Chapter 119 Mischievous Cami back!

"Don't you get it, the thing is that I kissed him and now I will have to see him every single day since they just relocated not too far from my house." She said and I chuckled.

The Camella I knew never cares about giving a kiss out so what? Why was she behaving so dramatic about it and why could I see different emotions in her?

'Does she have something for John?' I soliloquized and the thought of it made me smile inwardly since If what I was thinking was truly true then I would be the happiest in the world.

Knowing that I would finally have someone to tease her with was one of the reasons why I was happy since she would know how frustrating she behaves while the other was that I also wanted her to experience how being in a true relationship felt, I wanted to see that smile which I have when my guy was around also on her face.

Clearing my throat, I returned my gaze to her.