The Giant Bandit's Revenge

'I smell trouble…' Ryu thought,

Geld came back after putting the Giant bandit leader in the chambers and was confused as to why Rana was apologizing.

the Village chief stepped forward and declared,

"Until this matter is settled, you, all will be locked up in chambers. As Rana said, even though there was a mistake on her part, it won't justify you becoming bandits and trying to pillage our town,"

The bandits nodded and didn't resist as they were taken by Geld.

After an hour, everyone was sitting in the village chief's office,

"Hina, make tea with sugar for everyone… this can be hectic," said the Village chief with a serious expression,

Hina stood up and nodded as she said,

"I will make tea for everyone… but father, no sugar for you!! You can have Fel syrup if you want"

"But… it is allowed every second day," the Village chief said,

"Yes, but you already had tea in the morning, today father," Hina said firmly.

'She won't give up,' the Village chief thought and nodded,

"Okay, I'll have a cup with Fel syrup," he said,

"I'll be just back," she said as she moved out of the room, the reason for not letting Village chief tea with sugar was due to him being mildly diabetic for a year now, although it isn't extreme Hina had been firm with food and sweets since then,

As Hina left a silent set in the room, there were various things to discuss when Geld asked,

"Father, Can I have an overview of what is going on?"

The village chief explained the orders of events that happened, and Geld listened to them carefully.

"It seemed pre-planned… the appearance of the Giant bandit to save the people,"

"Yes, it seems the only valid reason logically," said Rana. She was looking a bit concerned,

"It is off that no one took the quest even for the sake of dungeon cores… they are expensive," she said with a troubled expression.

"Especially in your town… I remember a heavy competition for quests. As nearby there are no fulfilling quests," the Village chief said with a finger on his chin.

Even though she looked at the village chief with a bitter face for stating the obvious, she agreed with a small nod.

'Should I say something?' Ryu thought as he wanted to state the obvious thing but seeing Jue and Aiena quiet, he wonders if he was too small to take part in the discussion,

When he was lost in his thoughts, suddenly someone barged into the room.

"Auntie!! I am awake!!" shouted Frank,

'Ahh he is awake!!' thought Ryu as he looked towards the door, with brown hair and a pointy nose. Frank stood there.

"I was so near saving myself before the help appeared," Frank stated,

'Yes… yes you are nearly running away from bandits and we caught you and tied you up so we can save you again' Ryu wanted to say but held back,

"Ah, Frank, you are awake… Good thing they didn't harm you, did they?" Rana asked,

"I am fine Auntie!! You should've seen how I alone made a mess of those Bandits," Frank said pridefully,

"Frank brother, you were knocked off when I saved you," said Jue with a confused expression,

"I was acting so I won't come in your way!!" Frank replied as he thought,

'Who does this little brat think he is!?'

"Frank hear this," Rana said, as she reached near him,

"What auntie?" Frank turned his face towards Rana and something unexpected happened.

Rana suddenly slapped right at his cheek.

"Thank them for saving you and don't bother with lies, I am already troubled… if you can't do anything else just go back to the bedroom," she said,

'What in the hell!? I didn't see it properly!!' Ryu thought disappointed,

Frank's eyes were filled with tears, he was on the verge of crying. His aunt had only slapped him twice before, once when he was scammed by a sword seller and second when he used her name to threaten the bartender.

'Why?' his mind couldn't comprehend,

"Now, now Rana, he just woke up… his head could be fussy. You didn't need to slap him for something so small," the Village chief, said trying to cool Rana down,

"I couldn't help it… he is not a brat anymore running around lying, even if he knew something valid like this, we can't even believe him," said Rana, irritated, but everyone knew she was right,

"I am sorry Auntie… I don't know what happened, but you are troubled right!!" Frank said, trying to hold his tears back,

"Do you know something, Frank? No lying?" The village chief said,

"I heard the leaders of Bandits use a crystal-like device running with dungeon core to talk with someone about plans for the first stage, and reinforcement," Frank answered wiping his tears,

"What else did he talk about?" The village chief asked,

"I couldn't hear properly but afterward he was coming towards tied me while making weird voices from mouth… I thought he was going to kill me, but another bandit came inside and told him it was his turn to look over and that boss should rest," Frank answered, and both the Village chief and Ryu sighed in relief,

'He doesn't know his heavenly luck…. A few more minutes and his ass… NO!! no imagining that,' thought Ryu, and to change his mind he said,

"Grandpa chief shouldn't we directly interrogate the Giant bandit… If anyone could answer us it is him," Ryu said.

The village chief looked toward him and spoke in a serious tone,

"Listen, Ryu, we could have just gone to bandit leader and torcher him out for information but we might still not get anything useful out of it… but if we already have bits of information, we can fork out the whole of the said information from him,"

"Yes, Grandpa chief," Ryu said as he accepted what the Village chief said made sense, and with a grin Village Chief said,

"that said, let's have a meeting with hi… I mean her,"

Everyone leaving Aiena and Frank went to the chambers, Geld led their way to the room where he locked the Giant bandit up.

"Here is he," he said as he opened a metal door. These chambers weren't used since the formation of Zerah village leaving once with Jack so they were pretty rusty yet they were solid.

'Getting them made was the right choice… kids even used to play hide and seek here sometimes' Village chief sighed in relief, when he was requesting the creation of the chambers the builder stated it would be wasted in this peaceful town.

"Wake up, we are here to ask questions," Geld said to the Giant bandit as he threw the bucket of water on his face.

Ryu thought,

'He did it like a spy movie…' the Giant bandit woke up, his facial expression still despairing like before.

"Who is behind you?" The village chief asked,

"I don't know!!" the Giant bandit roared back,

"What were you trying to do?" The village chief asked, emitting certain pressure.

"I won't answer you," the Giant bandit said, his voice clear and defiant as if he wasn't even afraid of death, and moving his face upwards spitted in the direction of the village chief,

Suddenly the tension in the room rose to its peak. Geld and Ryu were emitting such pressure that it could make a weak-hearted person faint,

'What is wrong with those two!? His influence!!' Rana thought as she looked at the back of Geld and Ryu, then shifted his gaze to the village chief.

'What is this!!' the Giant bandit wondered; his body was shaking heavily, a fear he never felt before.

The village chief raised his hand, signaling both Geld and Ryu to calm down. Moving his face near the bandit's ear, he spoke in a cold voice,

"I see you are not very fond of leniency, so be it… be ready for a torcher that will make you docile," pulling his face back Village chief said,

"It seems the gentleman here wants to talk in private later" with a gentle smile on his face and Ryu knew that this smile meant grandpa chief was up to no good,

Everyone turned around and was going to leave when the Bandit suddenly started laughing.

"Hahahaha… hahahahah!!" the laugh was almost maniacal, and he pointed his finger towards the Village chief as he shouted,

"You wouldn't get anything out of me, Map ch….!!" before he could complete what he was saying the voice became blurry,

Everyone suddenly felt a heavy gust of wind pass near them as the Village chief suddenly appeared behind the bandit's body with a black crystal dagger in his hand.

"Who are you!? You bastard!?" the title [Revenger] activated something that the Village chief hadn't felt in decades happened suddenly,

"I don't fear you!! I am going to die soon either way" the Giant bandit laughed and asked in a very low voice that only Grandpa chief could hear,

"How was it? ending two nations just for self-interest!?" the dagger was about to slash his neck off when Rana shouted,

"Don't do that!? We need him alive for information" and the Village chief came back to his senses a bit and asked the bandit,

"Who do you work for!? This is the last chance,"

The Bandit raised both his arm up and said in a loud clear voice,

"I already took the last chance… and I will take you f*ckers with me, especially this brat!!," he said it so calmly that Ryu went,

'Ehh did he say what I thought.' and then suddenly his chest began to glow in red color, Ryu's [Hide and seek] suddenly activated, and before Ryu could think anything. he pushed Geld and Jue who were standing near him down,

"[Quickening]!!" he shouted as he ran towards Rana, pushing her down. It all happened so quick the Bandit, who glowed, blasted emitting red-colored bright laser-like light out of his body,

Everyone was shocked there was blood everywhere and a cloud of dust due to the explosion,

'Grandpa chief!!' Ryu thought as the Village chief was the one standing nearest to the bandit,

'What happened!?' Jue thought as it was too fast for him,

'This brat! saved me,' thought Rana,

"Father!!!!" Geld shouted louder than ever,

-To be continued