Chapter 83 - Orochimaru True Form

Orochimaru in his Great White Snake form didn't wait another second and attacked Sasuke but was intercepted by Dosu's Kyōmeionpa (Resonating Echo Wave) and the strong sound wave pushed Orochimaru away while still crushing some of the small white snakes that is body is made of, causing him to bleed.

And Ren who remembered the fact that his blood is poisonous and that in contact with air starts evaporating, point his palm at the zone where Orochimaru's blood fell, and says "Hadō #58. Tenran (Vigorous Tempest)" creating a widening tornado-like blast, that cleared the invisible poisonous mist.

Then Ren warned the others "Be careful of his blood, it is toxic, one sniff of it and you are paralyzed", meanwhile Peri came out of his hiding spot and once again used the wood release to try to bind Orochimaru.

But Orochimaru counter by cutting the roots with the Kusanagi sword coming out of his mouth, and as that happened Sasuke took this chance to use a full power Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique), firing from his mouth a fireball as big as Orochimaru.

As the big fireball was moving toward him, Orochimaru who felt the threat sheathed once again the Kusanagi sword inside his stomach, and just as the big org of fire was about to hit him he once again used his style of Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Technique), spitting from his mouth another body fully healed while the one he came from was engulfed by the fireball.

But there was no rest for the snake as almost out of nowhere came flying a fully transformed Jugo, who then transformed his scaly fist in a piston and screaming "DIEEE!" hit Orochimaru straight in the jaw sending him high in the sky.

Then from another side came Karin who then used her Kongō Fūsa (Adamantine Sealing Chains) and so a dozen of big Chakra chains came out of her back and pursued the still rising Orochimaru with the intent of binding him.

Just as the chain were about to bind him, Orochimaru opened his eyes and screamed "ENOUGH! Yamata no Jutsu (Eight Branches Technique)" and with a big puff of smoke he transform into a giant white serpent with eight heads and eight tails.

The serpent boasts a giant body, even larger than that of Manda, who was feared as the "strongest colossal serpent", and thanks to the transformation and the change in size he was easily able to repel all the Chakra chains.

Then from the mouth of one of the heads, Orochimaru came out and said "I commend you for forcing me to use this Jutsu, but now playing time is over...Sasuke, your body will be mine! Meanwhile all you prepare to die!"

Then from all seven other heads Jutsu of different element came out at the same time causing an untold damage all around him, Peri was hit by a huge boulder and smashed against the wall, Jugo was hit by a full force fire Jutsu and started and even if he was able to defend himself, his arms were scorched, Karin was hit by a water Jutsu and now her fate is unknowns, Dosu still tired by the previous fight wasn't able to evade the hurricane released by the fourth head, Ren was able to evade the lighting jutsu of the fifth, but was hit by the one of the seventh head, while Sasuke was caught by one of tails and brought right in front of the head where Orochimaru came out.

Seeing that he was able to deal with everyone else, Orochimaru looked at the struggling Sasuke, licked his lips and said "Now that I've freed myself of the nuisances, it is time for my prize" then he looked straight at Sasuke and then started to use the Fushi Tensei (Living Corpse Reincarnation), but soon noticed that something was wrong, he can't feel the mind of the Sasuke in front of him, even if all his sense tell him that he is holding a real body, trough his scales, he can feel the weight and body heat of Sasuke, but it is like an empty puppet.

'I'm under genjutsu!? Impossible! I felt the pains from their attack...The Kurama Clan!!' then he said "KAI (Release)!", and the illusion started to vanish, his fallen foes disappeared, the Sasuke he was holding on his tail gone, then he looked behind him and saw the seven of them looking at him with a smug smile 'There was one more!!!'

Then Ren said "I gathered enough Chakra, now it's time to end this" then he raised his arm high with is index finger pointing at the sky and started chanting "Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep!"

And and enormous chakra started gathering all around him, becoming a white aura, while a huge pressure started falling on Orochimaru holding him in place, while everything around him is shaking.

"Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud!Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!"

The sky appears to darken as multiple boxes of black energy appear, each of them topped off with cross-shaped spears and Ren pointing at Orochimaru "Hadō #90. Kurohitsugi (Black Coffin)" the boxes multiply and close in on their victim Orochimaru who in the end is trapped inside the huge black box covered in several spear-like protrusions which pierce it.

Then the box starts collapsing on itself, without a single noise, leaving nothing behind, even the ground where Orochimaru was standing was gone, leaving only a huge square hole.

Ren then exhausted sat down and said "And with this, that snake is gone" then he turn to Yakumo and says "Good job, you are certainly the MVP, but seeing you own death isn't so nice...cloudn't you make it less gory..." and Yakumo "Then he would have fallen for it...I too do not like drawing scenes like this..." and Karin "What do we do now dear?" and Ren "First I recover some Chakra that spell drains like crazy, then we go back to the HQ to rest and wait for Haku and Zabuza report, then we will see..."

Meanwhile Sasuke was still shocked by what he saw 'That girl with a Genjutsu more powerful than a Uchiha, the guy who is the origin of the cursed seal, The girl with red hair who healed everyone and sealed the place to make so that no one felt the fight, that guy Dosu who was able to go toe to toe with Orochimaru alone, that strange animal with the hat that can use the mythical wood release, and now I hear even Haku and Zabuza are part of this group, and more important Haruno Ren the mysterious brother of Sakura, Even if he says he is tired I can see that he is still hiding something, where is his limit? Maybe with them I can really avenge my clan...'