Chapter 3 Beauty is an understatement.

We finally arrived at JK college in Brownie city.

"It's beautiful," I said as I gazed around.

"Of course, rich people like quality and good things" My dad smiled and I turned to face him.

"Thank you," I told him and gave him a big smile because seeing the building alone made me grateful. it looked like a big castle with only royalties in. I felt so good just by thinking that I was going to be attending this school, I felt honoured.

"You are my asset so you don't need to thank me," He pinched my nose.

We went in and the receptionist showed us the principal's office. On our way, I just admired the building and its sculptures, I mean it was so incredibly amazing. Different historical sculptures were placed everywhere making the white grand walls shine brighter and the few students I saw made the thought of this school being a castle look real. On their lower side, they wore a black short pleated skirt: which only covered their buttocks while on the upper side they wore a white T-shirt and a blue blazer.

They packed their shining and bright hair in ponytails fitting their outfit.

These girls looked like princesses and their walk step was gorgeous. I couldn't stop gazing at them but my gaze was eventually disrupted when they entered a room and when arrived at the principal's office.

"Mr Wilton, welcome," She greeted us when we entered her office.

"It's my pleasure," My dad replied.

"Hello, ma'am," I greeted the woman who seemed to be around her 40s. From one glance, one could tell that she was a cool person, she looked kind and the smile placed on her face made me already feel welcome here.

"How are you doing? You must be Miss Jessica Wilton." She said and when I nodded her smile widened.

"You are welcome to Jk college. Have a seat." She gestured at the seats in front of her and I and my dad went to seat there.

"These are the files you need to sign to finish up everything," She gave my dad some documents and without any hesitation, he started reading through them.

"And you Miss Jessica, you need to fill this form," She gave me a form and I also took it. I read through it and then I began to fill it.

When I and my dad were done with everything, she stamped them and called someone in.

The person left with the original copy and not too long came back with a photocopy. She handed the copy to my dad and after sorting some other petty things my dad left.

"The vice-principal will tell you all you need to know about this school. Make sure you stop by her office before you leave," She told me and I nodded,

"Okay, ma," I said and then I gazed around her office.

I was amazed by her office structure as I looked around, it was painted white with the school logo on the upper side and some pictures I didn't recognize.

She also had some other vital information placed on the wall. And there was a long rectangular recognition in which 'PRINCIPAL' was written boldly.

She used the telephone to make a call.

Shortly, a man came into her office.

"Miss Jessica, he would show you your class. Enjoy the rest of the day," She smiled.

"Thank you ma," I forced a smile back even if my heartbeat was like a drum in my ears.

I exited her office then we entered the elevator that took us to the fourth floor. After getting out of the elevator, he led me to the left.

"You are in the art department. Am I wrong?" He raised a brow.

"No sir," I replied, even as I couldn't figure out how he knew. I guess he saw it written all over my face as the others presumed.

"You can call me Mr Johnson," He smiled revealing his perfect teeth.

"Okay, Mr Johnson," I replied his smile with mine.

We finally arrived at where my heart felt like it would burst from overbeating, at my class. Grade 11 was written boldly slightly above the door.

It was the last session in grade 11, soon I would be in my final year.

I have always wanted to reach that class and just imaging it right now brought a smile to my face.

When we finally got inside, I didn't want to look around so I just buried my face I

on the ground.

After a while of my gaze being fixated on the ground, I managed to look up.

I was standing in the middle of the class and everyone was scanning my body while some strangely gazed at me.

They all dressed co-operate, I saw a girl with blue eyes who was glaring at me.

She was breathtaking but I didn't like the way she looked at me.

I removed my eyes from her spot but my eyes met with ....Him?

The mesmerizing guy I met in the garden.

'What was he doing here?! Was he also a student of this school?! Or was he just my guardian angel?!' I thought and I couldn't help but stare like before and the fun part was that he was also looking at me.

When our eyes locked, I shifted my gaze ignoring his reaction.

It was hard escaping his gaze and his beautiful face but I surpassed it.

Mr Johnson gestured for me to go to my class teacher before leaving.

When I arrived at his desk, he offered me a sit which I accepted.

"So, you are going to be given a test before you are admitted!" The class teacher exclaimed.

"Go and face the class," he ordered.

My heart pumped widely as I went to face what seems like a congregation.

'I wonder what the test will be like, and hope that it isn't hard.' I prayed.

"You will answer whatever questions you are asked by your fellow mates," He spoke in an acute tone.

"Don't worry whether you fail or pass you will still be admitted into the school, this is just carried out to know your academic status." He added noticing my fear.

"Camella, John, David and Prisca stand up." He ordered.

"You will be starting with Literature,"

The girl called Camella asked me lots of questions which I passed. Most of them were on literary appreciation which is my favourite topic in Literature.

When she was done, she looked amazed and sat down.

The next person was John, who asked me questions about English and I passed that round but the one I didn't get well was mathematics, I failed like 3 questions in that aspect but that didn't way me down because I knew that I did well in the rest.

He announced my result which came out as a 'DISTINCTION'.

Walking to the seat where he placed me, everyone was looking amazed.

I was more proud of myself this time even more than when I gained a scholarship in my former school. The way they were looking at me made me feel a little bit relaxed. I felt so so so proud of myself and a wide smile was placed on my face.

I sat beside Camella.

After she gazed at me for a long time, she finally spoke "Hello Jessica,"

"Hi," I smiled at her.

"So which school are you from?" She asked as her big eyes were filled with wonder.

"Drudan school, may I know why you asked?" I was surprised by her sudden question so I wanted to know the reason why she asked. Why would she even ask me that?

"Because you are intelligent, I mean you did an amazing job out there." She complimented and I blinked but it did not take long for my facial expression to become normal.

"Thank you. You are also good at questioning," I smiled back.