An Expedition Quest #4

"Why Jueeee!?" Ryu shouted as he rushed towards the human-shaped slimes. The client who had fallen on his back got chills from seeing Ryu's anger and twin swords that appeared out of thin air, in one slash clearing 5 slimes,

"You!! Jue!!" Ryu shouted fighting thinking,

'He can't die… what happened to Aiena' he had revealed his manifest but he couldn't care less than he chanted,

"The frost of ender nights, cold and sharp, shatter my enemies apart Icicle strike!!" icicles with great force launched towards slimes from above Ryu's shoulders, as he slashed yellow slime core in one attack,

'This guy is crazy he is younger than me…!! What was that magic earlier' the mind of the client was unable to comprehend what just happened in front of him it was a complete menace especially when one only need to break slimes nuclei to kill them but still there were 30-40 different kinds of slimes with different powers not a single one was left alive,

'Jue… Aiena...' Ryu thought,

"What you said earlier was it true?" Ryu asked the client with a cold expression and eyes glinting red, it wasn't intentional but Ryu can't hold back his anger, and before the client could answer a voice came from behind which washed eased Ryu.

"Big brother!!" Jue shouted as he run towards Ryu and Aiena shouted,

"Ryu!! Are you okay!? Not hurt anywhere right," meanwhile client thought,

'As if slimes could hurt this monster of kid' the client thought as he sighed, Ryu answered,

"I am okay, Aiena, are you two fine?" Ryu asked as he pulled himself together as relief made his body loose.

"We are fine, we were confused we waited for you but Jue saved me and fight all the slimes… there was even one that just look like Ryu aside from being totally blue"

And then Ryu, Jue, and Aiena discussed what happened and Ryu finally turned toward the client and spoke.

"Man, make sure before you say stuff like that!!" Ryu was embarrassed as he came to know that Jue and Aiena clearly heard what he was shouting,

"I already said I don't know how much is truth in it" the client protested, seeing the prideful person from before on the ground not moving and talking like this shocked Aiena and Jue, and their gaze turned to Ryu as they thought,

'What did you do big brother!?' Jue thought with a perplexed look. Aiena moved a bit near Ryu and whispered,

"Ryu, what exactly did you do to him?" and Jue moved near to hear. all of them talking in whispers got the client nervous,

"He saw too much," Ryu said,

"Your swords are also revealed," Jue whispered,

"It is just an accident in the dungeon. No one could be blamed," Aiena said in a whisper, but what the Client heard was

"It would just be an accident if we do it in the dungeon…. No one would be blamed"

"Swords are already out" and felt a chill in his spine, he thought,

'Are they going to kill me!? What is wrong with this girl?'

And all three of them moved their face looking down at him and before Ryu could even speak the client fell on his front hands.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me… I won't tell anyone anything… you were asking my name right it is Arthurus… I won't ask any questions about swords or that magic!!"

Ryu's, Jue's, and Aiena's faces went confused,

"If you don't kill me… I can increase your quest reward by a whole gold coin," Arthurus spoke in almost a pleading tone thinking,

'I can't die today!!' when Ryu moved towards him, he slide a bit back and Ryu kneeled.

"What is wrong with you?" Ryu spoke.

"Nothing sir!!" Arthurus said. Ryu and Jue exchanged a confused gaze before Ryu finally spoke.

"Chill, man, what got into you?"

"I heard your guys planning on killing and making it an accident or something…" Arthurus and as soon as they heard this, all three of them began grinning, and Ryu spoke.

"Here, just get on my back. Just take care of one thing. What happened in the dungeon won't get out?"

'That saved some time' Ryu thought, Arthurus's misunderstanding ended up saving time for Ryu and others now they don't have to ask him to keep it a secret or anything delighted Ryu and others started moving further in the dungeon.

Arthurus's head was full of questions,

'Was that sword a manifest? I had never seen a magic sword changing in rings… what was that magic? I have only ever seen high-class mages do magic like that…. Also that pressure, this guy can be too useful…' he thought before he spoke,

"Ryu, are those swords what I think they are?"

"Does it matter?" Ryu replied, and this was enough to change Arthurus's doubt into belief,

'This kid is a SS rank manifest user!! I can't let it out… if anyone is going to have him, it is me… and also he is carrying me all this while if ministers or anyone knew… no they won't'

After walking for quite some time they come across various slimes and have to deal with them, Jue and Ryu killed the slime as Arthurus was made to sit whenever slimes come.

"Above!! That spot is a monster sneak trap" Arthurus shouted and Ryu moved his sword up stabbing right into falling weirdly shaped slime as he thought with a frown,

'What is up with him? I could have known it by my instantaneous detection could've got that'

But in Arthurus's mind, something else was resounding,

'A bird shouldn't run beside a horse in a race, it is free to fly… if not strength I will use all of my knowledge'

After walking for a bit more, Arthurus could get back on his feet Stunveril effect was gone, but still, he didn't try actively getting involved in the fight.

'I will increase their reward…' he thought as he followed behind quietly. After walking for a bit more, they finally reached the place they were looking for standing in front of a big copper door. They all had different thoughts in mind,

'Is this boss room!! I wonder what kind of monster there will be… hope it isn't a lame slime,' Ryu thought as he felt his heartbeat faster in excitement,

'I will make sure no one gets hurt' Aiena thought,

'Last time big brother fought Naga alone I would show him my strength,' Jue thought,

'I believe it will be a unique boss monster…. But more than that dungeon core' Arthurus thought greedily,

"So you will stay out, right?" Ryu asked straight to Arthurus who nodded, he knew he won't be a help in battle, Jue and Aiena looked at him with pity but knowing his condition they both knew this was the best choice,

"I will wait at the side… call me once you are done," Arthurus said, Jue and Aiena shake because unlike Ryu change in his personality was too sudden for them,

Ryu looked toward Jue and spoke cheerfully.

"Jue, you have done so much today fought slimes, kept Aiena safe… don't push yourself too hard and get hurt in the finale now okay!! Protecting Aiena will be your main goal" and Jue nodded as he spoke,

"I will make you proud big brother!!" Ryu thought with an awkward smile,

'What's with those shiny eyes? Hope he won't overdo'

Ryu, Aiena, and Jue touched the gate in the emerged dungeon. The boss room is also a core, room something that is rarely found in a permanent dungeon, and as soon as they open the door, they saw it and Ryu nearly shouted in disappointment,

"A little slime!! It is boss!?" Jue was also going to show his disappointment when it happened the door behind them closed, and the small yellowish slime in the middle of the room started expanding the water was leaking into the room from the crevices on the walls also was getting sucked into it,

"It is getting everywhere!!" A grossed-out Aiena shouted as the slime began flowing all over the room. Ryu instinctively throws his dagger toward the nucleus thinking,

'No matter what it is over once the nucleus is gone!!' but the core shifted itself at a speed faster than that of the dagger,

"Big brother, we are surrounded," Jue spoke as he created a mud wall for foot stepping, but suddenly

"A shark!!" Ryu shouted in surprise as he saw a shark made of slime jump out towards Jue who barely saved himself by punching right through it, soon sharks of slime began to come out of everywhere, no matter where they move their eyes it was slime and the nucleus was nowhere in sight,

"It is me this time!!" Aiena said, shocked, as she saw a replica of her coming out in the middle of slime,

'This slime is really worthy of being boss… it is still expanding!!' Ryu thought as he notices the level of slime was increasing in the room as it consumes water,

Jue slammed right into the chest of the slime Aiena, but to no effect, the small nucleus was somewhere inside this huge mess of slime.

The Aiena shaped part of slime moved his hand forward and two slime sharks appearing from behind jumped toward Jue and Ryu,

"This is it!! Jue is ready!!" Ryu shouted with a grin as he dodged a slime shark that jumped toward him mixing back into the whole slime body,

Jue and Aiena were shocked trying to figure out what Ryu was doing; all of his daggers were covered in black miasma with crimson lines as he throws them randomly on the floor.

"It worked!! Be ready" Ryu reassured as he saw his plan work the slime area when covered in more than 4 daggers breaks apart from the whole although Ryu only have 8 daggers in total, he picked them again for using them while dodging slime shark attacks and sudden spikes appearing out of it,

Slime suddenly raised tentacles behind Aiena and it got slammed by Jue,

'Saving Aiena sister is the main goal!!'

Soon Ryu figured out the area where the slime nucleus was and throw 4 daggers together as he felt his mana rushing out, as dark reinforcement takes more mana than usual, he tried shouting to Jue but,

"Juee….!?" He found that while he wasn't paying attention the slime with thin lines was already connected with all the parts of itself spread in the room and had covered Jue,

if he rushed towards the nucleus there was a danger to Jue's life, and if he rushed towards Jue slime might reconnect fast and also his mana was rapidly being consumed in dark reinforcement, Ryu was thinking of how to deal with it when a voice entered his ears,

"Is this the thing we need to crush?" Aiena said with a confused look as she slammed her foot into the poor slime's nucleus,

The boss slime died and Jue was freed Ryu sat right on the spot turning off dark reinforcement in relief.

"You did it, Aiena!!" Ryu said in a cheerful voice,

"Aiena sister amazing!! I didn't even see when you go there," Jue said with shining eyes as all of them take a breath of relief.