Finishing Expedition Quest

Inside the now bossless boss room is filled with slime fluid and a musky odor, Ryu and Jue were sitting in relief as Aiena spoke with a confused expression

"I feel as if I gained something?"

'A slime boss must be a unique monster!! I lost the chance!!… what is the skill she got?' thought Ryu as he scanned her.

(Level- 13

Title- [contestant], [Apprentice Healer], [Miracle Healer]

Skills- [Heal], [Small Heal], [Light screen], [Mana channelling VI], [Relief], [Cure Illness III], [Light screen], [calming], [Purification small], [Soothing aura], [Puddle]

Salvaged Skill- [Smooth skin])

[Salvaged skill- Smooth skin: No bruise or wound will be able to leave any scars on the user and smoothness of the body will increase]

'It isn't an attacking skill? A beauty skill? Well, I guess it is fine Aiena will be happy when she knows,' Ryu thought as he yawned, as he felt more relieved and noticed the glowing white core of the dungeon.

"Big brother, should I call maple head already?" Jue asked, but without answering Ryu rushed towards the dungeon core like a little kid who saw candy,

"Aiena, Jue come see it is a core like those of Grandpa's stories," Ryu shouted excitedly, for more than one reason,

'It is like that light novel I read, a floating orb on a pedestal!! Would I become a dungeon master by touching it?'

Ryu thought and moved his hand forward, touching it, but nothing happened.

'Well, I already know people collect Dungeon core for making those magic appraisals and other machines, so no way one could become dungeon lord by touching it…. Still can hope better'

"So pretty!!" Aiena spoke awed at the crystalline and bright look of the dungeon core,

"Big brother, if we remove this dungeon will just become an ordinary cave, right?" Jue asked and Ryu nodded as he moved his head around, taking a look at the whole dungeon room.

'It really is messed up, slime fluid… looks like a teenager's ro… not that!! But we can't hide boss was a slime anymore in that case only one option is left….' Ryu thought and spoke.

"Jue, Aiena, we all shall act as if the fight was five times harsher than it actually was"

Both of them looked back, confused, at Ryu and Aiena asked,

"Why Ryu?" Jue also looked with curiosity, and Ryu explained

"Maple head seems like someone of upper ranking Noble or something, being able to reserve the whole dungeon and then being this useless with confidence… if he knew our fight was very hard with the dungeon boss, he will be guilty of not being able to fight… and might even have to increase dungeon rewards also this way he won't be able to bother us much as he already put us through much" he grinned at the end,

Aiena was quite shocked seeing Ryu grin and wondered,

'Ryu… he always he too smart. I need to work hard to be a proper elder!!'

While Jue thought 'Big brother he already made the plan to save us trouble further!!' although he was a bit skeptical about lying, he figured it was for best if Ryu was suggesting it, and as all of them were about to discuss finer details suddenly a voice came from entrance,

"You all alive?" Arthurus asked with a concerned and confused look, and Ryu answered reflexively,

"We barely made it. The boss was really strong," and Jue and Aiena nodded,

"Was it a slime? What kind of slime it was?" Arthurus asked, seeing slimy fluid of green color everywhere in the room,

'I doubt a slime would be very hard for him,' Arthurus thought as he looked at them,

Ryu, Aiena, and Jue looked at each other with understanding expressions and then,

"Big lasers!!"

"Giant floating Sharks,"

"Exploding spikes,"

Jue, Ryu, and Aiena respectively answered and awkwardly looked toward each other. They all had said different things, and they were not going to back down now

"It was really scary. I feel the end was near and the worst pain a human can have," Ryu said, but was having a hard time keeping straight face,

"The shark eyes shooting laser scary" Jue nodded,

"Throwing spikes at us as spears merciless" Aiena spoke with a sad look,

"Yes, if not for its nucleus accidentally coming under Aiena's feet, it would be over for all of us," Ryu said with a dramatic shiver,

'Will it work!!?' he looked with hope towards Arthurus, who was looking at them with a blank face, and suddenly kneeled.

"I apologize!! I was wrong, please forgive me… I should've got information about dungeon before bringing you people here and then I behave like a dead weight I am really sorry… I will make sure to pay accordingly for all things you all had to go through" Arthurus said while pressing his head on the ground,

'Will they forgive me?...' With all things said I still want that dungeon core' Arthurus thought but when he looked up, he saw the shocked face of Aiena and Jue while a look of concern by Ryu, all of them were thinking,

'We overdid it!!' Aiena spoke with a look that could be taken as pity but was actually her guilt for overstating.

"It is okay!!"

"Jue had fun!" Jue spoke while making a thumbs-up of his knuckles,

"Let's just get this over with, as quest, you can keep the dungeon core then after going to Grandma Rana we can be our way and you can be yours," Ryu said with a clear hint of not wanting to do anything with him anymore,

Arthurus stood up and thanked them as he moved near the dungeon core and spoke.

"Be ready. We will all be out as soon as I pull it… dungeon might have some falling here and there be ready" his hand shaking he pulled away the dungeon core keeping it inside his armor,

'This will be enough for gaining a better standing for now…' Arthurus thought and then looking towards Ryu he thought,

'But the real harvest of this quest is… him siding with me will help us both in the future….'

And soon the corners of the room collapsed indicating the dungeon had ceased to be a dungeon anymore and was a normal cave now, and suddenly Arthurus shouted,

"Come here!! this teleport glyph near the pedestal can take us out of the dungeon instantly! I came to know as soon as I held the orb,"

Having no reason to deny Ryu, Aiena and Jue moved to the glyph again, a huge amount of light enveloped them and before they knew it, they were out of the dungeon. Jue spoke holding his head,

"I cannot get used to this sensation,"

"To me, it felt ticklish this time!!" Ryu said.

"I did not even feel it" Aiena spoke, and finally Arthurus spoke,

"It saved some walk; I believe it had already been a full day or more after we went into the dungeon"

This could very well be the truth as they were walking aimlessly for a long amount of time, which according to Ryu's thoughts, is,

'Hell knows how many hours I have to pick this guy up!!'

"So your quest will be over once we back to Rana's old lady home… I will keep what happened earlier a secret in turn act how we did when we first meet... then we can discuss other things once we reach the home after a rest!"

Ryu nodded and now all of them were on their way back to Rana's house. The sun was coming up on the horizon it was a new day for sure, and suddenly Jue asked Arthurus,

"What are you writing?" in a curious manner, Arthurus was writing something in a book as he walks and answered,

"This is a book I will use as boss monster reference, so I am adding about the unique slime boss you guys see here, can you tell me about it a bit more Jue?" at this Jue suddenly looked back and found both Aiena and Ryu whistling, even though Aiena was just blowing air while trying her best she can't whistle,

Jue's shoulders lowered from betrayal and he began explaining some of the truth about boss slime to Arthurus while fabricating the types they lied about like a shark floating and shooting laser and laser's color.

'Home came!!' Jue excitedly runs toward Rana's home as an opportunity to escape and began banging the door hard. When the door opened everyone was scared as there stood Rana with an angry look as she spoke,

"Geld's puppy!! Can you not be so restless? Do you know old people need sleep!" she said to Jue without giving him a chance to reply and then said to them,

"Come on inside or you will bother neighbors peace this early in the morning!!" saying this Rana went inside shouting for hurrying up from inside which make Ryu wonder,

'Isn't she being loud more bothersome to neighbors and neighbor is just adventurer's guild!!' but he remained quiet as they went inside the living room as they did before, just with the addition of Arthurus,

Inside the room, Rana was sitting on the same chair as before but unlike before she did not exclaim but was just staring, Arthurus, who moved a bit due to feeling uncomfortable with being stared and she asked in a confused voice,

"You seem different, kid? Did something happen?"

-To be continued