Training and Surprise

It had been 2 weeks since the Naga incident, Ryu and his family grew closer as the result of the accident and Ryu's and Lina's heartfelt talk.

"Ryu!! Stab twice flick the sword at the neck!" Geld shouted standing at the side of the training ground instructing Ryu, who was practicing with a dummy,

'How is that even possible!!' Ryu wanted to shout but hold it in,

After the incident, Geld started training Ryu with double the intensity, he even began teaching Ryu his sword art he developed over the years in Zerah forest,

'How does one flick sword-like blinking eyes twice!?' Ryu wondered as he tried to flick the sword twice at the neck,

The technique Geld was trying to teach was slashing at the enemy's neck once and then flicking the sword at the neck just by moving hand not the arm, and it was something Ryu can't figure out the proper way of doing he was training with Geld since early morning and it is nearly afternoon,

'Just a bit more!!!' Ryu thought, pushing himself for doing the attack properly, at afternoon Geld had to leave for his duties as town's chief,

"Think of it as tapping desk!!" Geld shouted at Ryu,

But Ryu still couldn't do it, he needed more practice Geld signaled the end of the practice and Ryu stopped panting hard, Geld changed their training schedule big time earlier than what used to be normal 2 or 1-hour sword practice had become 4 hours strict training regimen,

Where a whole hour was just dedicated to slashing quickly and another on push-ups and other potential building exercises, it was harsh.

And there was also another addition.

"Big brother!! See I got what I wanted now it is just like punching for me!!" Jue exclaimed happily showing knuckles he was wearing to Ryu,

Since that incident, Jue had been actively participating in harsh training along with Ryu in his mind. The need for power had become a fact. he never wants to be helpless on the ground again when his big brother is struggling next time,

"They look heavy will you be okay Jue!?" Ryu asked as he saw the knuckles, they were metal knuckles with a rough look Jue somehow saw using knuckles and get enchanted by how simple they and he can use them normally for punching and grappling,

"They are fine big brother; it is just like a glove!!" Jue said while shaking his hands,

Ryu was shocked at Jue's tenacity even though he joined in practice later he still is just a normal 8-year-old who just began properly practicing recently wearing those heavy knuckles and holding the sword at the same time must be exhausting but Jue was still smiling,

"Big brother, let me show you something cool!! I got it when I killed those monsters with grandpa earlier," Jue said proudly taking two steps back. He looked towards Geld who nodded in approval.

Jue threw a sword at the side and hold his knuckled hand above, then punched hard on the ground what happened next made Ryu grasp in shock because a small wall of mud erected in front of Jue a bit higher than Jue's height,

'What in the hell!? Did he level up this soon!?' Ryu was shocked beyond belief. It had only been a week since Jue actively started going to the forest for killing monsters with the Village chief,

Earlier they tried stopping him, but Geld supported him, knowing power is important in this world and he was going to Zerah forest since he was 7 years old. He supported and respected Jue's decision,

"How was it, big brother!? Cool right!" Jue said as he crawled up standing on top of the mud wall, crossing his arms pridefully.

"It is awesome shielding skill! Jue, you surprised me" Ryu wasn't lying. He began scanning Jue for his stats


Blessing- [Blessing of Valor God-B]

Skills- [Silent stepping I], [Inhibition], [Mud Wall], [Ground loosing]

Salvaged Skill- [Ground bound])

Jue leveled up twice in a week, the speed was one thing but he gained two skills consecutively on both levels, Ryu focused on the skill Jue didn't use till now,

[Skill- Ground loosening: Uses Mana for activation makes Ground loose and soft]

Unlike Ryu, who has a talent for magic and also mana channeling, Jue didn't have any talent for magic itself, having skills that consume mana is a huge plus for Jue,

'This brat got good luck!!' Ryu thought as he moved towards the mud wall and shouted to Jue,

"Jue, try pressing the mud and focus on softening it!!"

Jue did as he was told and was shocked that the mud was actually loosening up and he slide down the mud on that wall that was bending due to being soft,

"Awesome!! After all, Ryu big brother is smart! Even I did not know I can do that!" Jue cheerfully jumped, discovering he can do one more awesome thing, but Ryu's attention was focused on Geld who was coming towards them from the side,

"Ryu, Jue nice work! But Ryu, you need to practice flicking harder. "

"Yes, Geld big brother, I was thinking if I could maybe go to practice on real monster…. Then maybe…" Ryu spoke while diverting his eyesight, but before he could finish Geld cut in between,

"Yes, I talked with your mom. You can go to Forest again but…"

"But what? Geld big brother?" Ryu asked, half relieved that he can begin practicing and leveling in the forest again, half curious what condition will be placed,

"You will have to come back to show face at home once in the middle before night," Geld stated.

Ryu was happy it wasn't something unreasonable and thought

'Well fresh lunch after fighting will be elixir!!' happily grinning,

"Also" Geld added "Make sure whenever you are using those swords of yours no other adventurer is around… an SS-ranked manifest has the power of bringing even palace and king's attention to you… especially their attention is focused on the next Kingdom's hero summoning! They can use a SS manifest user as a piece to claim their standing"

"Yes, Geld big brother, I will take care" Ryu nodded, and Geld leave patting Jue and telling Ryu to take care while visiting the forest alone,

Ryu waited until Geld was out of the training ground and laid straight on the ground for resting,

[Power napping- A skill that recovers a high amount of stamina in 20 mins of sleeping the skill require higher food consumption]

Ryu stare at the skill again, it is his lifeline in this life of hard work it recovers his stamina but what isn't mentioned in the status window is that it had a similar effect to a night's sleep it recovers Ryu's muscles that are broken during practice just like a good night sleep will do, the only downside of the skill is eating 4 times of what he normally would for using it 5 times,

"Big brother will you sleep here!?" Jue asked while looking down at Ryu.

"Yea, just a little nap, you can go ahead to home Jue," Ryu said drowsily,

"I will carry big brother back to home," Jue said as he picked Ryu up activating [Blessing of Valor God- B] Ryu instantly began complaining but only an inaudible whisper escaped his mouth,

"Put me down Jue…" but Jue was already walking towards home. Ryu was embarrassed being carried like a kid by his smaller brother,

'Even though I am older!! First Aiena and now this brat!!, what is these people's obsession with picking me up!!' he thought but couldn't do anything since he already activated [Power napping] if he stopped it in middle, he would not be able to perform power napping for 4 hours so he even though ashamed let himself be a takeover by the nap,

His eyes opened in his room at home after 20 mins,

"Ryu, you woke up," Lina said as she gave Ryu a Fel fruit,

"Where is he?" Ryu asked Lina with a frown.

"You mean Jue? He left after putting you in bed saying big brother will be pissed when he woke up... tell him I will apologize later," Lina said while patting Ryu's head. She added with a motherly smile

"Seems like you two are getting along better than before!"

'Getting along my ass!! This brat!' Ryu wanted to shout but held back, answering,

"Mom, where had he gone to though?" Ryu asked, making an innocent face.

"He had gone with Chief uncle to meet with adventurer guild's Master for a tea," Lina answered

'Lucky bastard!! He deserves a scolding. I will keep a note of this,' Ryu thought and started eating Fel fruit,

"Mom, I heard you allowed going to the forest again?" Ryu cautiously asked and Lina directly looking at his eyes, spoke

"Yes, Ryu as long as you come back in middle for lunch" Lina had decided to let Ryu train she knew Ryu had a reason, and also in current conditions of the world where even a hero is being summoned after 3 centuries power is one thing that will be needed by every being and also because she doesn't want to end up like her father trying to cage their child while hoping for their happiness,

"I will be back on time for sure, looking forward to mom's tasty lunch," Ryu said as he moved towards the door. He added cheerfully

"Will be back on time!!"

"Keep your eyes open, be safe!!" Lina said to Ryu in a loud yet pleasant voice,