Tri-Dungeon Subjugation

'No… no... no!!' was resounding in Ryu's head as he stood up and took a step forward.

"Father!!!" Geld shouted again,

"I am alive right now," a voice came from the cloud of dust,

And as soon as they heard this voice Ryu and Geld were filled with feelings of relief they ran towards the voice, not caring about the dust, and hugged the Village chief hard.

"I thought I lost you…" Geld said in a somber voice,

"Why didn't you shout before if you were alive," complained Ryu with a hoarse throat.

'These guys don't have enough confidence in me… although that blast was nothing for me,' Village chief thought as he patted Ryu's and Geld's heads as he thought,

'I need to deal with these… there are only a few who know that title'

"Now, now both of you are acting like little kids. I am fine. I jumped as soon as the explosion happened," he said, calming both of them. It was rare for Ryu to be this vulnerable.

Although there was no bleeding or broken bone on the village chief's body, he was feeling pain in his back due to falling on his back after jumping and Ryu and Geld hugging him tight didn't help with that.

After half an hour, they were back at the Village chief's room. No one in the home besides them knew about what happened as the chambers are soundproof and the Village chief told them not to tell anyone or they would be in tension,

"We didn't get anything from him," said Rana disappointed and the Village chief replied with a grin,

"Actually we did, you see when I was near him with a dagger… he said to me it doesn't matter my partners are already in Waku Village and will repeat what already happened!!"

"I see, so the things left to do is to know how the quest wasn't taken and deal with dungeons there," said Geld with a blank expression,

The village chief looked at him with a troubled gaze and said,

"You can't go Geld… you have to leave for the west side nobles meeting tomorrow and I also need to visit the capital for some reasons,"

Hearing this, Geld was disappointed as he wanted to take revenge for what the giant bandit did by destroying his partners, and he asked,

"Father, why did you need to visit the capital?" as he remembered that his father had already gone to the capital recently,

'Geld!! Now I need to find an excuse….' Thought Grandpa chief as he was planning to go somewhere else,

"It is another meeting related to Hero summoning in two months," said the Village chief without thinking much, and everyone's faces were shocked. It was too late when the Village chief realized what bomb of information he had dropped suddenly,

"Salvo is summoning hero after two months?" Rana exclaimed. Everyone knew that salvo was doing hero summoning ritual for fifteen years, but the hero was supposed to be summoned at the end of the year at the harvest festival,

"Hero? Like those stories that save people and kill awakened Demon lords or evil people?" Jue asked curiously,

And Hina began to explain to him and Frank was saying how he was going to be recruited into Hero's party in the middle of this mess Village chief shouted,

"Hear me!!!" and everyone became quiet.

"It is the truth that it was told that hero will be summoned at harvest festival time, but the decision was changed in secrecy and the hero will be summoned sooner… and he will just make a public appearance during Harvest festival, it is a plan of salvo's king for the sake of ritual's safety… so keep it a secret!!"

And everyone nodded as Ryu thought,

'A hero… wonder what are the chances of the hero being from my old world' but he shrugged this thought off. as he thought,

'I would like it better if it isn't' as he remembers before he reincarnated. Current trend in light novels was the hero taking revenge on the summoners while finding his way back home or doing genocides and mass murders,

'I'd rather have someone who isn't a fan of those things' he nodded and the Village chief said,

"So that told me and Geld have work tomorrow, so Ryu…." The village chief's words stop as he turned his face toward Ryu, whose face was having an almost evil grin.

'I will be the one getting revenge!! Just you wait you bastards' Ryu was thinking,

'Is it fine to send him… wonder what he will do if they are actually there' Village chief gulped but said either way,

"Ryu, take Fusion souls party with you and go with Rana to Pleura. After the quest matter is solved, you can go to Waku village for emerged dungeon subjugation… consider this final test before you all leave for adventure!!" Ryu nodded,

"I could get other adventurers to take care of them…" said Rana with a nervous expression.

"Now now, don't worry Rana… I know it will harm your image if anyone came to know about this. Fusion soul party is enough to deal with those dungeons also testing them is necessary,"

"Then I'll test them!!" Rana said with a troubled irritated expression. Everything was going smoothly when Frank suddenly shouted,

"What's this Fusion soul party? who is the leader?" and Jue replied to him,

"It is the party of me, big brother, and Aiena sister and of course, big brother is the leader"

'Aiena is going to leave for adventuring!?' Frank thought and exclaimed,

"I challenge you, Ryu, if I win, I will be the leader of the Fusion soul party!!" someone was challenging him in front of everyone and was asking for a duel what will Ryu do,

"I reject," Ryu said plainly,

"Why!!? How could you!?" Frank asked. Aiena and Jue looked at him with awkward expressions,

'Big brother won't do a stupid duel. Should I challenge him?' Jue thought,

'Ryu seems more mature compared to him… who would accept such a bet without anything in return?' Aiena thought.

"No mea…..." Ryu was saying but before he could complete the speaking, Rana interrupted

"Oil brat hear here," Rana said to Ryu as she moved her small body near him and pulled him down by his ear, no one leaving the village chief could hear what she said, and Ryu finally spoke as Rana went back to her seat,

"Okay, I will accept your challenge but…" Ryu felt quiet thinking about what he should use to deal with him and suddenly a thought popped up in his mind.

'This will work!!'

"But!?" Frank asked and Ryu continued,

"But we will compete in dungeons simple rule whoever killed more monsters in dungeon will win… and the condition is if you lose you will be this town's adventurer's Guild master's assistant as miss Rana wants… do you accept!!"

Frank felt cold on his neck as he thought losing would mean no chance of being with Aiena and also due to fear of dungeons,

"I….I.." Frank tried to muster up the courage, when Aiena, who was confused due to Ryu suddenly prompting her to cheer, moved her hands slowly saying,

"You can do it…" in a low voice to Frank and then seeing her believe Frank shouted,

"I gladly accept!! But if I win, you will have to be a porter of the party,"

'Hehe, he fell for it' Ryu just thought that as he grinned,

The night had fallen Ryu and Aiena were ready to leave for the carriage that was waiting at Grandpa chief's house.

"You both take care of yourself and each other," Lina said as Ryu and Aiena were standing in front of her,

"We will be a fine mom!!" Ryu said with a cheerful smile and Lina replied,

"That I know Ryu… it is just you two got this big this soon" and she patted their heads,

"Then we will go and will be back quickly after dealing with dungeons," Ryu said as Lina stopped patting and stepped back,

"Here, take this with you," Lina said as she give Ryu the special holy orb that was formed all the years back when they were escaping from Zerah village,

"With this, I will be assured that Light Goddess is protecting you as she protected us all back then," she said with a relieved voice, and Ryu who took the Holy orb attached it to the compartment on the side of his new jeans letting it hang a bit while it is securely tied on compartment from the top the string that was on the holy orb was also made up of same ground like material and seemed strong enough that they didn't snap even at Ryu's full strength pulling for a test,

"We will go then!!" Ryu and Aiena said as they began to leave and Lina shouted,

"Have a safe trip!!"

There were two carriages as one would be too small for 6 of them, as Lana was also accompanying them due to never going to Pleura before and the bookstore owner told her about a big store there,

'Why was I made to sit in this one!!!' Ryu wanted to shout in despair as he was the one sharing the carriage with Rana and Frank,