Chapter 24 It's real.

It took me time to arrange my thoughts before I finally called Camella since I knew nothing about the Espectaculo.

"Are you serious?!" Camella asked surprised.

"Yep, I am also shocked so I understand how you feel," I told her as my eyes sparkled with excitement. I couldn't wait to start my preparations!

"But it's only in two days!" She yelled and my brows pulled together.

"Am I not the one meant to be worried about that?" I smirked "And anyways that is why I called, I know nothing about it,"

"Do you want to go?" She suddenly asked and I was thrown into confusion. Why will she even ask that kind of question when she knows the answer?!

"Of course," 

"Then the first thing that should come to your mind is what you will wear, just forget about the rest for now," I could hear her giggling and when I was about to speak.....

"I am coming over to your place. Send the address," She said and just like that she hung up.

"Tsk, what a girl!!" I bounced on the couch just when I realised that I was still in my uniform.

'I didn't change after dad left and it has been an hour already. Did I take that long thinking?!" I thought as I kept on gazing at the moving digital clock but I quickly pushed those thoughts behind me since I didn't want to spend another hour thinking.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up and as the water poured on me excitement also followed as I imagined how wonderful all these things were going to feel.

How wonderful it will feel to be at Moyin, one of the best event halls in Africa. And the more exciting thing is that we're also going to Moyin Museum, where we would see historical things, things that I didn't think I would ever get to see or even touch.....

"Jessica someone is here for you!" My nanny yelled from downstairs.

Camella? She is here? Already? Did she run or something?!

"Let her In," I yelled back as I started washing up fast.

When I was done, I made my way downstairs and I saw Cami looking around my house.

"Finally the queen is out," She sighed as she realized my presence and I gave her a pleading look.

"Sorry if I wasted your time,"

"Of course, you did but right now forget about that," She smiled widely.

"We need to go," She added and then without even allowing me to utter a word she dragged me out of my house.

We walked for a while and when I got exhausted I paused panting heavily.

"Cami please let's rest," I told Camella and her brows creased.

"Rest? We haven't even walked for long, " complained.

"Are you even sure if I am with an ATM card or money?" I asked her when she was about to start dragging me again.

"So did you bring it?"

"Yes, trust me," I brought it out of my pocket and held it as if I was advertising it preparing myself to be praised but instead I got scolded like a kid.

"Then why did you talk. Is talking your hobby? Or maybe you just love spouting out rubbish even in this important situation you still disturbed me! I must be too charming for you to resist," She clipped her hair behind her ear elegantly and started going.

"Hey remember that I'm the star of the day," I told Cami who was about to enter the car.

"Then walk like one!" She yelled.


"Geez...I'm so excited," Cami giggled as we stared at the building and I shot her a hard glare.

"You come here every day Cami, this is your mom's shop," 

"But this time I am coming here with you," She giggled like a little kid and I just smiled before I dashed into the mall.

"Hey, I wasn't done yet," She trailed me frowning.

As I took a step into the mall, my mouth hung open as I gazed around. The mall was more than beautiful and the clothes looked like it was made for princesses.

"Wow, this is mesmerizing," I said and I went closer to the dresses making only the glass the border between me and the dresses.

"Miss Camella, you are here," A staff dressed in black and white approached Camella.

"Mm, is my mom around?" Cami asked and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't imagine myself purchasing something from this shop if her mom was around. I would feel very uncomfortable doing that.

"No mam, she stepped out. She told me to tell you not to wait for her," The woman replied and I sighed with relief.

"Okay, you may go," Cami told her before returning her gaze to me.

"I think this one will do," I pointed at a yellow flair gown but it seemed to annoy her.

"This isn't where you will get yours, the ones here look too cheap," She said and I wanted to protest but she was already far from me heading to only God knows where...I ran to catch up with her then she finally stopped at a door, she opened it and made her way in and I did the same thing but when my eyes caught up with the content of the room, my mouth pinned down. Earlier, if I said the other view was mesmerizing then this view was magical. The dresses here weren't placed together in a glass, they were placed separately with a price tag placed on each one of them and the glasses were as shining as diamond and the dresses.....they rendered me speechless, they looked like they were made for the first lady of this country.

'Am I going to buy one of these?!' 

"Okay, let's get started," Camella spoke and I snapped out of my dazed state. 

"Tion, Klara, Cherry. Bring them," She ordered and they were about to open one of the glasses but she stopped them and her gaze flew back to me.

"Do you want to choose the ones you will try by yourself?" She asked and I shooked my head almost immediately.


"You are using your money I will just give you a discount so I'll advise you not to be shy," She urged.

"I don't know how to pick dresses so you will have to help me. You will choose it and then you will give it to me to try on,"

"That's fun," She smiled and then she went closer to one of the dresses.

"This," She tapped it and when my eyes landed on the dress my gaze widened. The dress was super mesmerizing, I walked closer to where it was and as I looked deeper, I realised that it was more than super mesmerizing, it was Mega Super Beautiful Mesmerizing, I mean no word could fit in.

The dress was brought out by two girls who were also dressed in a white top and a black skirt, they carried it like they were leading a princess out of the castle and in no time, it was in front of me beautifully hung. And before I could recover from my dazed state she pushed me inside the dressing room as the girls brought the dress along.

When she was out, I looked at the beautiful dress which was placed in front of me again before I finally put it on. I sighed before I came out and when Camella and the other staff saw me their mouth hung open, I wanted to see how I looked because of their reaction so I made my way to the mirror but I didn't see myself in the mirror instead I saw a goddess.