A maid’s past #3

Aiena's Pov~

Lord Viscount came near me and politely ask

"I know what is happening is hard for you, Aiena, but can you come with me to where your father is standing? " even when everyone was blaming us was being rough towards us Lord Viscount was feeling the same as before, comfortable like an uncle. So, I nodded and held Lord Viscount's hand and we walked to where papa was although everyone was seeing us with contempt,

When we reach near father, Lord Viscount asked paladins to go away confused I hugged Papa, and he pets my head and then the High priest declared what is the mercy granted to my papa

"The heretic has asked for a chat with our Lord Viscount regarding his daughter's future and safety"

At this, people started shouting for Lord Viscount to maintain a safe distance and to be sure not to get corrupted by dying Heretic words. But asking all of them to be quiet and sending paladin away Viscount uses a skill.

"[Voice cancellation Barrier], you can speak now, Alder. No one can hear us now". It was just as Lord Viscount said the voices from outside were not coming in and people were staring at us like they could not hear us. Papa smiled a bit looked towards Lord Viscount, and spoke

"Do you still believe me my lord" father rarely ever called Lord Viscount lord

"Drop the crap, Alder. You know I do what is happening? Is it related to your last raid were you framed what about other knights and soldiers?? Why did you accept being an Evil God worshiper? Tell me my friend I will do everything possible in my power to help you. It is not too late," Viscount was standing straight and composed but his voice was anxious.

"Calm down Ralph, the last raid as you said is what makes the situation come to this. Unfortunately, I can not specify what is it?? Cause that is the vow I had taken to assure Aiena's and my wife's security,"

"Alder, I do not want to lose you, my friend. Why does all this happen when I had to attend the meeting of the nobles? Is it really too late?"

"It is my friend, the only hint I can give you is Holy knight might not always represent righteousness," my papa said with a dry laugh and after staring at him for a bit Lord Viscount spoke calmly

"I will take care of Aiena, and take her in as my adoptive daughter, make sure she will get all the luxuries. Marry her off to a prestigious family and do whatever I could do as if she is my own daughter,"

"No, do not take her in as daughter takes her in as a maid. That way suspicion and ill will of people will be reduced"

"Do you think they can do anything to me because I take a little kid who lost her parent in?" Lord Viscount said with an angry look.

"Again, you are letting your emotion do the talking. I am already being framed and going to get executed. We do not want more problems than we already have. Also, think about Lina. It has only been a year since your marriage do you want to trouble Lina that much," papa said looking concerned.

"You are right, I was swept about emotions. Even if she is taken in as maid in training, I will make sure she is cared for greatly,"

"And that is all I can ask for, Aiena hear what I am going to say properly," papa said making me stand in front of him "never make Lord viscount feel regret about taking you in, be a good girl papa will be watching over you" at this I started crying loudly I still can not describe the emotions I felt "papa please do not go I will be a good girl, please papa," I said and then turned towards Lord Viscount

"Please save papa Lord Viscount please save papa, Papa is not bad. that person burnt our house down please Lord Viscount save papa please save papa," I cried and bowed to Lord Viscount at this he just stands me up and hugs me warmly "I know your papa is not bad, this is their win I assure you we will avenge your papa someday" I hugged papa again and kept crying and after some while Lord Viscount said

"Do you want to know about how your papa and I met, how was your father in the past, how we enjoy our time before I got my Nobel title,"

"Is it again one of your pranks, Ralph?" my papa said with a smile

"Well, whatever they never specified a time limit, did they?? They just say we can do one last chat relating to Aiena's future and talking about your daughter's future takes a long time right," Lord Viscount said to papa with a smirk.

"Sure, sure the only magic this me can do" saying this papa create a symbol on the floor by feet "Add mana my friend this miracle bounding me is also bounding my mana" papa smiled at Lord Viscount and Lord Viscount place his feet at the symbol and the ground rise in a rough square shape after sitting on it and placing me beside himself Lord Viscount said with a smile

"Let's remember past and talk nostalgically like two old men my friend, so your daughter will know all she could wish to know about you"

"you never change Ralph," my father said with a smirk and both started talking about the past telling me all about how they met how my father's father was also a friend of Lord Viscount's father how they always cause ruckus together, and many more things I never know about.

People were being anxious about what we were talking about for so long and even the High priest looked troubled but papa and Lord Viscount keep talking till the sun was almost below the horizon and when we start going away from papa suddenly Lord Viscount act falling forward and everyone got vigilant and jumped at this my papa and Lord Viscount exchanged a smirk and when we returned to our place High priest announced

"We will proceed with execution now" as soon as he said this the bad paladin the holy knight jumped forward and shouted "The body which surrenders and serves Evil God does not deserve burial, by the skill bestowed upon me by Goddess of light I will burn him to ground [Flame Dome]"

"Papa no papa does not burn him" I shouted and cry people were cheering for the holy knight but suddenly a sound resounds from my side

"[Barrier] This is still my territory Holy knight do not forget this all the execution here will be done according to my words" as soon as Viscount say this with eyes full of anger A barrier surround my father dead burnt body and it stopped burning further and Lord Viscount shouted again "I will take care of the dead body. I will not leave a daughter without a place where she can meet her dead father. " at this I hugged Lord Viscount hard and started crying, "as you wish my lord," the holy knight said and stepped back.

My papa body was carried by a few knights who were with Lord Viscount and I went to the mansion with Lord Viscount in a wagon in the way we could hear some people were saying bad things about Lord Viscount stopping the burning of my father body but he did not pay any attention to it and there were also people saying it was a merciful decision as Goddess of Light follower should take.