Chapter 66

It took a while for Adair to get used to the change in the atmosphere inside this room. And even once she did, she was having a hard time concentrating. It was as if every weapon in the room was judging her, and there was nothing that she could do about it.

Luckily it appeared that Cassandra noticed her problem and did something that allowed her to feel more at ease while she looked at the weapons. While she still felt like she was being judged, it was less than before and allowed her to actually walk through the room and look a the weapons.

She also felt slightly biased towards picking one of these weapons since they were all clearly stronger than any of the other weapons that she had seen already. And as she walked through, there were a few that stood out to her, and even without touching them, she knew that they would be a good fit for her, but she still wondered if the masterclass weapon in the previous room was a better fit for her.