Chapter 25 Rehearsal.

After the long admiration, we went to get other things like necklaces, bangles and earrings, we didn't need shoes since the dress came with a pair perfectly fitting its look.

The gown was perfect but the price was still confusing me. Whenever I look at the dress my mind rejects the price I purchased it for, I don't believe that it was worth that price because it deserves a lot more.

I purchased it for '$1000' which was way too cheap for its quality, it was meant to be like '$5000' or even '$6000' or maybe more but when I checked the price tag to my surprise that was what was written there, I checked other dresses and all of them had the same problem {they were cheaper than their quality} Back there I asked her more than twenty times if she was sure about the price because I couldn't believe it but she wasn't tired of saying 'Yes,' but I couldn't still beli.....

"Jessica, have you thought about your performance?" Camella's voice rang in my ears which made me come off my thoughts.

"No, I have decided not to perform anything besides it is not compulsory," I deduced after thinking for a long time.

"But why?" She frowned "You once told me that you would love to sing with me if not that you weren't going,"

"Yeah, I know but that was different, now the time is too short. Come on, how do you expect us to perform when we only have just two days left, I don't want to sing trash in front of a big assemblage," I replied and my brows creased as I imagined how stupid we would look if we embarrassed ourselves.

"But we would know if we are good enough before that day, I mean before we add up our name," She kept on pushing.

"Remember that they are collecting everything tomorrow, so we would have to submit our name tomorrow if we wanna perform,"

"Please come on and don't worry about that someone will take care of it," She smiled mischievously and I knew that she was up to no good but I had no choice but to give in.

"Should we rehearse now?" She asked as excitement flushed her face when we were heading back to my house and I raised a brow.

"On the road?" 

"No!! Stop joking because it isn't funny. I mean in the old store,"

"The school has an old store where people go to. I heard that old stuff is kept there, I wonder what is there?! But anyways some students go there for a different purpose, some go to chat while some go there to I don't know ... all I know is that there is an old store which is not in the school," She explained when she saw my confused expression but even after she explained I was kind of out...I knew what she was talking about but I couldn't comprehend it.

"Can't we just use my house instead? besides we are very close to it," I asked.

"Oooh No!! This is my only chance to enter that store and you are the key," She

said and I turned into a brainless soul cause she was confusing me.

I mean what did she mean when she said that I am the key?!

"And I forgot to tell you that only three people have this key. One is with Julian of course then another one is with Pascal and the last one is with that fucking Mabel. So only a few people are allowed to go in and I want to go in," She said and I raised a brow.

"How are you sure that we would be allowed to go in?"

"Don't worry about that, just follow me," A mischievous grin left her lips before she dragged me and in no time we arrived at a big gate. I stepped back to look at the building and what I saw looked like the president's house or even the white house itself when she was about to ring the bell I ran like a cheater and held her hand. Did she even know what she was doing?

"You will love who will come out," She smirked and pressed the bell but it was like she was pressing the fear in my heart cause my heart pumped widely inside my chest.

Then suddenly the door opened and.... when I looked up my eyes locked with Julian's eyes. My eyes widened surprised. 

It was now I understood what Cami was up to!

She was trying to use me to get Into that old storeroom! I wonder what was so special about an old storeroom and she wasn't even sure if he would allow us in even if I was there.

Julian's lips curved up "The last time I saw you, you were looking kinda sick. Hope you are better?" He asked as his hands rested on the gate with his legs crossed making him look like he was advertising his house.

"Yes, I'm fine all thanks to you," I smiled.

"It was my pleasure and I would do it again, anything for you," He smiled mischievously and I felt my face blaze.

"Why are you here?" He asked when he also saw Camella and my mouth hung open as I looked for the right words to tell him

"Well..." I gazed at Cami and she nodded telling me to go on "We would like to use the old storeroom. Can you borrow us the key, we promise to return it," I said and then swallowed as I patiently waited for his answer. 

He gazed intensely at me before he went back in.

'Did he leave just like that without even replying or was that a way of saying No,' I thought feeling a little sad but in no time he came back with a bunch of keys in his hand. He removed one from the set, he took my right hand and placed it on it.

"This is yours,"

"Mine?" I asked in disbelief as I looked at the key in my hand and he smiled.

"Yes, you can go there at any time no one will ever dare to stop you," 

"Now you may go or would you love to stay here overnight?" He gave his annoying smile which made me come off my dazed state.

"Oooh of course," I said and I started heading towards Camella just when I heard his voice again...

"Jessica, next time don't ask me for something like that," He said and I just nodded without even knowing what he meant.