Chapter 84 - Operation Turtle Jar and Haku's mission

Almost a week passed from Ren and his team attack on Orochimaru's hideout in the Lando of Grass, and while they were still resting, after giving a report to Tsunade that Sasuke together with an unknown group attacked and killed Orochimaru, and now they do not know where he is.

Another important thing is happening in one of the more desolate islands in the Land of Water, this island is famous for having the most sighting of the Sanbi in this world history, something that Ren deduced has to do with the fact that a lake in this island is the place where Isobu reform after begin killed.

And now searching for the lake in question is Zabuza, who under Ren's order, is going to make contact with Isobu and ask for his permission to use the Tegatai Kizuna (Secure Bond) Seal.

Zabuza still remember the first time they discussed about the seal.

...Flashback..."I still why going around the issue instead of just sealing the beast inside someone" asked Zabuza, and Ren with a calm tone replied "It's simple, first if it is sealed in the normal way, you not only have to be compatible with the Bijuu in question, but you also have to deal with the aftermath of practically having a hostile force in your body, and also the risk of dying in case someone extract it or it break free and escape. While in this new way, not only you can have all the advantage of a Jinchuriki, but the Bijuu itself will also become an ally, as he is in fact free, the Jinchuriki in this case doesn't become a cage, but a safe house, they can retreat in case of more important when you deal with him remember that he has feeling like you, Haku and treat it with respect"...Flashback End...

It took Zabuza a week to search all the river and lake in the island, to finally find the right one, it was a hidden underground lake, the cave is around 100m below the surface of the earth, he found it because he felt a humid breeze coming out of a hole in the cave, and following the said hole he found this big lake, so big that covered almost half island.

And inside the crystal clear water of the lake, the figure of Isobu lazily swimming could be seen, then Zabuza seeing his objective, choose the most direct approach.

He fell down from the hole and landed on top of the water then he screamed "Isobu, can you come out, I do not want to fight, I only want to talk..." and after a few second of absolute silence, the water started rising and soon the huge figure of Isobu could be seen.

Looking straight at Zabuza with his left eye, he said "What do you want human? How do you know my name?" and Zabuza "My name is Momochi Zabuza, and my friend told me about your name...and as I said before I want to talk...I won't fight nor force you to do anything, I also promise that all I say it's the truth"

Once again Isobu stared Zabuza as if analyzing him then he said "I remember you... your were with the one that killed me the last time..." and Zabuza "Yes, but our objective wasn't to kill you but to free Yagura from that masked man control, unfortunately things didn't end well"

And Isobu "Yes freighting the power of those eyes is...very well speak..." then Zabuza started explaining about Akatsuki plan to capture all the Bijuu and seal them inside a statue, about how they started their move on Shukaku, then he started talking about his leader counter plan and the seal he devised, all while Isobu listened in silence.

"Now I have come to ask for your permission to use this seal on I explained before the Tegatai Kizuna will seal a small part of your can call it source Chakra that it will always connected to you, and trough this small part you can send your chakra to me to use or even send your whole begin in case you are trapped or sealed, but can still be free and won't be caged inside my body, instead you can think of my body as temporary hideout, and that you pay your rent in chakra for it's use...what do you say?"

Then Isobu once again stood in silence and after a few minutes he said "Okay, I agree to your proposal" then Zabuza opened the scroll with the seal and started activating it together with Isobu, forming their new bond.

Meanwhile Haku was watching over Naruto and his team, they have reached Suna and Sakura saved Kankuro, then together with the old woman Chiyo, they went after Akatsuki.

He followed them for two days to the Land of Rivers, where they meet up with Itachi's clone seeing them with he thought 'Sakura and Naruto improved a lot, but they still aren't at the level of Itachi-san, that clone can only use one-third of his abilities, and they still have some trouble with it'

Then he saw how they meet up with Gai's team, but then he made a mistake, because as soon as they met, Neji used his Byakugan to scout and found out that Haku was spying on them, so he gave a signal to the rest, who then moved to encircle and capture him.

But just as they were about to attack him, Naruto yelled "Stop it! I know him..." then he turn to Haku and says "Haku what are you doing here?" and Haku with calm tone replied "Long time no see Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi-san, I was tasked with keeping an eye on the Akatsuki" and Kakashi "By who? And why?"

And Haku "By the leader of Baransa, he knows some of Akatsuki plans and is working to prevent them..." then after that Kakashi who got the news about the group explained the others about them, and after that Haku joined the others.

Soon they found the entrance of the Akatsuki hideout, but it was protected by a barrier built on four seals, then as the Gai team took care of the seals Sakura easily smashed the giant boulder and once inside Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, Chiyo and Haku found Deidara and Sasori guarding Gaara's lifeless body.

After some verbal spat Deidara flew off on a clay bird with Gaara's body, with Naruto, Kakashi and Haku in pursuit, while Sakura and Chiyo dealt with Sasori.

As they were pursuing Deidara Haku said "If you can slow him down for a few moment I can deal with him" and Kakashi replied "I have the right Jutsu for it" next Kakashi activated his own Mangekyo Sharingan and aimed to use it on Deidara's bird wing, and he is successful, as Deidara was falling, Naruto recovered Gaara's body from the bird then he retreated, while Haku unleashed his strongest jutsu on Deidara, "Hyōton: Hyōten Hyakkasō (Ice Release: Frozen Heaven Hundred Flower Funeral)" a huge hole opens up in the clouds, a large amount of snow falls down onto Deidara, and as the snow comes into contact with his body, ice flowers sprout all over it, instantly trapping him in a pillar of ice.

Then Haku, Kakashi and Naruto with Gaara's body on his shoulder, came back just in time to see Sakura smashing Sasori's puppet body into many pieces and crush and cutting his heart with a Chakra Scalpel, while Chiyo was holding back the others puppets.

After that Chiyo started using Kishō Tensei (One's Own Life Reincarnation) on Gaara with Naruto help, while Haku used the chance that everyone attention was on the Kazekage's body to retreat.