Training and Surprise #2

In the Zerah forest filled with poisonous monsters that look like snakes and lizards the air itself seemed to be poisonous itself in the midst of such forest in an area where even adventurers don't put their steps in due to orders of old Village chief, a sound of the fight was resounding,

"Twin fang slash!!" Ryu shouted as he rushed towards three mist crocs,

Two mist crocs jumped forward and the third one breathed poisonous gas straight ahead, Ryu jumped higher than both mist crocs,

Turning both rings into swords, Ryu tried stabbing the head of both crocs and the swords went inside cleanly like butter with little use of [Step thrust], he chanted

"O Udine, the spirit of water in your name I summon!! Water cannon!!" and a concentrated blast of water came rushing down from above of Ryu's right shoulder, making a hole in third mist croc back, killing it in one go,

It all happened very quick the 3rd croc tried to move his jaw but it was already dead,

Ryu stood between three dead mist crocs. He was surprised at his growth just after killing Naga the twin sword fang too has an intimate feeling with him but his thoughts were still

'I can't grasp the essence of using twin swords! Sadly, Geld big brother and Grandpa chief have no experience with them… I need to grow my potential and technique to match my new status too!!' Ryu pulled his swords out of croc's head,

This is one of his problems whenever he stabs and thrusts his swords inside mist crocs. He just can't seem to pull them out. [Step thrust] can only get swords inside their heads, not out of them,

'Wonder if I lack in strength?' Ryu thought but pulling them out once the fight is over was as simple as ever, Ryu's eyes turned crimson, he was checking his status again.


Title- [A Foreign Darkness], [The one believed by Light Goddess], [Revenger], [Dominator of Zerah forest]

Blessing- [Blessing of Demon God-SS]

Skills- [Slash], [Step thrust], [Mana channelling III], [Quickening], [Dagger Swipe], [Dark Reinforcement IV], [Power napping], [Camouflage], [Silent stepping III], [Quick slash], [Dagger shot], [Pouring], [Cold hand], [Dark Swipe], [water ball], [Impact thrust], [Poison edge], [water bullet], [Poison Resist supreme]

Bestowed Skill- [Hide and Seek]

Salvaged Skill- [Instantaneous Detection])

'My level raised 3 times after killing that bastard, I can physically feel the boost on my strength and speed provided by system… I remember what father said if your physical body can't catch the boost in status, it will be a waste.' Ryu thought as he swings the sword a few times to get a feel of swinging it.

Ryu was stuck. He wasn't making any progress aside from increasing his body potential and mana pool. He tried teaching himself twin sword art as not using the manifest would be a waste, but he can't make any progress on it. Copying the stuff, he watched in anime in his last life doesn't seem to work in a bit,

He just can't seem to figure twin swords out. Although he still gets by using them as daggers decreasing their size, he still is concerned with not using them to their full potential. His sudden growth had become a source of his unrest,

Ryu moved around the dead bodies of mist crocs, drawing glyphs around them by his shoes, and started channeling mana in them.

'Although it takes higher mana, it is useful!' Ryu was surprised at the glyph he designed himself, by combining a few glyphs it is a rough glyph that requires a high amount of mana to use but it is a good way to deal with dead bodies he can't carry himself,

"Decomposition!!" Ryu shouted, feeling like an anime protagonist. The glyph he designed is a decomposition glyph to decompose a dead body.

Ryu sat down in the middle of all the three glyphs in a meditating position, channeling and focusing on his mana. He thought if there is any way to progress,

'The potential of my body is increasing due to Geld's training… the mana and magic are progressing well due to snow… the problem is twin sword and martial technique…' Ryu saw a scene, something that happened a few months before,

A catgirl saving him flawlessly using twin rapier to stab and thrust through a mist croc head without the use of any skill as naturally as breathing,

'Felicia big sister!!!' Ryu stood up in surprise and saw the half-decomposed body but he didn't have time for that his mind was filled with clarity how couldn't he see the answer even when it was right in front of him,

'There is only one person using twin sword in this town of Zerah… the thing is can I believe her… Well, if snow big sister believes in her there is no reason to not believe her' Ryu decided in his head and turned the swords back into the rings he always feels cool whenever the sword change into rings in his arms,

He can't burn the leftover of decomposed or other adventurers will notice, so he decided on a very mature choice,

'I will burn it quickly!! And run fast before anyone could see the smoke and come here'

And doing exactly as he thought, he run away after burning the body,

'Where will Felicia big sister be at this hour of the day?' he wondered. Ryu remembered from breakfast that Snow will be staying home today as she and Felicia had decided upon calling it a break day,

Ryu had just entered the town market when someone put her hands on his eyes,

"Who is it guess!?" a shrill young feminine voice came from his behind. Ryu could also feel a soft feeling on his back. There was no doubt in his head,

"Felicia big sister! I know it is you," Ryu answered, trying to free his eyes, but this just prompted to Felicia pressed his eyes harder and pushed his head against her breast,

"Who Felicia big sister?" she teased,

"The one that likes teasing 11 years old!!" Ryu's face was getting red due to a soft feeling at the back of his head,

"Ryu, you are being mean to the big sister you know!!" Felicia left Ryu's body and he fall on the ground face still red,

"Ahh Ryu, are you trying to peek again? It is pink today too," Felicia said to Ryu who was laying down on the ground,

"I wasn't peeking. You made me fall!!" Ryu tried proving his innocence but Felicia just said with a coy grin,

"Aya, why is Ryu's face red? Ryu is such a little pervert… big sister never knew" Felicia faked tears with a coy smile,

"It is not that!!" Ryu shouted as he stood up and then added,

"There is something important I want to discuss with you Felicia big sister" Ryu take a good look at Felicia she was dressed in casual instead of her adventuring gear today, Felicia before she found Ryu was just bored and was taking a round of the market to find some entertainment and her thoughts after finding Ryu was like

'Found it!! entertainment!!'

And so, she decided on teasing Ryu,

"I am sorry to disturb you during your break day, but can we talk somewhere private!?" Ryu asked enthusiastically.

"Ryu, you are a bit too young to date me…" Felicia said with a grin,

"It is not that!! It is something surprising and also I need help with it" Ryu tried being vague, but Felicia moved her head near Ryu's ear and whispered

"It is about your twin swords manifest, I wanted to see it so bad!!" and Ryu's face turned white,

'How does she know? Since when?' Felicia noticed Ryu's shock and face turned white and was amused

'What will he do if I jokingly said I am your enemy?' She wondered, but then she remembered Ryu killing Naga who was way stronger than himself so she decided to drop that joke.

"Snow told me about it earlier and to be honest Ryu, I was hoping you will come to me sooner!!" Felicia pouted, then she led him to her training spot. It was at an area people of town rarely visit,

'This was the exact thing school taught us to not do… going with older people to uncrowded places!!' Ryu thought as he followed behind,

Soon they were standing in an empty lot big enough that 6 cars can be parked inside,

"Ryu but, sadly, you don't believe big sister even after seeing her pant…" Felicia mocked but there was a genuine sadness in her voice too,

"Felicia sister, first I didn't see them intentionally and second I believe you just stupidly didn't remember that I could learn from you,"

"It's okay it's okay," Felicia said as she patted Ryu's head and then asked him to tell her everything he does while using a twin sword and then began training him she told him many things as to how one shall use twin swords as limbs but as tools at the same time,

After hearing her advice and also learning various simple moves, Ryu got why he wasn't able to pull back the swords from dead crocs instantly.

'Who knew it was just the choice of which sword to pull first that was distracting me!? she sure is a good teacher if only she would stop teasing' Ryu felt stupid as he thought that after training and getting teased by Felicia for 2 hours straight, she spoke with a caring teacher like expression,

"This much is enough for today, Ryu. You seem exhausted. I will teach you more tomorrow… from now on we will practice every evening for 3 hours, okay? We don't have enough time!"

Ryu tilted his head in confusion and asked,

"We don't have enough time? Why big sister Felicia?" and looking at him with a stupid look Felicia said,

"Ahh did Snow didn't tell you; the Snowflake party will be leaving for adventure to raise ranks and strength in the middle of next year. So, we only got one and a half years to improve your twin sword skills with me"

-to be continued