There Were Different Opinions

"Who did you bet on this time, Mobley? Can you share it with us?"

The 008 Gambling Ring had become the gathering point for fans of the competition.

The crowd discussed the competition intensely, but among the many people, Mobley shined the brightest. His previous analysis was very accurate, and he had also made money from his bets.

A large group of people surrounded Mobley at that moment.

"It's hard to say anything about the team Player Kill competition." Mobley poked his chin with his finger, his eyes twinkling as he looked at the surrounding gamblers.

"What's wrong? Why are you hiding information from us?"

"Oh, I understand. If you bring us a fortune, we'll use the money to treat you to a meal. How about that?"

"Just one meal?!"

"We could also help you get a present for your wife so that she will love you more. What do you think?"

The crowd started to jeer at that moment.