The Tale and Snow's Revelation

Ryu's Pov

"Ahh did Snow didn't tell you; the Snowflake party will be leaving for adventure to raise ranks and strength in the middle of next year. So, we only got one and a half years to improve your twin sword skills with me. " as soon as Felicia sister said this, my mind went numb.

'Snow leaving this soon!? Why didn't she tell us till now?' my mind was in chaos. I didn't want her to leave not only she is my teacher, but she was also someone always giving me affection.

'Why won't she tell me!!?' I wanted to shout, but I knew it wasn't reasonable or right to do so at Felicia big sister,

"When did you guys decide this?" I asked big sister Felicia my voice was getting hoarse. Felicia sister got on her knees and began patting my back as she could speak,

"It had been 2 weeks… I know it is hard for you Ryu to let go of Snow" I couldn't help even if I have a mind of 17 years old my body is 11 or maybe it Is just an excuse but I couldn't help and nod,

"Why didn't she tell us? Why didn't you tell us?" I asked her in a low and choppy voice,

"Ahh, Ryu, you act so maturely always. I forget you are just a kid," Felicia big sister cooed me, patting me, and when I was back to my senses and calmed, she separated from me and began speaking with a serious look,

"Ryu you know there is chaos everywhere in this world, the evil is hiding beneath our noses attacking whenever we look away for once. The Demons are in civil wars, the disappearance of many wolfkin kids 17 years back making the leftover wolfkin distrustful of humans, The catkin and gatorkin tribe union is in war with unidentified enemies, the disappearance of one of the top dungeons turning economy upside down… and many more and even you getting that Manifest is a hint of world-changing going towards another conflict,"

She looked at me straight in eyes nodding, as if asking if I was understanding what she was talking about and I nodded back my mind focused on the information she was saying I was understanding.

She patted me once and began speaking again in a sad and serious voice

"My grandma told me this tale, 61 years back a war take place where everything was turned upside down, the demon lord more powerful than he was known to be, humans, catkin, gatorkin, elf, dwarfs no one was untouched by that war all diplomacy was messed up, the confusion and chaos were at their peak and in the middle of it something happened that no one remembered properly but those who do say for half an hour everyone was maddened killing each other without seeing who they are killing. the Demonlord and King of Salvo died in that chaos as well… everyone who was there saw that being the one floating above the battlefield they said he looked down and just laughed and smiled as if he was delighted over what happened… the first step is done that was the thing he said and resounded in everyone's head before he disappeared,"

I was dumbfounded. I never heard about the war that happened clearer and more detailed than this before. The evil god who is he? I thought deeply

'that damn goddess was like a sloppy house seller. She only told good points before sending me to this world!!'

"Who was it?" I asked Felicia big sister as it was evident she was waiting for this question.

"Evil God; a God who suddenly appeared many believe he is a being of pure chaos just wanting to destroy our world, other his followers believe him to be the path of true salvation and power… there is no doubt and even more than enough evidence proving that the war was his set up manipulating stuff everywhere he caused the greatest tragedy where a war take place for no reason, no one gained a single thing but everyone loosed many… children were orphaned, many people got mad" Felicia big sister pointed towards my rings as she finished speaking,

"Ryu wielding those already made you one of those who will play part in events that will happen, a SS grade manifest with a concept like that won't remain hidden forever, you will need to prepare for strengths and ranks this world is again going towards a dark path evil is everywhere the one who will gain strength will be the once who will not only protect themselves but also the people they love," Felicia big sister said with a nostalgic gaze,

Thinking about what she said made my heartthrob, I remembered one of my resolves I remember the Mictian I saw in my dreams.

'I will be strong, strong enough that even if this whole world split apart I can save my mother and my family!!' I got what she was trying to tell me.

"Snow big sister? Doesn't want to leave?" I asked while tilting my face,

Felicia sister smiled brightly as if she was happy from me figuring it out.

"Yes Ryu Snow doesn't want to leave, she told me that the family she got she wants to spend more and more time with you all,"

"Then why?" I asked reflexively.

"She wants to be able to protect you all, she said she was inspired by you and what you said the day you protected Jue, you don't want a time to come where you are helpless and can't save people you love and care for and Snow took it and make it her own, she wants to protect you too if something like 61 years ago happened again and she said she had to figure herself and her past too"

I didn't know what to say, but I knew what to do.

"I got it Felicia big sister!! I won't hold her back and give her the push, but I need a promise…" I said to Felicia big sister,

"What promise?" Felicia big sister tilted her head.

"Look out for Snow, even though she doesn't show it, she is emotional and also very pure. Keep her and yourself protected!" I said while blushing. It was embarrassing as hell to say, that but sometimes one has to bear with embarrassment,

"I will Ryu, you sure do care about Snow, but what about me? Is there nothing for this poor big sister," Felicia big sister acted as if she is crying.

"Ahh, take care of yourself too," I said with a smile

"That sounds like a consolation price!! Ryu meaniee!!" Felicia sister pouted,

We both left the training lot. Felicia sister told me she will meet me tomorrow at the same place.

When I reached, home mom shouted from the kitchen area,

"Ryu, food is ready. You are very late!! Snow was starting to worry,"

"I was with Felicia big sister. What is for dinner today?" I looked towards the kitchen. Mom and Snow were waving at me,

I was confused about how to react at first, but I decided to give her a cheerful greeting.

"I am back Snow!! Today I learned twin swords from Felicia big sister,"

And she gave me a thumbs-up,

After that, all of us were sitting at the dinner table. Today's dinner was mostly veg.

In this world there are a variety of new vegetables there were square-shaped onions which looked exactly same just leaving the shape,

"Snow I got to know something to ask," I asked her, trying to sound as normal as I could.

"What?" Snow said and everyone's eyes were on me and Snow,

"Are you going to on an adventurer in the middle of next year?" I asked cautiously.

"Felicia told you? I don't…?" Snow looked down with a sad expression before I could ask anything. Mom asked with a concerned look ask,

"Why didn't you tell us, Snow? Didn't you remember I told you I will never hold you back… then why?" Mom said at this point everyone had stopped eating and was focusing on the conversation.

"Lina big sister… it is because…" Snow was trying to say something and couldn't. I stood up and moved next to her and held her hand to calm her down.

Snow looked at me with a confused gaze and I spoke to calm her down

"Mom is just concerned" just that was enough. Snow calmed down.

She knew no one was blaming her, and she spoke in a low but clear enough voice that everyone could hear it,

"When I decided to go on the journey, I wanted to tell everyone about it… but I am scared I don't want to say bye while leaving it scares me saying bye to the family I finally have… everyone of you makes my life worthwhile and happy I don't want to say goodbye to all of you, so I thought I would leave with a letter…. But I know it is unfair… I am sorry!!" Snow's voice was turning a bit hoarse and a few tears were coming out of her eyes.

"Just didn't want to say… goodbye" I wiped her tears and told her it is fine. I don't know what else to say,

Mom stood up and came near Snow, kneeling beside where I was standing.

She looked up at Snow and said in a motherly and calm voice,

"Snow one doesn't always need to say bye while leaving… you can say I will be back safe and sound," and hugged Snow and Snow hugged her back crying,

"I wanted to stay longer…." Snow spoke while crying, but she had already resolved because she know if she keeps pushing time ahead there won't be an end of it,

Aiena and Lana too stood up from their chairs and joined in the hug saying

"Snow you should read some books I got about different places," Lana sister said and Aiena said with a cheerful smile

"I will make this year worth it for Snow sister!!" I too joined in the hug and spoke

"Yea, we will make most of this year. I still got a lot of things to learn from you!!"

We were all hugging and separated after a few minutes laughing like idiots,