It's finally Woo Young's day. Her birthday is a big party at a big hotel. Her parents had reserved the whole building so that she could invite her classmates and also her friends who were from other schools and let them stay there overnight.

Rich extrovert.

The main hall is where everyone would celebrate her birthday and the theme is…formal. Hana already had her best dress with Woo Young forcing her to accept her old dress to use today. Edward, who tried his best to be the best boyfriend…

He matches the colour with Hana.

Louis and Han just wear a tuxedo with black and white colour as if they're gonna get married soon. Klein? I would give you five second to guess and you will guess it wrong. He's wearing his school uniform there.

"This is the only formal clothing I have. See, I still wear a blazer and a tie."

The Class C students who were invited were spreading the news on the website and made students from different years and class jealous. What can they say, they're unlucky to not be acquainted with Woo Young.

Top Post:

'Here are our six favourite students, together looking hot and beautiful in formal clothing. (Except Klein who wear his school uniform lol)'


5399: I don't care, Klein is still adorable! By the way, is this a new ship? Why is Louis and Han wearing tuxes with black and white colour as if they're gonna get married kyaaa!!!

6436: They do look cute together!!! Go Houis!!

0090: I agree with the second top comment! (/ε\*)

1076: Damn, is Edward matching with a girl?! (btw, what's up with you guys creating terrible ship names?)

Han and Woo Young just sweatdrop at the fact that Woo Young is not the main character for their topic. Also, they're quite surprised not to have a lot of comments about Klein today. Maybe it's because there's nothing to talk about. He's just there like normal.

"Everybody! Time for the birthday girl to cut the cake!"

Woo Young happily waved to her friends before running to her cake. Everyone sang her happy birthday and started eating and dancing. Han and Louis just get asked to dance by some girls while Hana and Edward eat together at another spot. They did not forget about Klein but it seems like the guy managed to run away from their view.

Klein went to the hotel room and used the key he got from Woo Young. He is too lazy to go home because the hotel is actually far from his house. So, he decided to stay the night. He was ready though, because he brought his laptop and his cup of instant noodles.

He cooks his instant noodles and starts watching videos on the internet again. He wanted to celebrate with Woo Young but he would rather not with too many people. He feels his heart beating nervously when he even first enters the hall just now. He glanced at his gift before focusing on his laptop again.

"The woman was found dead in the school because she choke on her own spit-"

"What a grand way to die."

"She also turns out to be the second girl to say alien as her last word-"


Klein pauses the video and answers the phone call. He heard gasps and after that, his friends complained about him not being in the hall. Han apologises for not telling him that Woo Young use his phone to look for Klein which result in him being caught.

"How can you leave this early!"

"I am not good with crowds. You can come to my room to collect your gift."

"A gift?!" She gasps happily and cheers before ending the call.

Now, Woo Young just can't wait for the party to end. She never knew Klein is this considerate that he even bought her a gift! Klein just stared at his phone before putting it down on the table again.

"Her mother said and I quote! "My daughter is too stupid too die! But god accept her anyways!" Which is kinda sad that the god had to face someone stupid now!"

Klein ends the video and starts to type out his idea. 'Humour that makes no sense.' He started to write and for an hour, he was able to insert a lot of dark humour while writing too. Not like anyone cares, the main character used to laugh if someone cried.

Haha, get it?

Cried while reciting their last word on death bed.


Klein decided to erase what he just wrote and think of a nice, simple joke that every age can understand.

'Banana is actually delicious if you peel it first before eating it.'

He decides that joke is nice enough and posts the chapter. Everyone was wondering if Klein had lost his mind today or it is just Klein trying to make a stupid joke to liven up the character's mood?

'A/n: How do you guys like the new chapter? My assistant is busy getting hit on so I have no editor today.'


YuuInMin: K! Did you bump your head today?!'

Klein just switches his laptop and phone off before going to the bathroom and sleeps while taking a bath in the bathtub. When the party ends, he hears the sudden loud knock which makes him rush to get the door.

No worries, our boy is fast to grab some clothes before he opens the door. It was his whole squad so he let them enter. When they saw the bathroom door open, they knew this guy had just finished taking a bath. Klein gives Woo Young a box and she immediately rip it opens which makes her friends thought she's excited.

"I- K's signature and his second book in the novel book version!"

"Yeah. Now you don't have to read it online."

"Is this a complete version?! Isn't it expensive?!"

Klein saw Han looking at him so he smiled at him before looking back at Woo Young.

"Not in my case."


Woo Young: Here! This is an app to make friends! You just have to swipe right if you think this person is interesting!

Klein: Isn't this dating app-

Louis: It can be one if the person you match as friend asks you to be their partner.

Klein: I match one.

???: Send me a pic

Klein: …? Okay…

Han: That is a picture of shrimp fighting.

Klein: She did not specify.