Chapter 26 ON AIR.


"Wake up!!"

"Wake up you need to go!!" I heard a voice and after a while, someone started tapping me...

"Ooh no!! Just leave me, I wanna rest," I turned to the left and covered my face with the blanket but the person removed the blanket from my body and opened the window making the sun hit me hard. I stood up frustrated and was about to protest but I saw my nanny showing me the digital clock and when I looked at the time, I realised that it was already 9:00 am and we were supposed to go at 9:00 am. I stood up like flash and without even greeting my nanny I headed to the bathroom. Within two minutes I was done bathing, I put on a short gown since it was easy to wear, carried my luggage and exited my house.

When I arrived at school, I went to the garage but the buses weren't there, I looked around but no one was there apart from the helpers.

My heart started pounding...just when I saw one of the helpers looking at me.

"Please have the buses gone?" I asked as I went closer to her.

"Yes, they left about an hour ago. Are you a student?" She asked

"Y_es," My finger gripped the end of my dress as I felt like tearing up.

"Ooh sorry dear but don't sweat it there is always a next time," She said as she tapped my shoulders and after a while, she left.

I gazed around the empty garage as the tears I was holding a while ago started falling. I couldn't believe I had missed this opportunity! I had missed an opportunity that I was supposed to hold like it was gold!

I got my dad's permission and everything I wanted but in the end....this was what the outcome was.

I turned back dragging my luggage along. I had already lost hope so I was heading home but before I could take my first step I heard someone's horn.

I looked back and I saw who I least expected 'Julian' and he was smiling in his car. 

With a wide smile, I approached him. This guy was truly my guardian angel!

I didn't even think twice before I rushed in, lapping my luggage.

"You made me wait. I hope you know," He spoke immediately I got in as if he was expecting me and my brows creased.

"You knew I was going to come late?" I asked.

"I had already planned to go with you separately so I have been waiting for you," He said smiling widely.


'What did he mean? Was he going to take me even if I met the bus? But if he did that rumours would have started spreading about us!.... Does this guy want me to die out of embarrassment?!

"We would soon be there," He finally spoke and my flooded mind dried up.

"But wouldn't they have left," I asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about that" He smiled and in no time I saw "Welcome to Murtala Mohammed international airport," written boldly on a billboard.

A smile lit up on my face when we came down from the car. Even though this still seemed like a dream to me I was still very happy, even though it seemed odd that I was travelling without parental guidance I was still unconcerned.

But Julian's movements were odd, I expected him to take me to the terminal but instead, he was heading to the general aviation camp. Is he sick or does he just want us to have a check-up before going there?! I thought but I was wrong as we walked past it and we were heading to the FBO.

"Julian, why are we here?" I asked him confused.

"Cause I own a private jet," He said nonchalantly as if it was something small to own like a toy.

"You what?! Ow_n a pr_ivate je_t," I stammered.

"Yes," He said proudly

"Meaning you have it I mean like you," I spouted trash cause I was in shock but he just grabbed my hands again and led the way. And when we finally reached there...

My mouth hung open when I saw a private jet in front of me. Did he own one?! He owned a private jet?! My mind almost got busted.

Then the cabin door slowly moved up inviting us to make our way in and he once again led me in. I was in awe as I entered in, I walked to the belly of the jet and what I saw was far too luxurious, they were leather seats laid out rectangularly around a table and a little cabinet was by the side of each one of them were drinks and snacks were kept uniquely. Julian walked through the Gap in the middle of the plane {the walkaway} and he went to the back of the plane with my luggage, I followed him like a little curious child, he opened the door and when I went in what I saw made me freeze. 'There was also a bedroom here!'

I walked to the left towards another door when I recovered from my dazed state and when I opened the door, I saw a bathroom.

"So, how do you like it?" He asked and my gaze went back to him. He was sitting on the bed sipping a drink.

"Beauty is an understatement for me to use to describe It," I smiled as I jumped on the bed.

"And what of me?" He asked and I gave him a confused look.

"How do you describe me?" He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

'What?! But why was he asking about that....and his look...Geez...good Lord help me

I cleared my throat "Well, you are a nice and a good looking lad," I said most politely ever but his brows knotted.

"What?! That isn't how I want you to say it. That was a boring description" He frowned.

"Then how do you mean?"

"Tell me to describe you." He demanded seductively as he bit his lower lip and I nodded my head curious to hear what he would say.

A mischievous smile made its way to his lips before he began "You are the most unique person I have ever met, you are beautiful, seductive, sexy and hot. And you have also stolen my heart," He gazed at me intently and I couldn't also help but to look back at him.

How can this god of beauty be telling me all these? And why was I feeling so good hearing It? I thought as I kept my gaze fixated on his pretty face but suddenly the plane started moving and I used it as an opportunity to change the topic.

"Are we on air?" I asked as my gaze flew away from him.

"No, but after a 3500 runaway we will,"

"What if they start before we get here?" I asked worriedly

"The program is tomorrow and doesn't worry even if we get there next week, we would still meet the program," He said confidently which made me calm down, I think I was forgetting that I am with Julian Gade. I sneaked a gaze at him and realised that he was staring at me.

There was silence in the room for what seemed like hours, so I decided to bring up a topic and the only thing I had on mind was to thank I spoke.

"I owe you a lot, you have helped me twice now, I appreciate it," I said as I gave him a genuine smile as I thought about how unfortunate I would have been without him.

"I will always be here to help you even if it is a back-breaking task," He returned my smile as he gave me that hypnotizing gaze but thankfully my running stomach diverted his attention.

"Come," He grabbed my hands again and led me back to the belly of the plane but throughout I just kept thinking of what he said, and the last words that came out of his mouth were what I couldn't just forget. Was he just joking about It?

or was he serious when he said it?

"Sit here," He led me to one of the chairs as he brought out drinks and snacks.

"I will just take this," I grabbed a packaged biscuit then all of a sudden the plane started moving.

"Are we already on air?" I asked a smile as blinding as the sun lit up on my face.

"Yes," He smiled and I stood up in haste as my gaze flew to what was outside.

"You can still see it while sitting." He spoke again but I didn't even pay attention to him. All my attention was on the beautiful view outside, I felt like I was flying, the feeling was incredibly good.

Words cant explain how happy I felt.