Chapter 120 - War Preparations

After Obito disappeared the first to break the silence was the Tsuchikage Onoki who said "Dear me... What now?" and the Kazekage Gaara replies "We must form a Shinobi Alliance, there is no other way to oppose the power of seven Bijuu" and then the Mizukage Mei question the Raikage A "I recall you were against the idea Raikage-sama?.

Hearing that A says "I simply do not like to trust my back to the others villages... but I refuse to allow Akatsuki to have their way with us any longer! We form a Shinobi alliance and settle this as quickly as possible..." then Onoki turns to the Hokage Tsunade and asks "What about Konoha?".

And Tsunade replies "I never thought the Uchiha Curse would end up tormenting us all...Of course, I'm in... It's time to end this once and for all" at that moment C comes and says "Raikage-sama we must make arrangement right away to track down Killer B! If Akatsuki's targets are the Hachibi and the Kyubi, then they must still be pursuing Killer B with all their might!".

Hearing that A nods and says "Quite! C select a search party at once and contact the village so that they can begin the search at once!" and C replies "Yes Sir!" while Darui says "We should let team Samui know about this right away too, Omoi and Karui were seriously down about all this".

Then Mei says "In order to put a stop to Madara's Moon's Eye Operation we must on no account permit him to obtain the Hachibi or Kyubi as such is more prudent for our shinobi alliance to locate the Hachibi and Kyubi before he can do so and hide them away from him...".

But Onoky counters "No... the power of the seven Bijuu that Madara has collected is beyond imagining... and he may have some kind of Jutsu or another secret plan up his sleeve that makes use of them... Should we not count the Hachibi and Kyubi as a valuable part of our military force?" and Tsunade "On that, I agree with the Tsuchikage... we need Naruto and B strength!".

But Gaara "Unthinkable protecting them is a vital objective of this war..." and Tsunade "You are just a kid! Naruto is...." but Gaara stops her and says "I know him well... He takes too many risks when it comes to his friends..." that stumps Tsunade, and Gaara then continues "I suspect the reason Madara has decided to start this war using the seven Bijuu he has collected is because in his current weakened state, and with the few Akatsuki member remaining to him, it would be too difficult for him to capture the Hachibi and the Kyubi, even if he succeeded the risks would be too high, he may be thinking of using this war to lure them out".

Hearing Gaara's analysis both Mei and A nodded and agreed with him, then A added "Considering what it may lead to we cannot possibly lay the Hachibi and the Kyubi out right before the enemy's eyes! At any rate, my brother, the Hachibi's Jinchuriki, is not the kind of man to follow any strategies we might prepare! who knows what he might end up doing... He would only bring chaos to the battlefield!".

And all of the sudden Kakashi who was silent until now spoke "I would say the same of the Kyubi's Jinchuriki, Naruto... In fact as his teacher, I call him the #1 most unpredictable ninja..." and Gaara and Tsunade confirm it by saying "True...".

Reaching that conclusion then Mei says "Very well, then Tsuchikage-sama and Hokage-sama, do you accept that we should consider the Hachibi and Kyubi targets to be retrieved, restrained, and protected?" and both Onoki and Tsunade give them a silent nod.

Then A says "I will share our information on Killer B with Suna, Konoha, Iwa, and Kiri, I suggest that search teams be organized and mobilized immediately! Once the Hachibi is found, I suggest that you send that information to me, I am probably the only person whom my brother will actually listen to!".

After everyone give their consent, Onoki spoke once again "At any rate... Is this all really acceptable? The power of the seven Bijuu that Madara will be sending against us is a huge unknown quantity... Even if we do secure the Hachibi and Kyubi and protect them with the force of our alliance... If that alliance is annihilated it will all have been meaningless... That's why I say it would be more advantageous to us if we were to send the two of them into battle from the start working alongside the alliance's forces"

But Mifune replies "Are you sure about that? We see here before us the formation of the first-ever true shinobi alliance, its power too is a huge unknown quantity... Madara himself is taking a great risk using the power of the seven Bijuu in this way, if it were no risk, then he would not have gone through the trouble of coming here and attempting to negotiate, it would seem that the situation is not entirely in his favor... Furthermore... we samurai too will take part in this battle! Tsuchikage-dono are you still so worried despite all of this?"

And at that moment Shikaku says "Even more there is another friendly force outside of the five villages that has enough power to rival or even outclass Akatsuki, in fact, Hokage-sama I think it would be a good idea to allow Ren-kun to join the next Kages meeting for the war preparations".

Hearing that A asks "What are you talking about? Who is this Ren?" and the one who replies is Mei that says "Ren-kun is the leader of the Baransa, a group formed of individual of the different village who goes around the world hunting down missing-nins, corrupt officials, dangerous monster, and criminal organizations... many members of this group have Kage level strength...".

And Onoki adds "Those bastard have destroyed a whole mountain range in the Land of Earth... their power is certain... if they join the alliance we will for sure have an easier time... but they are hard to contact and I have no idea of where is their HQ..." and Chojuro "Well for us is easy... Zabuza-san and Haku-san, members of the group, have a house in Kiri and when they do not have a mission they live there".

Meanwhile, Ren was using Shunpo to search all over the Land of Iron, he even used the Bakudō #58. Kakushitsuijaku (Footprint-Attentive Pursuing-Sparrows) to try to find a trace of Zetsu, but he was unable to find him 'Shit! That slippery momma-boy... I thought that I could use the Five Kage Summit to draw him out and deal with him once and for all but he didn't even show himself... only Obito came... there isn't even a trace of White Zetsu, why is that little shit so careful now!?'.

At the same time Zetsu was hiding in his hideout near the Gedo Mazo statue caressing gently he said "Mother do not worry soon you will be free... but I have to be more careful now those beasts have returned and they can hurt and kill me... Luckily no human-shaped ones appeared... after all even you had problems with them...but when you will return we will send them back to their hole once again...".

After the Five Kages finished their meeting, they went back to their villages to prepare for the coming war, in the end, the commader of the alliance became the Raikage A as his village was the only one that didn't have any members of the Akatsuki, and that the Hachibi's Jinchuriki would only listen to him.