Chapter 62 Awesome.

Silent tears were rolling from her cheeks and my heart clenched at the sight of her like that. I wanted to ask her what was wrong but the words I wanted to say couldn't come out of my mouth. 

I was scared to talk; what if I asked her and she told me that she failed, what will I do? 

I swallowed hard as my gaze never left her teary face and then I brought my hands up to her shoulder.

'I need to say something! I promised myself that I would comfort her if she fails!!' It kept ringing in my head and just when I finally decided to talk a wide smile crept on her face.

I gazed at her confused. 'Wasn't she sad? Didn't she fail? So why was she smiling?! Or could it be that she was trying to use that smile to tell me that she was fine?!' All these thoughts rang in my head. I was very confused because the smile on her face looked genuine.