Dragon heist

Third person pov

From what Daren knew the nearest dragon was 2 hours walk and most dangerous of all. He was the first to come and start living here and villagers started to leave his area be so as to not get killed by him and then came second shortly after the first and last 3 came togather . He chose the strongest 2 as their target for today as them being active will make plan much more difficult than them being taken out while they are lax . So all five sat down while Daren and Rowena kept holding hands and started discussing when he brought this information in front of them "guys of those five dragons 2 are stronger than other three we will take care of stronger first as they were never challenged and are lax so here is the plan we are going to use temporary transfiguration on these spikes and turn them into a chicken that will act immocent and enter dragon's mouth so when he tries to chew it we will cancel the transfiguration making it back into a spike that will impale the dragon and a secondry spike will be nearby animated to attack it through its eye as past as possible and if we have time left we will do the same to them as well" explaing and removing the 9 ft tall spikes from his spatial ring and starts transfigurating and animating them . They then go looking for the dragons . On their hiest they meet various magical beasts most were friendly except a few whom they handled well , while moving on they found a herd of centaurs and Daren went to them to ask for location of the dragons when asked why they are asking for dragon's location then he said,"we are planning to build a school for magicals near the lake but it would be foolish to build it there if the threat of dragons keep looming around other threats can be warded to make it they cannot enter the school campus but dragons magical resistivity is too high to ward them using wards also we are planning to forn a kind of ward that will make every one not on the premises to forget about this place and make it unable to be found unless you are told by someone from the premises the location to look for , but dragon sightings will make it moot by telling others there is something hedden there." "so will you hunt other species of the forest as well" "no there is no need we will make it so that there is a kind of portal that can be used only by those who will swear their loyalty to the school that portal will take you anywhere you want to go and back" "ok we agree to swear loyalty to the school in return we want you to hunt no species other than dragons." "We agree to the terms but any trying to attack the school or not resident of the forest is to be judged on their danger towards the students""agreed" "so will you please now tell us where are those dragons" "fine but do not harm their eggs" "wait there are female dragons" "yes there are 2 female dragons " "so that means 12 eggs right fine I'll try my best" "that is all we ask for" turning to Rowena "ro can you get the gragon egg incubaters from system while I try and find a proper spatial space trunk for them to grow and be tamed " 'system show trunks available in shop' *shop


World trunk

Description:- contains a falsely created artificial planet made of liberal use of space and other magics

Solar trunk

Description :- contains complete solar system with complete life support and automated feeding to help them get strongest possible

Galaxy trunk

Description:- same features as solar trunk with 25 solar systems

Universe trunk

Description:- same as solar and galaxy trunk with unknown amount of glalxies and habitable planets and ability to designate life found on planet*

'System get me universe trunk'

"Rowena got the one time use incubators" "yes" "great lets go""hey how did you get that and what is that"godric asks. He and Rowena look at each other and say "sorry guys but we can't tell you it is a secret of immortals""oh shame but what is it?""oh this is a spatial trunk with enough space for them to live freely without having to resort to violence and this may tame their porgeny over time by being lax forever" "so shall we" "lets do it" " first dragon is towards left and his cave is his strong hold and animal that enters there making our plan easy" and they move towards dragons pen and execute the plan killing her and put the eggs in incubators and repeat killing another three similarly now only one left was the second mother dragon feeling bad for to be baby dragons Daren decide to talk to her and try to convince her to move to the trunk universe where it shall stay untouched and free of any duties and get proper food without the need for hunting in return for taking care of babies from another dragon and surprisingly she agreed saying she was willing to take care of other dragons as if they were her own and then he decide to take her to a planet and tell her it can be changed to her liking saying this he place her eggs and other eggs in her hew nest . He then proceed to explain her how the planet will itself spawn food of whatever she may like and even promise to let her spawn a mate for herself but that was the only dragon allowed to spawn , saying this he leaves them behind and exits the trunk universe . Comingout when they ask for explanation he explain" I don't need those dragon carcasses nor does rowena they were like 1 male 1/2female to sal 1/2 to helga 1 to godric and one for his descendant I will keep it preserved""but what about you ""we can create them using our powers our real reason was to kill them to show a source of gold . I think we should return to the village now and take a good rest and sal bringing your family here is your main target and if anyone wants to protect someone close to them then they can bring them too.) Saying this he takes Rowena's hand and apparate to the cottage they claimed while planning to finally complete their bond.