Chapter 27 Feels good (1)

The feeling was so incredibly good that I wished we could stay there all day but my wish was disaffirmed as the plane landed at the O.R. Tambo International Airport.

"So where will your jet go?" I asked as we left the airport.

"To the aeroplane hangar, I already made the payment."

"Don't you feel it when you spend a lot of money?" I asked atwitter because the last time I researched about my favourite celebrity I found out that she pays $4000 to store her jet at the hangar per year. So how does he do it?

"Not that much," He smiled...

"Go on," He opened the car's door and I made my way in.

I sat down in the front seat beside him as I imagined how everything will go. How will the Espectaculo be?


After a while of driving.... the car finally stopped. I couldn't see where we were since the glass was tinted and the curiosity in me was reaching its highest peach, so I jumped out of the car.

The first thing my gaze caught up with was a very large building which was

in front of me and 'Moyin,' was boldly written above the building. Were we already at Moyin?

"Yes, and we are even in the compound," he said as if he read my mind and when I looked around, I found out that what he said was true. I was standing on a concrete floor with flowers all around, a big statue that I didn't recognize was also facing me and the surrounding was so awesome and I found it hard to believe that I was in another country without parental guidance, it looked so odd but the amazing feeling of being here drove it off.

"Jessica," Someone screamed my name which diverted my gaze from the flowers and when my gaze caught up with the person, it was Camella and she was running very fast.

When she finally caught up with me she embraced me "I thought you wouldn't come. You scared me." She spoke as she rested her head on my shoulder blade.

"I'm sorry, sorry for scaring you. I overslept and you need to believe me when I say that I didn't mean it."

"And how did you get here?" She asked as we broke our closeness but before I could even respond her eyes caught up with Julian.

Her mouth formed an 'O' as she kept her gaze fixated on him.

"Here, have your luggage," Julian passed it to me ignoring her and he was about to enter the car. I looked at him as he opened the door confused.

'Where was he going? Wasn't he going to attend the espectaculo?' I thought and when I snapped out of my thoughts he was already in the car and he was about to close the door.

"Are you leaving?" I hastily asked him and he stopped in his tracks.

"Want me to stay?" He asked elfishly and I could only blink. Why was he asking!

"No," I hurried to say beside I only asked him because he was meant to be here since I heard that he is one of the organizers.

"No," He repeated what I said dissatisfied and looked disappointed which rendered me speechless for a moment, did he expect me to say 'Yes'?

"I didn't mean like I don't, what I meant to say was that you are going somewhere some wanting you to stay doesn't matter."

"So that means you do?" He kept on with his torture and my head obeyed him as I nodded. He came out of the car and he came to stand beside me...

"Good," he grabbed my hand.

"But It doesn't matter, you don't need to stay because of me," I protested but I immediately held my mouth.

'Why was I even saying all these things? And why did I tell him that I wanted him to stay? What's wrong?!' I thought but when I heard his voice again I halted my thoughts and I looked at his pretty face.

"Well, I would and beside I was going to Lodge in another hotel but since you want me to be here I guess I would just Lodge here beside, the hotel is not that bad," He said as he gazed around and my brows creased.

'Did he just call this not that bad?! When does this feel like a palace to me? Wow,' My mouth hung open as I looked at him in disbelief but I recovered quickly from my shocked state remembering that it was Julian Gade that I was talking to. 

I gazed back at Camella and I realised her gaze at my hands which Julian entwingled with his.

"Okay, if you say so but don't make people have odd thoughts about us," I said mouselowly removed my hands from his and a mischievous smile crept on his face.

"Don't worry, I won't do so until you agree," 

"I will see you later, have fun until then," He added and before I could ask him what he meant by 'until I agree,' he left. 

And all of a sudden Cami started coughing.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Why would I be? You guys almost killed me with your love show but I still wish it went on." She frowned coltishly.

"And the way you guys were talking...ooh my...even real couples wouldn't look as sweet as you both did."

" can never change. Love show indeed?!" I smirked.
