A maid’s past #4

Lord Viscount and I reached the mansion. It looked as pretty as always before this I had been here a few times with papa too and played in the big garden.

The big Iron gate with flower and leaf design white and sturdy brick wall a big front yard and in the middle of it a nice looking big two-floored mansion the big windows with balcony toward the direction we are standing I always feel in awe whenever I compare our humble home to the mansion.

When the carriage reached the Mansion gate, Lord Viscount, who was quiet during the whole ride finally spoke

"You can call mansion your home now Aiena" as soon as he finished saying this the butler uncle opened the door and after stepping out of the carriage Lord Viscount present me his hand for support to jump out and I took his hand and come out of the carriage while we were moving towards gate Lord Viscount tell me how I it will be fine and trying to cheer me up when we reach near gate and butler uncle started moving faster than us and when he was about to reach it.

It opened from inside and Viscountess mam came rushing towards us, being followed by Helen auntie. Seeing her rushing like this, Lord Viscount stood straight and opened his arms smiling, but approaching Viscountess pushed him aside and hugged me hard

"I heard what happened, I will take care of you do not worry" saying this Viscountess mam hugged me hard

"I too am feeling sad, he was my friend too" I remember Lord Viscount pout

Seeing him pouting Viscountess mam made an irritated face and turning her face while hugging me shouted "are you a kid, Ralph stands back and stop pouting" and then moved her face toward me with affection and said

"Ignore that fool. Let's go inside. Helena had made tasty food. We will get your clothes washed too"

After bearing Hateful gazes the whole day, getting shouted on by people taking harsh treatment the kindness Viscountess mam showed me make me tear out on the spot "They killed papa, they snatch mama. I couldn't do anything…. I…had to.. watch…it….all" I started weeping hard "papa died papa was killed I hate church they took mama and papa am alone" I kept weeping and Viscountess mam hugged me and keep saying.

"Let it all out, let it all out I will make sure you are not alone you will not be alone" She kept consoling me taking me up in arms and asking Helena auntie to prepare food while moving towards the mansion I still remember how secure it felt in Viscountess mam arms she kept petting me and consoling me.

Once we reach the dining room, she set me up on a chair and feed me while she and the viscount were having a chat. I was focused on food so I did not remember much of it.

When papa was lost I and mama only eat food at night and look for papa all day along my clothes were also not washed and were dirty I remember eating belly full after a week I was so full after so many days that I started falling asleep.

"Let's go to bed for sleeping, Aiena. We will go to buy clothes for u tomorrow" Viscountess mam said

I did not remember after that I was too sleepy. The next day I woke up beside Viscountess mam and she was already awake. "Good morning Aiena, did you sleep well"

"Yes, Viscountess mam," I said, trying to get up quickly

"Take your time. Do not hurry standing up, you might feel dizzy if you suddenly stand up"

And she was right. As soon as I stand on the bed, I fall on her she sat me up and started getting off the bed she called for Helena auntie

"Helena show Aiena bath and get her cleaned. We will go shopping for clothes"

"As you say, lady Viscountess''

Answering her Helena auntie took me to bathe and asked me if I can bath myself even though I said yes, she helped me bathe she said I should not act tough that we are just like your family now those words make me feel elated after bathing I had a late breakfast that day and then I go with Viscountess mam for buying clothes.

A lot of people were saying a lot of things about me being with Viscountess, but no one dared say it aloud.

For weeks I was filled with sadness and was pampered a lot by Viscountess mam and Viscount mam but soon after thinking again and again I decided I cannot remain as this Mama asked me to grow up like a good girl and papa asked me to not make Lord Viscount regret taking me in and then I asked Viscountess mam

"When can I learn to work as a maid, as papa and Lord Viscount talked about?"

then, giving me a peculiar look, she said "I did not know about it".

That afternoon Lord Viscount and Viscountess mam said they have to talk about something and asked maid big sis to play with me that is how I meet Lana big sis for the first time she knew how to do Read, write and calculate

"Aiena want me to read you a book," she asked

"No!!!!, No books for kids" A loud voice came from behind of Lana big sis and this is how I meet Hina sis

"Kids must play running around, not read books sitting in one place," Hina sis proclaimed

"Do not make her like you, Aiena look like a smart girl," Lana sis answered

And both of them started arguing and soon they were pulling each other's cheeks I still remembered how hard I laughed at them and then how hard they laughed then first we listen to Lana's big sis story and then played at garden Hina sis ran fast even in a maid costume.

After that, Lord Viscount and Viscountess mam called me. Viscountess mam looked towards me and spoke

"Although Ralph and your father had decided. That you will be a maid. I have a few suggestions. You can just act like the maid when someone visits and live normally like my daughter every other day, I would love to have a daughter like you"

"Yes, Aiena, we just need to show people we took you in as maid," Lord Viscount continued

"No, I want to be a maid I want to learn how to do the work of a maid I want to be able to do addition and multiplication like Lana big sis and I want to be a good girl who knows many kinds of work when mama return and also papa asked me to be a maid" I was determined cause I saw how happy I was with them and how much I could learn from them I remember father words and also mama who wanted me to grow up like a good girl too I wanted to do my best

"Okay then I will agree to what you say Aiena, but in exchange, you will have to just be a cute daughter once a week," Viscountess mam said with a sign

"And you will study under Lana every day instead of going to church school," Lord Viscount added

"I will do my best Lord Viscount, Viscountess mam"

""Good girl Aiena"" they both said and Viscountess mam hugged me that night I slept with Viscountess mam and the next day Helena auntie showed me the maid's apartment behind the mansion it was just like my home the difference was that it was a bit big and had many rooms I shared a room with Hina sis and Lana big sis because I was small and also, I would feel lonely otherwise.

After that, I soon began to like my life as a maid and also enjoy with maid sisters although sometimes I become sad remembering papa and mama and cry, they consoled me every time Viscountess mam would make me be with her whole day once a week teach me many things like how to be a proper lady and many other things just like mama would do.

Days were becoming happy again, and it was happiest when we come to know that Young master was going to be born.

I still remember all I had to do was to be with Viscountess mam every day and after Young master birth we are so happy and everything is so cheerful that is why am scared at the name of Church that I cannot stop crying out of memories and my fears but I do not want to trouble Viscountess mam and Lord Viscount I know it was different for papa and it is just naming for the young master but I cannot stop this bad feeling and my fear I do not want to lose happiness again.