Chapter 120 Tit for tat.

I was so much lost in thoughts that I didn't realise I had been smiling all those while until Camella pointed it out.

No one could blame that smile for creeping on my face since the thought of John and Camella in a relationship was so cute.

I didn't know why she didn't like the idea but for me, I found them cute together.

To me, John was a perfect guy: he was complete and the best thing was that he wasn't a flirt like all other guys. He was intelligent, diligent, quiet and many other girls' dreams. How could Cami not fall for a guy like him?!

She was stone-hearted!Gazing at her, I was about to utter a word but remembering her threat I shut my mouth closed.

I didn't want this girl over here to start saying naughty things about my relationship so I knew I needed to seal my mouth no matter how badly I wanted to talk about John.