Chapter 119 - Declaration of War

As soon as Obito finished speaking, the Raikage A wraps his body in a layer of lightning chakra to increase his physical parameters, and soon his hair starts to stick up this is the famous Lightning Release Chakra Mode.

The next instant, A attacks Obito, but he is unable to hit him and pass right through him, destroying the wall, then he turns around and says "I have no interest in hearing the twisted plans of Akatsuki! I cannot understand you people!" Obito then turns his head in A's direction and says "First you listen to my explanation...".

And at that moment, Onoki raises from his seat and flies next to A and says "Let's be calm about this Raikage, let's hear what he has to say and make our decisions then..." hearing that A clicks his tongue and restrain himself.

Then Obito jumps and sticks himself to the wall and says "Now, then... It looks like you're all ready to listen... Ladies and gentlemen... I hoped that you fought among yourself more, and even weakened each other to the point I could take you hostage... But it looks like that was too much to expect".

And Mei asks "Hostages? For what purpose?!" Obito looks at them and replies "Just to ensure that the Moon's Eye Operation plays smoothly" and the old fox Onoki catches a detail and asks "It certainly is a shock to hear that Uchiha Madara still lives... But why would a man of your caliber resort to these roundabouts tactics? Surely with your power, you could accomplish anything you want".

Obito hearing the question replies "The wounds from my battle with the First Hokage, Hashirama were too deep... right now, I'm powerless, I am nothing more than an empty shell of my former self" and one of the bodyguards from Kumo, C says "So this 'operation'... Is for the purpose of returning you to your former self?".

But before he could respond, Shikaku says "No that isn't his only objective... if not he wouldn't try to collect all the Bijuu..." and Minfune then says "What are you plotting? What exactly is this Moon's Eye Operation?!" and Obito "I would like to tale my time with this tale, if you don't mind, I'll just take a seat" and he sat on the ledge of the wall.

And Kankuro who was getting annoyed by his evident act of buying time says "We are asking you what this plan of your is?" and Obito replies "To have everything become one with me! I mean to achieve a 'Complete Form', in which all is united!".

Everyone is stunned by his statement, then Onoki asks "One with you? All united?... what does that mean?!" and Obito "There is a stone monument passed down amongst the Uchiha for generation, even now it lies beneath the village of Konoha... Upon it are recorded the secret left to us by the Rikudou Sennin (Sage of Six Path), without our eyes it is impossible to read, what's more, the Mangekyo Sharingan can decode more than the Sharingan, and the Rinnegan still more than that".

Hearing that Onoki replies "Now this is starting to get ridiculous, the Rikudou Sennin?!" and Obito continues "I speak the truth, the Sennin existed and he left us a monument..." but the A lost his patience and with a punch created another hole in the wall to catch everyone's attention and yelled "Enough of this dawdling! What has the Rikudou Sennin got to do with this plan of yours?!".

Still looking down at everyone from his ledge Obito says "Do you know why it is that he became the stuff of legend, Worshipped by the Shinobi world almost like a God? Therein lies the connection between that man and my goal, the Rikudou Sennin saved the world, saved it from a monster..." and Gaara repeats "A monster...?".

Obito turning his gaze to Gaara says "Gaara... you once played home to but a portion of that monster, the monster in question was the fused form of all the Bijuu... A being possessed of the ultimate Chakra... The Juubi... The Ichibi through Kyuubi are nothing more than beings created from the divided Chakra of the Juubi, by Rikudou Sennin of course, he developed a certain ninjutsu in order to protect the world from the Juubi... Even now that ninjutsu is being quietly passed down... the seal that creates a Jinchuriki, yes... The Rikudou Sennin, in order to suppress its power, sealed the Jubbi into his own body, as the man who freed the world from the terrible Juubi, the Sennin was worshipped like a god by the people, but the Juubi's Chakra was so massive and so foul that if the Jinchuriki were to escape to die, it would escape the seal and terrorize the world once more, fearing this, upon his deathbed the Sennin used the last of his power to divide the Juubi's Chakra into nine portions and scattered them across the world's surface, and with that Chakra removed, it's actual body was sealed away and blasted in the sky where its power could not reach... it became the moon".

Tsunade hearing that understood some of the info that Itachi gave her and yelled "The Gedo Mazo statue!! It's the husk of the Juubi!?" and Obito "Oh right... Itachi must have told you about it... that double-crossing bastard... his defection derailed my plans quite a bit..." and Darui took the chance to ask "This is all just too immense... can a human being really accomplish a thing like that?".

Obito then replies "As the Jinchuriki of the Juubi the Sennin was already beyond what we would call 'Human'..." and Mifune then says "So you are gathering those nine pieces of scattered Chakra... That is to say, all the Bijuu, in an attempt to gain that Beyond-Human power for yourself, but what do you mean to do with that power?".

And Obito "I will restore the Juubi! And I will become the Juubi's Jinchuriki myself, using its power I will magnify the power of my eye to the ultimate level and activate a certain Jutsu... A massive-scale Genjutsu, reflecting my own eyes from the moon's surface... The Infinite Tsukuyomi... I will cast my Genjutsu upon all humans living upon the earth's surface! Controlling all of humanity within that genjutsu, I will become one with the world! It will be a world without hatred or conflict, everything will be one with me, everything united... That is my Moon's Eye Operation".

Soon the five Kages replied one at the time, first was A who yelled "To hell with that!! I won't give the world to the likes of you!!" then Gaara "A peace born of illusion is nothing more than a lie, peace only holds meaning if it is created in reality" then Mei "What do you expect us to find in such a world?! It would be devoid of hope, devoid of dreams! Nothing more than running from reality!".

Onoki then says "It sounds to me rather than 'Uniting the World' you simply want to take it yourself" and Tsunade finished "I lost many dear people because of war... And I want to break this circle of hatred... but your plan is wrong that won't be true peace... it will only kill any hope for a better future!".

Then Obito laughed and said "Hahaha... Well, do you five Kages think you can do any better? Surely you should all have realized by now... There is no such thing as hope! The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up, a word that holds no true meaning... Now, hand over the remaining Hachibi and Kyubi... And cooperate with my operation, otherwise, war will be upon us".

Tsunade then says "I will not hand over Naruto!" and Gaara "I agree..." while Mei says "I concur!" and the Tsuchikage Onoki ask to the Raikage A that yells "I will not hand over my brother to this man!" then Obito says "I may have no power myself... but I have the power of the Bijuu I have thus far collected... You have no hope of victory...".

Then Gaara says "We will not abandon hope" and Obito "Very well... In that case, I hereby declare... The Fourth Ninja World War!" then the spiraling void appeared once again and as he was disappearing he said "Next time we meet it will be on the battleground!" and then he was gone.