangle Orochimaru, but he noticed the movement and jumped out of reach while saying "Oh there is even a wood release user..." but just as he was searching for the one who released the jutsu, a lightning spear attacked him from behind and Orochimaru was forced to defend with his arm and both of them were pierced.

Looking at who was attacking him Orochimaru scream "Sasuke!" and Sasuke says "You have nothing to teach me anymore" and then push the Chidori Eisō (Chidori Sharp Spear) forward impaling Orochimaru into the ground.

Looking at the immobilized Orochimaru, Sasuke says "You know, I thought that if I gained the power to avenge my clan, I didn't mind losing my body....but after thinking about it for so long I reached this conclusion, you disgust me"

As Sasuke was slowly walking toward the still impaled Orochimaru, with is katana draw, ready to finish him off, Ren appeared by Sasuke's side and said "Wow Sasuke you are so theatrical...why the slow walk, just cut him and be done with it..." then turning to the baffled Orochimaru "And you are a little to comfortable in this position, like you are pitching, instead of catcher"

Now confusion was evident on Orochimaru face, and in that instant a flash of light came from Ren portable camera, then he said "Yes the confusion before death..." and Orochimaru who at the moment ignored the threat coming from Sasuke said "What..." meanwhile Sasuke in says in a whisper "And I lost to this clown....."

Then Sasuke was moving once again this time faster than before, and once he was close enough to cut down Orochimaru, Ren that was looking at the scene couldn't hold himself and said "Do it!"

But just as Sasuke was about to kill him, from Orochimaru mouth something came out, it was a giant white snake, with Orochimaru face and its body is composed of many smaller snakes, and scream "Sasuke!" that is the form that Orochimaru takes when he is about to change body.

And Dosu that until now was recovering Chakra screamed "What the hell is that thing" and while he draws his Zanpakuto, Ren replies "That is what happen when Pedomaru gets horny and want to be inside you and Sasuke, he wants you...I cloudn't find a more misleading way to say this"