Chapter 118 Good and Frustrating.

I hugged him for a while but after a long while of just being in his embrace, I eventually pulled away since I knew that if I stayed longer there, I might never want to leave.

I knew that being in his embrace might want me to never want to let go!

He flashed a wide smile at me and after gazing at me for a long while, he finally began to move towards his car and I followed him.

I walked with him to his car and I watched him drive off but during those times I held myself back from jumping into his car and begging him to drive off with me Or crashing into his embrace and never wanting to let go.

I didn't know all that all these new feelings of never wanting to leave his sight were about, all I knew was that it felt good and frustrating at the same time.

Heaving a sigh, I walked back into my house and then I went to my room.