CHAPTER 4 My guardian angel.

The English teacher was teaching us when a woman entered the class.

"Jessica Wilton, please come along," She said and I looked up a little bit nervous.

I stood up and followed her, I managed to walk with my face raised but I didn't dare look at any of them; most especially that angel, I didn't want to get lost in his gaze and up till now I was still wondering how he was here.

Was it just a coincidence? Or Was he a guardian angel?

After taking a few steps, we entered a room that looks like a fashion house but the only difference was that only school wear was kept in this place.

All the uniforms were hung behind a glass corporately.

She directed me into another door in the fashion house or whatever they call it and when I got in, I saw people at different spots sewing uniforms and teachers' wear.

"Mrs Nancy, how are you doing?" A woman who was sitting idle on her desk greeted.

"I am good," The one who directed me replied.

"This is the new student that just joined our school." She said and when the other woman nodded she left me there alone.

I stood there like a statue while the conference members' eyes drooled at me and when I was finally fed up... I spoke.

"Good morning mam," I greeted.

"How are you doing? You can call me Mrs Praise," She responded with her eyes still drooling at me.

'Maybe she studied Journalism or is a detective,' I thought because her gaze was becoming too annoying to the extent that I searched myself to check if something was wrong with me.

"Miss Jessica are you with me," She asked.

"Yes Mrs Praise," I said as I snapped out of my daze.

"Okay please stand over there," She gestured at the measuring device and I did so gladly because she had finally averted her gaze away from me.

When I came down, she took some other petty measurements of me with her measuring tape before I exited the room.

When I got to my department, it was already lunchtime and everyone was packing their notes. I looked at the side where that mesmerising guy was but he wasn't there,

'Maybe he went for lunch,' I thought as my smile widened. I couldn't just believe that I was in the same school as that god of beauty. This was so perfect!

"Aren't you eating?" The girl called Camella startled me as she spoke and I shooked my head pushing away my silly thoughts.

"I would love to but I don't know how to?"

"You don't know to eat?" She raised a brow and I shooked my head indicating that she got me wrong.

"Ooooooo, I didn't mean it that way,"

"What I mean is that I am new and I know nowhere here," I smiled.

"That's not a problem, you should have asked," She smiled back.

"Okay, come let me show you," She added and I followed her.

When we arrived there, I looked around and I found myself even admiring the cafeteria; the thing that was amazing about it was not only the beauty but the neatness.

Camella led the way to where food was being bought and I rested on one of the tables as she bought food.

I looked by my side and I saw that mesmerizing guy with other four guys standing beside him.

Without a second thought, I stood upright and I adjusted myself. Even if he wasn't looking at me, I still kept adjusting myself as if that would make him realise my presence.

"Oooh my gosh. Julian Gade is here!" All the girls came together forming a distant circle around him.

"And Pascal, look at him he is so cute. Geez..." I also heard some say.

'Who are Julian and Pascal?! Is this my guardian angel name Pascal or Julian?' I thought as my eyes darted between the guys standing.

The one I suspected to be Julian was the one standing beside my guardian angel. He had silver-lined eyes, his pupils were silver and shiny: even Belinda's hair will not stand near his eyes. He was so pretty to the extent that I found it hard to judge if that mesmerizing guy was prettier than him.

"Jessica, can we go?" I heard someone's voice and I blinked. After taking some time to settle my thoughts I saw Camella looking at me giving me a worried look.

"Okay," I smiled and I grabbed my plates from her hand.

"Thank you," I said but then I realised that those guys were not the only ones getting attention - I was also getting little attention! Did I overdress or was it because I am new here?

With a heavy sigh, I held my plate tighter, I was becoming nervous. I didn't like attention at all - I hated it. It always made me feel uncomfortable, nervous and scared.

"Camella, can we please go somewhere far?" I asked and she nodded.

We went to space; a distant one yet people were still glancing at me most especially the males.

'I hate this' I cursed inwardly as I kept my gaze fixated on my food to avoid meeting up with anyone's gaze.

 I was about to start eating ignoring people's views but that mesmerizing guy came toward me with boys at his back and everyone paused...

'Wait he was staring at my spot!!' I thought and before I could process the shock, he was already in front of me sitting. And then I realised that everyone's gaze also followed his every move as they whispered things to themselves and I became uncomfortable.

"Do you mind if I stay here?" He asked and before I could reply, Camella spoke...

"No, it's okay if you want to stay here," She smiled and I sighed. I was happy, Of course, because my guardian angel wanted to sit here! It was a cool feeling but the way people were staring at me - most especially the girls was annoying!

It was like the way that blue-eyed girl was looking at me.

I got fed up with people's intimidating gaze so I stood up and was about to leave but he held my wrist to stop me and my heart skipped a beat.

'Why did he hold me?!'

"Can I at least know your name?" He asked and I felt my heart flutter, without hesitation I spoke...

"Jessica," I said before I left.