Chapter 15: Cohabiting

Conner flew back to one of his best condos. These were the deluxe apartments in the Platinum Midgard. Each condo was the size of a large house with 5 bedrooms while also being very modern and stylized.

Conner had changed his clothes mid-flight since he wanted to move in without any trouble. When he landed in an alley several blocks from the apartment, began making his way there.

Even the lobby of the apartments screamed premium and luxury. When Conner walked in with his luggage, he was greeted by two concierges. They had seen him come and go many times so no one checked his I.D. He took the elevator up to the top floor where he owned the 4 apartments that belonged there.

Of the 4 apartments, only 2 were empty. 1 of them was occupied by Scotty. This was where he would return whenever he got tired of being holed up in the lab. He would hole himself up in his own home instead of those days. The other apartment belonged to Eve and Caitlin.

Before the Teen Team disbanded, Eve found out that her boyfriend, Rex, had been cheating on her. When she dumped him and informed her parents, her father told her to forgive him. This caused a huge fight which ended up with Eve leaving her home.

Not willing to let her best friend live out in the world on her own, Caitlin also left home to stay with Eve and had Conner give them one of his apartments. The pair were staying there until they graduated from high school before coming up with plans on what to do next.

It just so happened that the two were leaving the apartment when Conner came up. They saw all of his luggage and instantly knew that he had left his own place.

"What happened with you?" asked Eve

"Nothing much. Got kicked out due to being sponsored by HOMRA," Conner replied indifferently

"You still haven't told them?" asked Caitlin

"Told them what?" asked Eve

"Nope. You still haven't told her?" shot back Conner

"Told me what?" asked Eve

"Nope. Don't wanna put her in an awkward position with Mark," Caitlin said honestly

"What are you two talking about? What does telling me something have to do with Mark?"

"You mean besides that you are into him?"

"Most would think it was weird that their best friend is into their brother but I just hope you two can start going out already. This 'will they, won't they' romantic-comedy stuff is getting hard to watch," Conner said with exasperation

"I'm not into Mark!"

"You are."

"You really are."

"Ugh! You're both so annoying!" Eve said before walking into the elevator and taking it down

She could hear the pair laughing at her as she boarded and even as the elevator left the floor. Conner was about to head to one of the empty apartments when Caitlin grabbed his arm and brought him back to hers.

"Are you serious?" Conner asked, his voice filled with hope and desire as he looked at Caitlin

"Hmm. I already asked Eve about it. I was planning on asking you on your birthday but since you were kicked out, might as well have you stay with us a bit earlier," Caitlin nodded boldly

It was not like the two had not slept together before so she was not shy about it. Both of them were very committed to one another so staying in the same room was no big deal. Caitlin was already 18 and Conner would be 18 in a week.

Conner was brought into the room and saw that it was already prepared for him. It was no longer as girly as the room she had when she stayed with her parents and half of the drawers and closet space were cleared out for him.

"I'm gonna head downstairs. Eve is probably waiting for me so we can go on patrol. I'll see you tonight," Caitlin said as she hurried out the door

Even though she was comfortable with Conner and truly planned to be with him for a long time, moving in together was a big step so she still felt a little embarrassed about it.

Conner unpacked all of his stuff before heading down to the local market to pick up some groceries. Since it was his first night there, he planned to make a big dinner for everyone. But he got back into the apartment, there was an unwelcomed guest there.

"Cecil. My father may tolerate you teleporting into his home but I certainly don't tolerate you doing this in mine. Say what you have to say quickly before I lose my patience," Conner said barely concealing the disgust in his voice

Of all the people in the Invincible universe, Cecil was definitely tied for first place for the number of people Conner did not trust along with Robot.

"I'm planning to rebuild the Guardians of the Globe. Your father won't join and has forbidden your brother from joining too. But you are different.

You think on your own. How would you like to co-lead this new team with Robot? The only person you would answer to is me?" Cecil could tell that he was not liked by the teen before him so he pled his case fast

Conner mentally laughed when he heard the offer. Working for Cecil? That was the biggest joke in his ears.

Cecil was very similar yet very different from him. Both would do anything to take to come out on top but Conner had limits. He had rules and a code. Cecil didn't. He would send in a 5-year-old child to become a murderer if that would make his life slightly easier.

"I'm not interested, Cecil. HOMRA pays much more and has much more freedom for me. But if I ever gain any national loyalty or pride, I will break into the Pentagon and let you know," Conner said with a lazy smile on his face

Cecil looked at Conner for a moment before pressing a button on his watch. With a flash, he was teleported away. He knew he couldn't change Conner's mind so thought it was better to be distant acquaintances than enemies.

Soon after Cecil left, Conner got a message from Scotty. He had to suit up and get out of there. They were getting a visitor from outer space and Conner wanted to be the first to see the eventual strongest person in the galaxy. His name was Allen.