Forming bond and planning dragon hiest

Daren pov

*host would you like to call Rowena to Gamer party*'what is gamer party'*it is multiplayer method that uses system to link both souls and slowly firm their soulbond to completion*'ok do it' "Rowena when a request for you to enter party show up accept it" "ok" and a screen glows in front of her eyes and says *host Daren invites you to gamers party (accept/decline)* "accept" *welcome host Rowena to multiverse travel system you will have access to every function that host Daren has and all your memories will be shared between each other and this will firm your bond over night you are suggested to sleep with proper privacy and warding so as no one see the lights of heaven those shine during primary bond affirmation , while final affirmation will take place after consumation of bond making you able to hear each other's thoughts* a similar message appeared in front of Daren and as it was almost night it was decided that they will stay in one of those houses that were left behind and start warding them after entering the house Rowena asks"Daren what is this system""well row I think I should start with how I got the system"saying this I start telling her how I had once died due to mistake of a reaper and how I got wishes in return for their mistake and how I got here waking in this body after 30 year of slumber as that was the time I set for my awakening on the day of meetings of the founders and then proceeded to tell her to 2 other worlds we have access to and their history then went on about technological knowledge of the two most advance species of 2 worlds I don't have access to .

3rd person pov

By the end of it they started getting close to each other and started feeling the urge of kissing each other due to bond formation knowing from there ,there will be no turning back in this relationship they start kissing then slowly Daren starts pushing his tongue towards her lips asking for enterance and she allows it , they keep kissing for a while before parting and go to sleep cuddling each other. During night they start having dreams of each other's entire life and when they wake up next day they feel the urge to keep holding each other . Not knowing what is happening they ask system about it and system replies that it is a side effect of the incomplete bond and they should remain in contact as much as possible until they consumate the bond completing it. Knowing what was happening they will do as system said and agreed to complete the bond tonight after hunting the dragons . " Sal , Rick , Helga morning"*2" morning row , ren"*3 "So lets eat and get to searching them each side should have a dragen pen forming a pentagon on the hill according to what the villagers said so we will take care of them one by one as one on one battle against the dragons will be foolish and we can't afford to take chances rick , sal will you come with me. Row please prepare rendering equipment I bought 'system put advanced rendering equipment in Rowena's inventory' it should be in the spatial space I showed you yesterday." "Ok"*4 "so lets go to first task of planning on best way to kill the dragon I would suggest using transfiguration to distracy the dragon and then kill him while its distracted and sal I would suggest you do the fire immunity and invulnerability ritual on your wife and children before making them forget about it" "why make them forget" "think of it as an insurance that they will not be used in looking for our method of gaining strength" "there is something else as well so tell me what is it that you are trying to hide from me." "I am still trying to understand what it meant one point your wife and childern die at hands of non magicals then in future a Slytherin descendant tries to use your name as rising stone while i know you didn't marry or even mate with someone else. I hope this small bend does not cause any major bend in future best way would be to migrate to Australia as there is low prejudice and will advance at a better rate unlike here as prejudice will affect people and inbreeding will decrease their thinking capacity as well as magic quality . Being immortal and seer descendant allows to see the time web in much more clearity than for mortal seers" "so it is to make sure that they survive huh" "yes now I think that we should let them stay at the school itself to allow their survival. Now your brother's family member is to cause death of descendants of godric leaving only a 1.5 year boy of theirs who survive killing curse by reflecting it due to him being a fate's child whose destiny is to kill your brother's descendant who had created horcruxes so I am planning to not affect the future to that point then your true descendants can come and explain that that wasn't your descendant to begin with while you should also change your surname a little to distinguish between you and your brother's son and rick don't worry your descendants will survive the upheavel. I will make sure of that" "thanks for telling the truth" "no problem guys you are like my brothers and we are about to battle the dragons so I think being truthful is necessary and helpful to understand each other's actions and remove doubts towards each other"