Hina's Past #3

Hina's Pov

The home was smaller than my father's home, but it was evident it was no normal house it was bigger than every other house in the locality, it had a separate kitchen, a bathroom with tub, two bedrooms, and also a fireplace in the living room Lina big sister pointed at the fireplace and said with a smile

"This thing will finally be used; you know I hardly feel cold"

"It is pretty," I replied to her in awe back then, because that fireplace was pretty cute with a little wood holder at the side,

Once the tour of the home was over, Lina big sister said

"Now I need to go, or all the good quests will be snatched" and then she moved towards the fireplace and picked out some roasted potatoes from it, and moved towards the kitchen all the while I followed her,

Once in the kitchen, she sprinkled some salt on the roasted potatoes after peeling them and spoke

"Thanks for the breakfast, Light Goddess. Ahh Hina, do you want some too" I remembered staring at her wide-eyed. There were more potatoes left in the fireplace

'When were they roasted, does she eat this as breakfast every day??' I thought back then, as I was staring at her in surprise, I was so shocked that I couldn't hear her at all and she spoke as she moved towards me

"You don't want it??"

"No…" I said in a low voice while looking at her and then she said,

"Ahh you can have some later than," and started moving a potato towards her mouth but before she could take a bite it, I shouted

"No!! since when are you eating these and when were these roasted" out of surprise the potato fell from her hand, and then she stared at me for a while and giggled as she spoke

"You sure know how to shout Hina, I roasted early morning before you wake up. I do it every day for breakfast and to carry some in the dungeon for eating during exploring… does it look to you that they were roasted months ago,"

"Still it is not good to eat roasted potato every day for breakfast and lunch," I said with an exasperated look although Lina big sister had a caring and warm persona back then, she was very clumsy in many places drinking and eating habits especially,

"But I eat beef and meat every night at the bar, so isn't it fine," she said while moving her fingers towards each other and to her like that I replied

"No, it is not. It is very biased Lina sister, and eating roasted potato every day can give you belly problems, I know what ingredients do you got at home??"

After that, she showed me the ingredients in the kitchen leaving potatoes and tomatoes. There were no other vegetables, there were spices too and I remember big sister Lina said

"I eat tomatoes raw as a fruit," and I replied with a palm on my head

"Please don't over-do it, you know eating too many raw tomatoes makes you sick I read before"

"I will take care from now on," Lina big sister said, but she picked a tomato for eating and added

"One must be fine, right" and I nodded, then I told her to wait at the dining table and cooked potato salad. She was mending and placing her daggers in her armor when I walked into the living room with potato salad,

"It didn't look there were these many daggers in it from outside!" I remembered shouting because it was shocking how she put two daggers inside each arm's guard and even holders on both sides of her lower were containing three daggers each,

"Ahh, I carry a total of 14 daggers every day, is it the breakfast It smells tasty!! Give me" she said while smiling at me, I serve it for her on a plate and sat across her she was just moving the spoon to her mouth when I spoke

"Lina sister, you are a mage, right? Why daggers then?" now that I think about it, this was stupid of me. I shouldn't have asked right at the moment she was about to eat it,

"I will tell you Hina, but can I eat first? The smell is too appetizing to wait," she said with pleading eyes,

"I am sorry, please eat and tell me how it is," I said to her.

She took a bite and her face turned serious, I was waiting for a reaction but did not get one then she took another bite with a more serious face, I thought I did something wrong while making it

'But I am sure to put salt not sugar and everything was fine' were the thoughts I was having back then, but soon after finishing it, she held both of my shoulders, and looking seriously in my eyes she said,

"How did you even make it!! It was super tasty; I want to eat it every day," and smiled

"Lina sister, you scared me for a second you know. I thought I did something wrong due to your serious face," I said with a pout

"Ahh, it was too tasty, and it was made from things I got at home only so I was shocked how is it even possible!?" she said with shining eyes and then while putting her hand on her chin with a thoughtful look she added in a low voice

"Teach me how to cook it"

"What?" I asked her because Lina big sister's voice was too low

"I said teach me how to cook this tasty potato salad!! It would be a shame if I can't eat it in the future," she said, almost shouting,

"I will cook it for you since you are keeping me with you," I said back reflexively, but she shook me by my shoulders and said with a grim expression

"What will happen when you will get married?? Then I would not be able to eat it, so teach me,"

"I told you I won't be married; I will cook it!!" I shouted back reflexively and then she left my shoulders. We both stared at each other and laughed likes fools,

"Okay, jokes aside, I still want to learn it," she said and then I nodded, then once we sit back on our respective chairs she asked

"So you wanted to know about my daggers?"

"Yes, I am very curious, why a mage would carry these and also this many," I said with curiosity and she just smiled and started explaining

"First of all, I am more of a sorceress rather than a mage because even though I know the magic in the manner of glyphs and chants, I use my crimson flames mostly on reflexes to fight," she stopped once she said till here, I nodded and she continued

"Second as you might've noticed that people of the town give me a special recognition, it is due to me going alone into the dungeon, my goal is to clear the Hell's flame dungeon alone… I carry these daggers to attack monsters when they are too close, a magic-user cannot fight alone unless they have some way of attacking enemies once they reach too close, especially in my case I use most of my mana in my flames, I am proficient in dagger arts and even got skills relating to it, I even throw them after imbuing them with my flames,"

It was like I was learning from a Professional Instructor, and once in the zone she kept going with her explanation until she looked out and saw that she was getting late,

"Ahh, I will tell you more later Hina, I need to go now," she said while standing up and checking her equipment for once, when she was about to rush out, I told her to wait as I rushed into the kitchen and come back while carrying a packed lunch

"Here I packed some lunch for dungeon" I handed it over to her and she received it with shining eyes,

"I will be back in the evening take care of the house okay," Lina big sister said to me

"Take care," I waved as she left,

I did all the house works and even planted some potatoes that were sprouting in the little garden behind the house, Lina big sister came back at night and we go to the bar for dinner and it became a routine,

I came to know a lot of things meanwhile as to how I could've ended up being on the list of human traffickers because of my skills, and also how adventurers who were eyeing me were not approaching due to Lina big sister, I was lucky in many ways to have met Lina big sister back then,

Every day was fun, teaching Lina big sister cooking, I even began earning some money by becoming an ingredient grader at a nearby pharmacy. I even saw elves and fairies because of the dungeon being prosperous. People visited the town from everywhere,

Lina big sister learned to cook everything to her liking leaving the potato salad somehow, but since that fateful encounter, I remained with Lina big sister forever, when she completed dungeon solo and become a legend when the magic tower and circle were chasing her, when she went to hiding, then marrying Lord Viscount, she changed a lot in personality and the way she dressed and look but some things never changed, we remain together with me being at her side,

And now I will finally be married tomorrow. Her prediction came true and I am again as happy to have met someone as I were to meet her; true love did come to me as Lina big sister said now all those things that happened before meeting Lina big sister matter lesser than ever, they seem like a distant dream and a small price for my current happiness, and fortunately, I will be able to keep making Lina big sister's favorite Potato salad for her forever,