The Day of Hina's Marriage

Ryu's Pov

I just woke up, and the house was filled with noises. It had been 3 months since Hina's marriage was settled, and today is the marriage night finally.

I tried sitting up but felt a heaviness on my chest and I realized Aiena was still sleeping beside me. I thought

'You will kill me someday; I am 3 years old don't put pressure on my chest when you sleep'

And I patted her head. This is a technique I mastered since birth, patting slowly at the begging and then getting harsher slowly

"Ehehe pat me more," she said smiling stupidly in her sleep, well I would've used a water glyph or something to wake her up instantly but it would be problematic to explain it later it is not like I enjoy waking her up this way after some harsh patting she finally woke up

"Good morning, Ryu. Did you sleep well?" she asked as soon as she woke up,

"Yes, Aiena, today is marriage night" as soon as I said this Aiena's eyes sparkled, and she jumped out of the bed, I wanted to shout

'Jumping over a kid is really dangerous!! are you fool!!' but I did not, once she was on the floor she turned around and open her arms inviting me for a carry, although I can perfectly walk now, she still insists on carrying me around first thing in the morning whenever she sleeps with me and Mom, and I don't mind feeling like a king being carried around home,

Aiena took me downstairs, out of the room. There was only Snow sitting at the dining table

"Good morning, Snow sister," Aiena said to her,

"Good morning," I too said, and Snow replied to us

"Morning, you two," Snow said spreading her arms and gesturing for Aiena to pass me over, sometimes I wonder why she is so affectionate to me but not like I am bothered by it if guys back in my class knew I was being hugged by a big sister this beautiful they would've crusaded against me,

"Snow sister, where are others," Hina asked Snow while passing me over to her, and Snow hugged me tightly, not going to lie her breasts are biggest after Mom so I could not help but praise my luck for being hugged this tightly by her.

"Lana and Hina to Church, Lina big sister at Chief Uncle's home" I was too focused on the soft feeling surrounding me that I did not hear their conversation after this. After ten minutes or so, their conversation was over.

Snow carrying me stood up, put me on the ground, and presented her hand, which I hold instantly

"Let's go!!" Aiena said

"Go!!" Snow and I repeated,

After Snow locked our house, I held hands with both Aiena and Snow, and we walked towards Chief grandpa's home once we were near it there were many kinds of deliveries going on, and Grandpa Chief at the door was receiving them, once he saw towards us

"Ryu, Aiena, Snow Good morning!!" he rushed toward us

"Good morning, Grandpa Chief," Aiena said

"Good morning, Chief Grandpa," I said and waved to him, freeing my hand from Aiena,

"Morning Chief uncle," Snow said

After that, he took us inside. He told us that Geld had gone to the nearby town to bring some people who are like relatives to them and that after having a little chat with him, Mom also left for church to help Hina and Lana.

"Would you like some snacks? Aiena, Ryu" Grandpa Chief asked us to which we nodded and he brought some snacks out of one of the deliveries. Now that I look around there are too many things here. this reminds me that Mom and Grandpa Chief were talking last month about the guest-list for marriage being four times what was originally expected,

These all must be delivered to provide for all of them properly once we sit at the dining table for eating snacks. Grandpa chief and Snow were having a chat, although Snow talks in fewer words. She could be a great conversation partner if the other side understands her well,

I was looking at everything in the room. The things put inside were making my eyeshine. There was mostly eating stuff and some other stuff, but one thing I noticed suddenly caught my attention. I moved towards it and stared inside it.

"Grandpa Chief, is this one of the monsters you told us about?" I asked Grandpa chief, while I stood in front of the cage which barely reaches my knees, contained inside it was a chicken-like creature with sharp claws and a scorpion-like tail,

"Yes, Ryu, it is just like those stories. It is an edible tasty monster called Red Stinger Kokako," Grandpa chief replied, and I thought

'Was it me or he emphasized the Red part?'

Once I looked again at Kokako, I got it, it was a black one, and that could mean only one thing: a Unique variant. My eyes were shining, the stuff I learned from Grandpa's story

In this world of Pefrion Animals, humans and other human-like species have red blood, while the blood of monsters is blue or violet, some like slime and undead didn't even have blood, there are divine beasts too with Golden color blood which are called God's pets,

Among those monsters every once in a while, or inside some specific dungeons, Unique Variants of the same species of monster are found, like in hoard of white snake monster there is a black one, or in red fire spirit monster there is a blue one, they can be told apart mostly just by seeing them, the most amazing thing about them is killing a Unique Variant will provide you with a skill,

These types of skills gained by killing Unique Variant of monsters are called salvaged skills, some adventurers especially hunt for Unique Variant to gain salvaged skills, but the catch is Unique Variants are usually stronger and have different skills than those of normal types of their species,

I think Grandpa chief intentionally emphasized on Red part so I can know this. Does he want me to ask him about it? I wanted to shout

'Tell me your secrets Grandpa chief, why is your smile so smug!?' as I looked towards him.

I decided that this was a golden chance to get a skill that mustn't be lost and I asked,

"Grandpa Chief, this doesn't look red though," I tried acting stupid,

"It sure is not. What could it mean?" He replied and now Snow was also looking towards me. This was a huge pressure of gaze at 3 years old. body, taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for speaking.

"This is a Unique Variant, right?" I spoke in a childish voice, and laughing, he replied

"Haha, someone listens to my stories carefully, you are a smart kid Ryu," he said as he came towards me and added as he pets me

"Yes, it is a Unique Variant," then in a low voice he added,

"Do you want to kill it??" to this I nodded, I am sure by this point that Grandpa Chief is a nice man but he knows more than he shows usually,

"Nice then, I will talk to Lina about your first kill ceremony," he told me, first kill ceremony I heard him talk about it in one of his stories about how it is a tradition in his family to have children kill a monster to learn how to be part of the cycle of life or something,

After that, we ate snacks and Grandpa Chief told us

"You all should go to church. Hina, Lana, and Lina with Priestess are preparing there for tonight's events,"

We will," Snow replied with a little smile. It was not hard to notice how happy she was for Hina.

And after saying see you tonight we left for the Church,

"Aiena!! You are late," a girl at the entrance of the church said to Aiena.

"We are helping teachers since morning, you know," another girl said

"I am sorry, my family was talking late at night, so I woke up late" Aiena replied with an apologetic expression to them, now that I think about it last night's chat was really too late for Aiena's bedtime but well sometimes it is fine for special occasions,

Well although am not one to say this as 3 years old who slept later than everyone regularly, after we went to the Orphanage side every child was doing some kind of work making decorations and stuff, I felt like I was seeing the preparation for a school fest going on, everyone seemed excited.

"Aiena, Ryu sorry to leave you sleeping, but Aiena was snuggling to Ryu so cutely I couldn't find it in my heart to wake you up," Mom said with a warm smile as she saw us coming, I could smell jealousy from somewhere and noticed that Kit was staring at us,

Lana and Hina were helping the children make stuff, and they invited us to join, man I feel creative seeing so many decorations being made, till evening I was chilling with the children when the sun was going down, I and family left for home so we could wear formal clothing for the wedding,