"I got featured on main page."

Klein decided to stay up that night and he got a notification about his book getting featured. Honestly, the book that got featured wasn't even a good novel but since god gave him this chance, he shall update a little mass release.

The next day, he stayed inside his room and slept all day. He did get a phone called though but he ignored it. When he's awake at 4 pm, he walked out of his room and saw his friends staring at him. He looked at his mother and back again at his friends.

"Is this nightmare-"

"Klein! You ignore our calls for sleep?!"

"Yeah I did. Why are you here anyways?"

Woo Young and Han smile while looking at Hana and Edward. Klein glances at Louis but that guy seems like doesn't know what happened too. He sat down with his messy hair and Han shook his shoulder with an energetic smile.

"Hana is going out with Edward!" Han and Woo Young happily announced.

Louis congratulates them while Klein is a little confused. Well, he just woke up so his brain can't really function much. He tried to repeat what they said and finally got it. Or so he thought.

"Ah, then, have fun."

"Huh?" The others look at him confusedly while his mother leaves them be.

"They're going out like…go out and walk…right?"

"You dumb sloth! Drink some water and wash your face! You're still not fully awake!"

Woo Young claims and lets Han push Klein to the bathroom. Han successfully pushes Klein and stays to talk a bit while Klein does his routine.

"So, I saw you doing an update without my help."

"It's just a little update that was already planned."

"A chapter dedicated to the main character's backstory. Pretty sad when I read it."

"You think so?"

Klein takes his toothbrush and after that, he uses mouthwash. When he uses it, he accidentally gulps it down which makes both him and Han stand still, processing the situation. That is the most weird accidental thing to do but nonetheless, they remain calm and walk out as if nothing happened.

"We want to celebrate this outside! This is why we come here to fetch you!"

Klein slomp on the couch with a groan. Han tried to make him sit up straight but the boy just slid down again.

"It is good news but I am busy."

"Sleeping doesn't count as being busy."

"...I am tired."

Edward told them that they don't have to celebrate it and force Klein to go out with them. Because of him, Klein was let off the hook and they all went home with a promise to go out at Woo Young's birthday. Han did not go home because he would stay and help Klein write for a bit as always.

"So, the main character's father is a jerk who cheats on his loving wife? He even tried to get her back but was stopped by the main character?"

"Yes. This is based on my family situation."

Han paused and thought for a while. Klein is not afraid to open up which makes him smile a bit. Good to know that he didn't keep his pain to himself.

"Your mother?" When he mentioned this, Klein knew that Han felt a bit sadden by it.

"She…already passed away."

"I see."

They stayed silent for quite some time and when the few new chapters were done, Klein threw himself on his bed. Han starts reading them all and has to start editing it. He can hear Klein snoring but he focused more on the chapter. With that, he's done and can finally go home.




Klein doesn't seem to react to Han shaking him which makes Han nervous. When Han screamed his name, he still didn't react so Han knew something was wrong. Han ran to Klein's mother's room and told her the situation.


They reached the hospital and didn't expect that Klein actually had passed out. Han told his friends what happened and they surprised him with their presence 10 minutes later. They all saw the nurse and waited for him to spill what's wrong with Klein.

"He..uh…he seems to have passed out due to low blood sugar…Did he skip meals recently?"

"Well…I haven't been home but he said that he already ordered takeout."

His friends sweatdrop because they remember Klein telling them that he ate during class in session so they never care if Klein wants to eat lunch or not at school. Klein's mother also thought Klein might be lying because there's never takeout's rubbish in the trash. Klein even told her that he threw it away so that the trash wasn't full…

'He lied to all of us, right?'

"Make sure he eats on time after this."

They also remember that Klein didn't eat the whole day today because he used it to sleep instead. Klein's mother realises she needs to be stricter than before. This makes her realise that she's not taking care of Klein well enough.

If Klein is awake right now, he would hide from them because it's all his fault for lying.

They decide to leave the hospital and Klein's mother sat down next to him while he's sleeping. Klein woke up and saw his mother already sleeping. He got up from the bed and went to the window. The night was so peaceful that he started to feel a bit hungry.

Don't get him wrong, he doesn't want to starve himself but he actually has no appetite when he is stressed. Yes, he's starting to get more stressed when he tries to study. He studied for a little inspiration for his new character.

The smart and reserved student council president.

But no matter what he does, he seems to be struggling a lot studying now. He struggled to the point he had to cry a bit before gathering his senses and continuing studying. But it all pays off and not only was he able to write a good character but also, he improved in his studies.

"But…I almost died writing this character. Maybe I should kill him in the next chapter."


Han: Three words to describe yourself!

Edward: Uh, lazy, stupid and boring?

Hana: U-um…shy, quiet and positive…?

Woo Young: OH YES! Hmmm…Chaotic, funny and…friendly!

Han: Klein-

Klein: …Just a potato.

All: …fair enough he use three words