Chapter 61 Guilt.

I stared at Julian for so long giving him a very sad look as if I was about to tear up. I needed to do something for Camella. I can't just let her fail!

"What's with that look?" He asked and I puffed my cheeks. Was my boyfriend this heartless? 

"Julian so you don't feel bad in any way?"

"No. I don't,"

"Really?" I asked and this time I combined my saddened look with a cute one. A cute pitiful one.

He stared at me for a while and then he used his hands to close my eyes "Okay Jessica Wilton I feel so bad for your friend Camella. It hurts my feelings so bad. Now stop giving me that look it makes me sad," He said and a smile lit up on my face as I removed his large hand from my face.

"So you are going to help?" I asked but he shooked his head.

"Only if you promise to reward me," He smiled mischievously and I looked at him confused. What could I possibly reward him with? It was Julian Gade!